
探検しよう: 地質学のすべて (11 ~ 14 歳)

このインタラクティブな科学プログラムでは、地質学について学びます。授業には、STEM 実験を含むさまざまなアクティビティが含まれます。
Orchard Academy


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 35 分


Do you love Science? In this Ongoing Class, learners will explore a range of Science subjects in a fun and interactive way. This course aims to provide meaningful learning experiences for young explorers.

Each class will include a range of teaching methods and activities that are designed to engage the learners in both a hands-on and minds-on way. Classes will include experiments, Q&A, quizzes, games, worksheets, videos and much more. Some classes will include breakout rooms.  Learners will be encouraged to observe, explore, question and share what they learn. A variety of methods are used to support learners and cater for different learning styles and needs. 

What is taught in this course? 

Week of 1/4/24 - Introduction to Geology - study of Earth's structure, composition, and processes
Week of 8/4/24 - Introduction to Geology - basic geological concepts, such as rocks, minerals, and the rock cycle
Week of 15/4/24 - Introduction to Geology - Rock and mineral identification activity: hands-on exploration of different rock and mineral specimens
Week of 22/4/24 - Plate Tectonics - plate tectonics theory, continental drift, and seafloor spreading
Week of 29/4/24 - Plate Tectonics - plate boundaries, earthquakes, and volcanic activity
Week of 6/5/24 - Plate Tectonics - Plate tectonics model-making activity: constructing models to demonstrate plate movements
Week of 13/5/24 - Rock Types and Formation - different types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) and their formation processes
Week of 20/5/24 - Rock Types and Formation - sedimentary rock layers and fossilization
Week of 27/5/24 - Rock Types and Formation - Sedimentary rock formation experiment: simulating sediment deposition and lithification
Week of 3/6/24 - Earth's Structure and Landforms - Earth's internal structure, including the crust, mantle, and core
Week of 10/6/24 - Earth's Structure and Landforms - landforms, including mountains, valleys, plateaus, and plains
Week of 17/6/24 - Earth's Structure and Landforms - Topographic map reading activity: interpreting landforms and elevation changes on maps
Week of 24/6/24 - Geological Time and Dating Methods - geological time scales and methods of dating rocks and fossils
Week of 1/7/24 - Geological Time and Dating Methods - relative dating techniques, such as stratigraphy and fossil succession
Week of 8/7/24 - Geological Time and Dating Methods - Fossil dating and excavation activity: determining the relative ages of fossil specimens
Week of 15/7/24 - Weathering and Erosion - weathering processes (physical, chemical, and biological) and their effects on rocks and landscapes 
Week of 22/7/24 - Weathering and Erosion - erosion agents, including water, wind, ice, and gravity 
Week of 29/7/24 - Weathering and Erosion - Erosion experiment: simulating erosion processes and observing their effects on different materials
Week of 5/8/24 - Glaciers and Glacial Landforms - glaciers, glacial movement, and erosion features
Week of 12/8/24 - Glaciers and Glacial Landforms - glacial landforms, such as moraines, drumlins, and fjords
Week of 19/8/24 - Glaciers and Glacial Landforms - Glacial erosion model-making activity: constructing models to simulate glacial erosion processes
Week of 26/8/24 - Coastal Processes and Landforms - coastal erosion, deposition, and landforms
Week of 2/9/24 - Coastal Processes and Landforms - coastal features, including beaches, cliffs, spits, and sea stacks
Week of 9/9/24 - Coastal Processes and Landforms - Coastal erosion field trip or virtual tour to observe coastal processes in action
Week of 16/9/24 - Volcanoes and Volcanic Landforms - volcanic processes, types of volcanoes, and volcanic hazards
Week of 23/9/24 - Volcanoes and Volcanic Landforms - volcanic landforms, such as lava flows, calderas, and volcanic cones
Week of 30/9/24 - Volcanoes and Volcanic Landforms - Volcano eruption simulation activity: modeling volcanic eruptions and their effects
Week of 7/10/24 - Geological Hazards and Resources - geological hazards, such as earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis
Week of 14/10/24 - Geological Hazards and Resources - Earth's geological resources, including minerals, fossil fuels, and groundwater
Week of 21/10/24 - Geological Hazards and Resources - Group project: researching a geological hazard or resource and presenting findings to the class

We look forward to being part of your learning journey!


参加しました December, 2021
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
Teacher Ashleigh B.A. (Hons) B.A. DEd TEFL
米国以外 教員免許 外国語で
Teacher Ashleigh B.A. (Hons) B.A. DEd TEFL
米国以外 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
Teacher Glen TEFL
学士号 University of South Africaから 保健サービス/関連保健/健康科学 へ
Teacher Ashleigh B.A. (Hons) B.A. DEd TEFL
学士号 University of South Africaから 心理学 へ
Teacher Ashleigh B.A. (Hons) B.A. DEd TEFL
学士号 University of Westminsterから 英語言語と文学 へ
Teacher Dory BA TEFL
学士号 Messiah Universityから 教育 へ
Teacher Deborah BS CertECEd TEFL TESOL
学士号 Florida International Universityから 初等教育 へ
Teacher Rielly BS & TEFL
We are a team of qualified and experienced teachers with a wealth of experience across a range of ages and subjects. This course will be taught by qualified and experienced Science teachers. Most of our teachers are also TEFL/TESL qualified. You can find out more about each teacher in our profile. We are all passionate about teaching and learning and seeing our learners succeed. We look forward to meeting you in class soon.




35 分

年齢: 11-14
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人

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