

Kim Purcell MFA
この 2 時間のワークショップでは、生徒たちは、Trafficked や This Is Not a Love Letter の著者であり、高く評価されているヤングアダルト小説家 Kim Purcell と一緒に小説の構想を練ります。生徒たちは、夏の間に小説を完成させることができるように、しっかりした計画を立てます。


米国の学年 6 - 9
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
Students will learn:

Character design for a gripping plot (Hint: the characters must be differentiated.)
World-building for plot development (Setting can add a lot of danger and complications.)
How to write an elevator pitch (If you nail this, the writing of the book is way easier.)
A Four Act Plot Structure (Many bestselling books are plotted with this structure.)
The Snowflake Method of Plotting (Millions have used this method and had great success with it.)
I have over twenty years of experience teaching novel writing to teens and I'm a novelist with two acclaimed young adult novels published by Penguin and Disney-Hyperion. They both made top national lists, including Columbia's Bank Street Books and NPR's Top Books, as well as many state lists. 

As a novelist, I've done school visits in high schools across the country. I was also the curriculum director of the famous nonprofit, WriteGirl LA, helping to design their multi-sensory way of teaching writing to teens, and I run a popular writing program in the Los Angeles Unified School District. 

My goal is to help my students feel more joyful through the writing, to recognize the power of their unique voice and to build their creative confidence.
My classes are inclusive and I have experience teaching all types of learners and I design the class for unique learning needs such as ADHD, Dyslexia, ASD, and ESL. They don't need to leave on a video and they don't need to share. 
Beginners to advanced students can take this workshop. 
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
I will give you a brainstorming PDF before you start the workshop to help you plan your characters and your world.
This class will have no inappropriate content. Students will use their own ideas to plot their books. 

I will use some examples from popular YA novels to help them plot their stories. 

I will also be using slides in Canva to add visuals to the experience. 
I will use appropriate examples from teen novels. 
An excerpt from The Wonderstorming Workbook for Teens (This is a brainstorming guide I wrote to help teens in my classes.)
I love helping my students improve their writing and seeing their confidence grow. 

My classes are fun and inclusive. I have over twenty years of experience teaching in a multi-sensory and interactive way: English, literature, fiction,... 


90 分

26 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 11-16
クラス人数: 4 人-12 人

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