
Minecraft をプレイしよう: キャシーのアップグレードされた町! (Bedrock エディション)

Cassie - MC Teacher
新しくアップグレードされた Minecraft の世界、Cassie,s Town で一緒に遊びましょう! 迷路、パルクール、ジェットコースター、水泳、建築、サバイバルなど、さまざまなアクティビティを楽しめます! 好きなゲーム モードでプレイできます!


  • This class is for fun and socializing but can also help improve students' communication and Minecraft skills.
I've been playing Minecraft for over 10 years.  I know many commands that will become useful in case of situations that happen.
Required: Share with me the student's game tag, so I have it for class.
*In needing to invite students to my world, I have to friend them first, then I can send the invite.  That is not an issue.  I just want to give you a heads up.

- I need every student's game tag for Minecraft.  
- If no one joins the class within 10 minutes, the class is automatically canceled for that week.
- At 5 minutes into class, all students will keep their microphones on, cameras off, zoom minimized, and play on Minecraft.

Please be sure to go over the rules with your child(ren).

Rules (may be updated throughout time):
- Each student gets 3 chances.  Once 3 streaks are hit, that student is kicked out of that meeting and withdrawn from the course without a refund.  If they are in any of my other classes during that time, they will be removed from those as well.  This is a must as I cannot enforce behavior that upsets other students, or no one would have fun.

- If a student received a strike or multiple strikes, the guardian will be notified, and whether they respond will NOT change the strike the student has.  The student's action is what got them the strike.  Please keep in mind that when I give a strike, it is because they did something intentionally, to be funny but wasn't, or broke a rule.  I do often just give a warning instead of a strike if I feel something they did wasn't that bad as in it didn't harm anyone or affect anyone else.  So if a strike is given, it was given for a good reason.

Harm a player = 1 strike
Prank someone/trick/trap in a harmful or inconsiderate way = 1 strike
Hurt their animal = 1 strike
Harm any animal = 1 strike
Act inappropriate = 1 strike (depending on how inappropriate, more strikes may be applied)
Break someone's things = 1 strike (depending on the damage done, more strikes may be applied)
Steal things = 1 strike
Disrespectful/rude = 1 strike (depends)
Animal cruelty = Removed from the class (will not be tolerated)
Kill a player or their animal intentionally = Removed from the class (will not be tolerated)

Hide and Seek Rules (may be updated throughout time):

Invisibility without armor = 1 strike
Invisibility with only 1 piece of armor = 1 strike
Break things intentionally = 1 strike
Build/add things, items, animals = 1 strike 
Move after the seeker finished counting = No strike, but they miss out that current round. A strike may be given if it occurs regularly.
Cheat = 1 strike (depends)
Kill an animal = 1 strike

If a student has a strike or under 3 strikes, the strikes will be removed in 5 weeks so as long as they don't gain another one, then that 5 week timer will restart.

In the game (everything has been UPGRADED): 
There are a total of 14 houses in the game, including mine.  Students may choose a house if they'd like, or they may build their own.  If they select one of the houses, they can put their name on the sign in front of their house, or I will so we know whose house is whose.  

If any student who has one of the houses ends up withdrawing from the class, they have one month to join back or they may risk their house being removed.

This has been put into place as there are always new students joining while other students are leaving.  However, houses are not removed unless absolutely needed.  If all the houses in the town are taken, then houses will be removed as needed from students that have been gone for over a month.  If all the houses aren't taken, and the student has been gone for more than a month, their house will NOT be removed unless ALL houses are taken.  It's rare for a student's house to be removed, but in popular time sections, it's had to happen quite a bit now.  So, please be aware of this as once the house is gone, I cannot bring it back.  

This somewhat falls under the same for things that students build.  If they've been gone for more than roughly five months and space is needed for students to build, their build will be removed after five months.  This is very very very rare, extremely rare, but is a higher chance in popular sections filled with students that are huge builders.

                                               **Communication is the key!**
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved or associated with Mojang.
参加しました August, 2021
学士号 Fayetteville State Universityから 英語 へ
💙 Don't see a time that works for you?  Feel free to request a time!  I'll try to comply.

💚 I give a discount for siblings, please ask for one.

💜 I allow one refund per month for each child.

💛 I always encourage and strive for suggestions!





45 分

34 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 5-10
クラス人数: 1 人-5 人

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