
議論しましょう: 進行中の上級コース

このディベート クラブでは、学習者はさまざまなトピックについて自分の考えを共有します。学習者は批判的思考、組織化、コミュニケーション スキルを養います。ESL 対応。
Let's Go Learning


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 35 分


In this debating club, learners will share their ideas on a variety of topics. Learners will develop their critical thinking, organisation and communication skills. ESL friendly.

Being a successful debater requires children to draw on their own experiences of life, their beliefs and their own understanding of the world. Bringing this together in planning, writing and speaking gives them an opportunity to express their opinions. It reinforces the child’s confidence and promotes personal development. Children learn to perceive people, their behaviour and their reaction to what is being said.

Each week will follow a different theme and the class will work to help learners develop their ideas, organise them and deliver an effective speech. Each class will also cover an important aspect of public speaking, such as making eye contact or supporting your ideas with evidence.

Week of 19/8/24 - Is space exploration worth the cost?
Week of 26/8/24 - Should schools teach coding as a mandatory subject?
Week of 2/9/24 - Is it better to learn a second language from a young age?
Week of 9/9/24 - Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
Week of 16/9/24 - Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research?
Week of 23/9/24 - Should there be stricter laws against littering?
Week of 30/9/24 - Should Children Be Allowed to Participate in Extreme Sports?
Week of 7/10/24 - Should College Education Be Free for All?
Week of 14/10/24 - Privacy in the Digital Age - Online Privacy Challenges
Week of 21/10/24 - Art and Creativity - Equality with STEM?
Week of 28/10/24 - Animal Rights - Human Responsibility to Animals
Week of 4/11/24 - Is Homework Beneficial for Students?
Week of 11/11/24 - Is It Fair for Children to Receive an Allowance for Doing Household Chores?
Week of 18/11/24 - Student Bullies Should Be Expelled
Week of 25/11/24 - Should Students Be Allowed to Grade Their Teachers?
Week of 2/12/24 - Should Junk Food Be Banned in Schools?
Week of 9/12/24 - Is Technology Making Us Smarter or Dumber?
Week of 16/12/24 - Should Voting Be Compulsory?

Further classes will be added.

Come to class prepared with your notebook and pens and ready to share your ideas!

We look forward to being part of your learning journey!


Please can learners bring a notebook, and a pen or pencil to each debate with them.
参加しました August, 2020
オレゴン 教員免許 初等教育で
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
米国以外 教員免許 中等教育で
Teacher Fabien - OCT BPHED BED
博士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
修士号 Erasmus University of Rotterdamから
Teacher Shellan BA MA TESOL
学士号 Benemerita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de San Luis Potosiから 教育 へ
Teacher Francisco Flores BA BA TEFL
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 化学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
学士号 Cardiff University から
Teacher Sapphire, BSc Econ CELTA
学士号 Rhodes Universityから 科学 へ
Teacher Ellen, BSc., TEFL.
学士号 Oregon State Universityから 科学 へ
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
学士号 Oregon State Universityから 歴史 へ
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
学士号 Western Kentucky Universityから 初等教育 へ
Teacher Kara BEEd TEFL TESOL
学士号 Millersville Universityから
Teacher Kayla BA TEFL
学士号 University of California, Davisから
Teacher Shellan BA MA TESOL
学士号 Mississippi State Universityから 心理学 へ
Teacher Emma MEd TEFL
学士号 University of Waterlooから 英語 へ
Teacher Stacy BA TESOL
学士号 University of Central Floridaから
Teacher Kassie BS TEFL TESOL
We are a team of qualified and experienced teachers with a wealth of experience across a range of ages and subjects. Most of our teachers are also TEFL/TESL qualified. You can find out more about each teacher in our profile. We are all passionate about teaching and learning and seeing our learners succeed. We look forward to meeting you in class soon.




35 分

12 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-12
クラス人数: 1 人-5 人

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