



7 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 10 歳-14 歳
(89 レビュー)

1 人-2 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
30 分


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分


In this ongoing private knitting class for beginners, kids will learn the basics of knitting such as how to make a slip knot, how to cast stitches onto their knitting needles, how to make different knit stitches such as the garter stitch and stockinette stitch, plus more!
Here are some guidelines of what I plan to teach each week, this list as well as the supplies list for projects will be updated as the class goes on so you know what to expect:

- Week 1 <Topic 1: Slip Knot, Cast On and Garter Stitch>
-Supplies Needed: A pair of knitting needles (US size 8) (5mm), a skein of size 4 worsted weight acrylic yarn in any color (Note: For beginners, lighter colored yarn is easier to see the stitches), scissors and a yarn needle (also known as a tapestry or darning needle).
- During week 1, I will teach your child some beginning knitting skills such as how to make a slip knot, how to cast stitches onto knitting needles, and how to knit rows to create a garter stitch. We will do this by creating practice swatches. Making swatches is a great way to learn and get the hang of each stitch before starting any projects! Please make sure to keep the practice swatches on the knitting needles as we will need them for the next week.

- Week 2 <Topic 2: Stockinette Stitch, Cast off>
-Supplies Needed: A pair of knitting needles (US size 8) (5mm), a skein of size 4 worsted weight acrylic yarn in any color (Note: For beginners, lighter colored yarn is easier to see the stitches), scissors and a yarn needle (also known as a tapestry or darning needle).
-Make sure you keep your swatches from the week before! For week 2, not only will your child will learn how to purl a row of stitches, but that when they switch between knitting one row and purling the next, they get a stockinette stitch. After practicing the stockinette stitch, I will teach your child how to cast off their stitches (how to finish their projects), and they will have their first finished practice swatch!

- Week 3 <Topic 3: Starting A Project Using Skills Learned>
-Supply list for project 1 (Monster Stuffed Animal) (See thumbnail): A pair of knitting needles (US size 8) (5mm), a skein of size 4 worsted weight acrylic yarn in any color (Note: For beginners, lighter colored yarn is easier to see the stitches), scissors, yarn needle (also known as a tapestry or darning needle), a row counter (This is used to count the rows of your project. Some paper and a pencil can be used to keep tracked of rows as an alternative), stuffing (cotton balls also work as an alternative), fabric glue or any kind of glue that can stick fabric together (I used Aleene's Original Tacky Glue for this project), squares of felt in desired colors for details.
-During week 3, we'll take everything we've learned from the weeks prior to start our very first project! This project will be a super fun monster stuffed animal (See thumbnail) which your child can customize at the end with felt pieces and fabric glue! I'll guide your child as we switch from garter stitch, to stockinette stitch, and back to garter stitch to make the body of the stuffed animal. 

- Week 4 <Topic 3: Finishing Project Using Skills Learned Plus New Skills Such As Stuffing And Sewing>
-Supply list for project 1 (Monster Stuffed Animal) (See thumbnail): A pair of knitting needles (US size 8) (5mm), a skein of size 4 worsted weight acrylic yarn in any color (Note: For beginners, lighter colored yarn is easier to see the stitches), scissors, yarn needle (also known as a tapestry or darning needle), a row counter (This is used to count the rows of your project. Some paper and a pencil can be used to keep tracked of rows as an alternative), stuffing (cotton balls also work as an alternative), fabric glue or any kind of glue that can stick fabric together (I used Aleene's Original Tacky Glue for this project), squares of felt in desired colors for details.
-For week 4, I'll teach your child how to finish up their project by possibly finishing up the body of the stuffed animal if it wasn't already finished in the previous week, and how to stuff and sew the project together using stuffing and a yarn needle (also known as a darning or tapestry needle). Once that step is complete, they are free to use their creativity to customize their monster however they like by cutting out fabric pieces and gluing them on with fabric glue!

The beauty of this private ongoing class is that although I have set this list of teaching into specific weeks, they are still just guidelines and can easily be modified to the pace of your child, meaning, if there are certain things we might not have time to go over in one week, they can easily be taught the next week. They are also more than welcome practice certain stitches a week or two more before starting a project if they like, or to even learn a little more during one week if time allows!

My goal when teaching is to always keep it fun and encouraging! I believe confidence and positive energy is a great way to make any child a great crafter!

**Note to the parents: Knitting can is a craft that requires a lot of hand and finger dexterity as well as a long attention span. I know each child works at a different pace, has a different attention span and their own level of dexterity. Because I don't know your child, their attention span, the pace they work at, or their dexterity level, it is up to you as the parent to decide by looking at the thumbnail and the description if you feel this class is too difficult for them. If needed, you are more than welcome to assist your child off camera should a step be to difficult and/or they need help.


Students will learn basic knitting skills such as how to make a slip knot, how to knit and purl rows to get different stitches, how to sew pieces of their project together with a yarn needle (also known as a darning or tapestry needle), and also how to stuff certain projects with stuffing.


