
マエストラ マディと一緒にスペイン語を楽しく学びましょう! (初心者向けスペイン語 - 週 1 回)

クーポン コード MADDIENEW1111 を使用すると、最初の週のクラスが 50% オフになります - この毎週継続中のクラスでは、スペイン語初心者が魅力的なプレゼンテーション、繰り返し、実践的なアクティビティ、ゲーム、質疑応答、歌、アートなどを通じて、スペイン語を楽しく学習できます。各クラスでは新しいトピックが紹介されます。
Teacher Maddie


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 40 分


Let's Learn Spanish and Have Fun With Maestra Maddie! (Spanish for Beginners) is an ongoing class that includes learning Spanish through engaging presentations, repetition, hands-on activities, playing games, question and answer, songs, art, and more! This class is designed for students with little to no experience with the Spanish language. Each week will have a different theme for the vocabulary to be discussed.  Students will also learn how to ask and answer questions regarding the themes using complete sentences. I will provide printables and resources for each class.  

Each lesson will begin with greetings, introductions, and then dive into the vocabulary theme of the week.

Weekly theme schedule:
     • Week 1: Greetings
     • Week 2: Introductions 
     • Week 3: Colors 1 (red, blue, green, yellow, black, white)
     • Week 4: Colors 2 (orange, pink, purple, gray, brown)
     • Week 5: Pets, Numbers 1-5
     • Week 7: Farm animals, Numbers 6-10
     • Week 6: Feelings 1 (happy, sad, angry, ok)
     • Week 7: Feelings 2 (scared, excited, nervous, sick)
     • Week 8: Where you're from and where you live
     • Week 9: Months, Weather (hot, cold, raining, snowing)
     • Week 10: Days of Week, Weather (good weather, poor weather, cloudy, sunny)
     • Week 11: Birthday, Say how old you are
     • Week 12: Describe yourself (adjectives)
     • Week 13: Family 1 (mom, dad, brother, sister, tall, short)
     • Week 14: Family 2 (grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousins, old, young)
     • Week 15: Body parts 1 
     • Week 16: Body parts 2 
     • Week 17: Animales del mar (sea animals)
     • Week 18: Animales de la jungla (jungle animals)
     • Week 19: Deportes (sports)
     • Week 20: Actividades (activities)
     • Week 21: Los útiles escolares (school supplies)
     • Week 22: Los medios de transporte (types of transportation)
     • Week 23: La playa (the beach)
     • Week 24: Las profesiones (professions)
     • Week 25: Las frutas (fruits)
     • Week 26: Las verduras (vegetables)
     • Week 27: En la ciudad (in the city)
     • Week 28: En la casa (at home)
     • Week 29: ¿Qué desayunas? (what do you have for breakfast?)
     • Week 30: ¿Qué almuerzas? (what do you have for lunch?)
     • Week 31: ¿Qué cenas? (what do you have for dinner?)
     • Week 32: En mi casa (helping out around the house)
     • Week 33: En mi cuarto (items in my room)
     • Week 34: Un día de escuela (places at school)
     • Week 35: La ropa (warmer weather)
     • Week 36: La ropa (colder weather)
     • Week 37: El pelo y los ojos (describing hair and eyes)
     • Week 38: Una fiesta (a party)
     • Week 39: Los números grandes (counting by 10s, 10-100)
     • Week 40: Ir de vacaciones (going on vacation)

***Curriculum of each class/unit subject to change at teacher discretion or per the needs/interests of the students in the class
***Not an immersion class
***As this is an ongoing course, the content of these classes should be accessible to new learners who join in any given week. Each week, students will learn a targeted aspect of the language. Join or leave the course at any time, since each class is a lesson in itself.


• For students to learn Spanish in a fun, interactive way
• To introduce students to basic Spanish vocabulary and easy, simple sentences
• To help encourage students to be interested in learning Spanish


1. Students should know how to use Zoom including muting/unmuting, and accessing the chat (to send the teacher a message and/or respond to a message from the teacher). If a student is not comfortable doing these things, a parent/guardian should be nearby to assist them if needed. 2. Students should feel comfortable clicking a link given in the chat to access an external resource (such as a google slides activity or quizlet vocabulary game). If a student is not comfortable doing these things, a parent/guardian should be nearby to assist them if needed. 3. We will often be playing an interactive game or doing an interactive activity to review and practice the content of lesson. Whenever we do this, I will post a direct link to the game/activity in the Zoom chat. Students will need to be able to click the link provided, which will open up the game/activity in an internet browser's tab. Students will need to feel comfortable navigating back and forth as needed between the game/activity and Zoom. Or students can access the game/activity via a 2nd electronic device, like a tablet or phone. They will go to their internet app and type in the link to join in their internet browser's web address area. A parent/guardian might be needed to assist with this. 4. At Outschool we care deeply about our learners’ safety and privacy. In this class, we will occasionally use Third Party Tools to enhance student learning. As an educator on Outschool, I strive to meet all requirements of COPPA when it comes to external teaching tools that may be used with learners under 13 years old. Please review external resources that will be used in this course - all resources are approved by Outschool and/or have been self-vetted and do not require students to create accounts or give out personal information (like an email address). Please feel free to message me about any of the external resources we might use in this class. ***I do not share class recordings out of an effort to be cautious and to protect students and their privacy.
• Class handout (when available) 
• Pen/Pencil
• Device with a working camera and microphone
• Suggested: a folder/binder to keep all handouts organized
• Optional: headphones
• Device that can access google slides and google docs. Please download these apps if using a tablet or Ipad.
• Occasionally will need: Scissors/glue, markers/colored pencils/crayons (student choice)
参加しました November, 2020
ミズーリ州 教員免許 外国語で
修士号 University of Missouri-St. Louisから 教育 へ
学士号 University of Missouri-St. Louisから 教育 へ
¡Hola! I'm Maddie, a certified Spanish teacher, with certification to teach Spanish K-12. I have both a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in Education. I have over 11 years of experience teaching in the traditional classroom, and over 3 years of experience teaching online.




40 分

352 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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