

この継続的で魅力的なソーシャル クラブ クラスでは、お子様は安全なプライベート サーバーで MM2 をプレイし、サポート環境の中でゲームをすることで、創造的思考、問題解決、デジタル シティズンシップ、コミュニケーション スキルを高めます。
Meaghen Owen


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 55 分


In this flexible and interactive online social club class, students will play MM2 on Roblox the entire time. 

The class is designed for learners to join or pause without missing content, as each session stands alone, allowing for a pace tailored to the students' needs and preferences.

As a facilitator, I will guide the class to ensure participation, adherence to rules, and a supportive environment for creative expression, with learners interacting through both the game and Zoom. I will also share my gameplay screen to provide modeling and in game support as needed.

Class Rules:
1. Only use school appropriate language and behaviors
2. All players must be respectful to peers and the teacher
3. Learners must remain in Royale High during the class
4. Learners may not share PII (Personal Identifying Information)
     a. Examples of things OK to share: first name, the state they live in, favorite games
     b. Examples of things NOT OK to share: address, roblox password, phone number
5. Learners will adhere to all Outschool and Roblox Community Standards (Link will be
    provided below)
Roblox Community Standards: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203313410-Roblox-Community-Standards

If a learner breaks class rules multiple times within the same session:
*1st instance- Learner is gently reminded of our rules and procedures
*2nd instance- Learner is pulled into a breakout room to discuss the behavior in greater
                           detail and parent is notified
*3rd instance- If the previous two attempts by the teacher to mitigate the behavior is
                          unsuccessful, the student will be placed in a waiting room for the
                          remainder of class and parents notified.

This is to ensure all students are guaranteed a fun, engaging learning experience and every learner receives ample opportunities and guidance to practice skills needed to be successful in online classes.
Our goal is to enhance learners problem solving, digital citizenship, communication, and collaborative skills while using critical thinking to solve the mystery.


Students with unique learning needs are welcome! Extra time and support will be provided to ensure these learners have the best experience as possible.
A free Roblox account and gamer tag (username) will be required for the class. Please share this with the teacher through a private message rather than in the classroom comments. This class will take place on a private server while playing the game Murder Mystery 2. Students will need to private message the teacher with their Roblox username so they can access the private server when the class begins. In the game, students will be given the role of "innocent" "murderer" or "sheriff" and be tasked to hide, attack players, or identify the murderer while defending other players. Although this is considered a mystery game, learners will be exposed to mild gaming violence (such as shooting or throwing knives at other players). It's recommended students try the game with a parent or guardian first to make sure they are comfortable playing.
Students will need a free account on Roblox and will need to know their Roblox username.
参加しました June, 2020
学士号 University of Mississippiから 教育 へ
I have several years experience as an online teacher, and currently am a second grade teacher in an elementary school. I began playing Roblox games about two years ago when my own personal children wanted to try them. I have had first hand experience as a player and an instructor, and know how important it is to have a safe, welcoming environment where students of all ability and experience levels can play the games they love. I also understand the importance of teaching digital citizenship while playing to ensure students practice how to be responsible and respectful online.




55 分

4 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-11
クラス人数: 3 人-11 人

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