for 5 classes含まれるもの
5 ライブミーティング
9 時間 35 分 授業時間テスト
We will not have a graded assessment but the final day is for students to put what they have learned into practice. I will provide feed back to point out what they are doing well and give some points to practice more as needed.評価
In this class students will have the opportunity to learn key skills related to Roleplaying and being a Dungeon Master. Such as Being the rules keeper, Roleplaying the Non-player characters, Creating fun encounters, coming up with adventures and how to get your players to follow those story's with out needing to railroad them. By the end of this class every learner will have a short adventure/ story that they could run other players through as well as have the skill to continue expanding or making more Adventures/ story's The first class will be focused on how to be a Dungeon Master in general. We will go over rules and how to make rulings. When it is ok to make a judgment vs looking up the specific rule. The 2nd day will be how to come up with and create fun adventures/ story's for your players and how to help them be interested in those story's so that they choose to follow your story rather then you having to force them to follow them. The 3rd day will be focused on how to set up encounters that are fun and challenging with out being overly complicated or to easy that they are not fun. Finding that balance can be hard so we will set up encounters and do some practice combat to see how they play. Day 4 is open for student guided instruction. We will focused on what ever aspects the students would like more practice on and dive deeper into those topics as needed. The final day will give the students the opportunity to test run there own short adventure/ story. They will be the DM while I give them some opposition to let them apply what we have learned. The other students will be players for these test runs and will be given specific tasks to do such as come up with an action that is not in the rules or ask a questions on how a spell works to help the DM practice there role.
Students will end this class with the basic ability to run a Dungeons and Dragons game as the DM. I say basic because many of the skills needed to be a Great DM take more time to master then one week. But every student will learn how to be a DM for both running a game and creating there own worlds and adventures.
Specific skills learned will be.
- Roleplaying Non-player character's.
- Answering questions and knowing when to coming up with rulings on the spot vs looking up the rules.
- Creating encounters
- Being able to set up adventures/ story's and getting to players to follow them.
- Know the basic rules for in combat and adventuring.
Along with the having practiced these skills to be more comfortable using them with your players.
I or other students may come up with story's that involve kidnaping of a princes, killing of monsters or bad guys or other fantasy adventure tropes but I will not allow these topics to get graphic. I will also not allow any sexual content. All story's will be for all audience's and if any topic is brought up that is not acceptable I will put a stop to it.
If a student has any requests of topics they would rather not have brought up please let me know before class and I would be happy to accommodate that. Also if a student ever feels uncomfortable I ask that they let me know so that we can address that and help everyone have a good time.
No supplies are required but having a set of D&D dice (these contain 8 dice the lowest being a 4 sided and the largest is a 20 sided dice.) can make it more fun. You can find free dice roller apps or you can purchase dice from a local game store for $5 to $20. You can also find them online. The Dungeon and Dragons 5th edition books are not required but will be needed to run a Dungeon and Dragons game and can be helpful for reference when looking up rules.
Copies of the Dungeon and Dragons 5th edition books are recommended but not needed for this class. These books will be needed if a student would like to run there own Dungeon and Dragons game. The Dungeon Master's Guide and the Players Handbook have all of the rules needed to run a D&D game and the Monster Manual is useful because it has the premade monsters for your players to fight.
Some websites I recommend.
https://www.dndbeyond.com is the official D&D website that lets you make characters and you can also buy the digital copies of all the books.
https://www.dungeonfog.com is a map making website that lets you make dungeons and other encounter maps.
https://roll20.net is a Virtual Table Top that lets the DM and Players all play online together. It lets you roll dice, use your maps to set up encounters that everyone can see there tokens and the monsters for combat. This is a great website if everyone can not get together to play at a table. I will be screen sharing this site to show players how to set up encounters.
他のクラス by Tyler Hathaway
他のクラス by Tyler Hathaway
ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ アドベンチャー ロールプレイング ゲーム: 世界の背骨
Creative Courses LLC
$27 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sun 4/27 の7 PM です
9 週間、 1/週、 1.50 時間
12 歳-16 歳
トロール、テキスト、そして宝物: 沼の魔女 (読者向けロールプレイング ゲーム)
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の6 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
7 歳-12 歳
トロール、テキスト、そして宝物: ドラゴンの卵 (読者向けロールプレイング ゲーム)
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の6 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
9 歳-14 歳
スリル満点のダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ ロールプレイング ゲーム「海賊の冒険」に乗り出そう!
Creative Courses LLC
$28 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/24 の3 PM です
1/週、 1.50 時間
9 歳-14 歳
ワイルドシー ロールプレイング ゲーム: 失われた地平線
Guild of Imagination - DnD | VR
$30 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の4 PM です
1/週、 1.50 時間
14 歳-18 歳
Astrid Turner
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の10:30 PM です
6 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
12 歳-17 歳
アバターレジェンド ロールプレイングゲーム RPG エアベンダー
Jill Henriksen (She/ Her) DM GM
$20 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 9 PM です
1/週、 1 時間
7 歳-12 歳
英雄の旅 #1: ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ ロールプレイング ゲーム (RPG) を学ぶ
Joseph Constantine
$18 クラスごと
6 週間、 1/週、 55 分
10 歳-15 歳
素晴らしい旅: 実行機能を豊かにするために設計されたロールプレイング ゲーム
Laura Paxton, M.A., Ed.S
$24 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 3/18 の1 AM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1.83 時間
12 歳-16 歳
子供向けダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズアドベンチャー | ロールプレイングゲーム: フェイワイルドを探索
Creative Courses LLC
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Fri 4/4 の9 PM です
9 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
9 歳-14 歳
ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ 5e 初心者向けロールプレイング テーブルトップ ロールプレイング ゲーム クラス
Buehler Dragon Gaming By Skye Buehler
$22 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 7 PM です
1/週、 55 分
8 歳-13 歳
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Saturday の8 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
9 歳-14 歳
D&D ポケモン!? 全部捕まえようカスタム ロール プレイング ゲーム
Sean Troy
$33 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の4:30 PM です
1/週、 1.50 時間
8 歳-12 歳
ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ DND D&D RPG 5E ロールプレイングゲーム キャンペーン (初心者/中級者)
Dragon Academy by Trammell Classes, DnD,Coding,RPG
$30 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 1 AM です
1/週、 1.42 時間
10 歳-15 歳
ミュータント: イヤーゼロ RPG - 終末のロールプレイ
Mikael Hellstrom, Ph.D.
$19 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 11:30 PM です
1/週、 2 時間
12 歳-17 歳
トロール、テキスト、そして宝物:深海(読者向けロールプレイング ゲーム)
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
8 歳-13 歳