In this class, students will be using knitting needles, yarn needles, scissors, and other things that can be potentially sharp. You are more than welcome to help or supervise your child off camera if at any point they need help or if you are concerned they might injure themselves. **Note to the parents: Knitting can is a craft that requires a lot of hand and finger dexterity as well as a long attention span. I know each child works at a different pace, has a different attention span and their own level of dexterity. Because I don't know your child, their attention span, the pace they work at, or their dexterity level, it is up as the parent to decide by looking at the thumbnail and the description if you feel this class is too difficult for them. If needed, you are more than welcome to assist your child off camera should a step be to difficult and/or they need help.
Supply list needed each week: 
-A pair of knitting needles (US size 8) (5mm)
-A skein of size 4 worsted weight acrylic yarn in any color (Note: For beginners, lighter colored yarn is easier to see the stitches.)
-A yarn needle (also known as a tapestry or darning needle)

Supply list for project 1 (Monster Stuffed Animal) (See thumbnail):
-A pair of knitting needles (US size 8) (5mm)
-A skein of size 4 worsted weight acrylic yarn in any color (Note: For beginners, lighter colored yarn is easier to see the stitches.)
-A yarn needle (also known as a tapestry or darning needle)
-A row counter (This is used to count the rows of your project. Some paper and a pencil can be used to keep tracked of rows as an alternative.)
-Stuffing (cotton balls also work as an alternative)
-Fabric glue or any kind of glue that can stick fabric together (I used Aleene's Original Tacky Glue for this project.)
-Squares of felt in desired colors for details


参加しました July, 2020
Hello, my name is Gabbi Bennetti, aka Art-In-Motion. 
I chose Art-In-Motion as my business name because it best describes all the different types of art I'm passionate about; dancing, crafting, drawing and animating. I'm here to instill that same love and passion for art in your child like it was instilled into me!

I've been dancing since I was 15 years old, and the style of dance I specialize in is Hip Hop. I've also been teaching dance for over a year.

I was originally a Scottish Country dancer, then an acquaintance within those years of Scottish Country dancing encouraged a group of friends and I to give Hip Hop a try by showing us some basic moves.
It wasn't until I watched some fantastic Hip Hop dancers on the internet that I decided I wanted to get serious about it.
Lots of hard work, practice, and a whole lot of Hip Hopping later eventually awarded me with some amazing opportunities, such as competing and winning dance battles, teaching classes, take master classes from many famous dancers such as Marquese Scott, Salah, Boogie Frantick, Marie Poppins and her crew Femme Fatale, iGlide, Lil Buck and Fik Shun, and performed for Blumenthal Performing Arts, The McColl Center For Art + Innovation, BOOM Charlotte,
We Are Hip Hop: The Reveal, made it to the second to last round of an online YouTube talent competition called The CIRQUELIFE Project, and competed in Luminosity Gaming and elf Cosmetics' TikTok Gamers Greatest Talent.

I've been making all different types of crafts ever since I was little. I remember always making different toys and things out of tape, glue, paper, cardboard boxes, and pretty much anything else I could find for myself and other family members.
Some of my favorite crafts to do are sewing and crocheting. My mom introduced me to sewing when I was about 4, and I've been experimenting with it and teaching myself all sorts of new stuff ever since. I mostly enjoy sewing stuffed animals, quilts and upcycling/altering old clothes into something new.
I taught myself how to crochet when I was around 13, and have been teaching myself all different tricks to get better using books, patterns from websites and YouTube videos. I'm especially fond of crocheting amigurumis (crocheted stuffed animals). I love making different characters such as Pikachu, Toothless, Stitch and many more to sell at different comic-cons and vendor events.
Other crafts I enjoy doing (and sometimes selling) are painted rocks, figures out of clay, perler beads, knitting, embroidery and more.

Similar to crafting, I've been drawing ever since I was little. From drawing fun little horses and butterflies when I was 3, to then drawing portraits of my dad when I was 8, I always new I had a passion for it. But when I really started getting better was when I began going to these artist sketch nights at a comic book store with older, more experienced artists. They gave me all sorts of tips on ways to ink, color and sketch, as well as ways to improve on anatomy and proportion. 
Around this time, I was also teaching myself the art of hand drawn animation. It started when I received a Nintendo DSi which I wanted very badly for one specific program it came with, Flipnote, which is a very basic program focusing solely on hand drawn animation. By playing around with the program, and viewing animations as well as posting my own on Sudomemo (a social media for Flipnote), I got better and better. 
Now that I have my own tablet and computer, it has allowed me to use different, more advanced art programs such as Medibang Paint Pro and Autodesk Sketchbook Pro to make digital art and animations. I've also been able to experiment with painting which I have found a love for as well.
My passion for art and animation has given me amazing opportunities to sell prints of my original artwork at comic cons and vender events, post my original hand drawn animations on YouTube, have my original animations featured on other YouTube channels, draw live sketches at comic cons, vendor events and Free Comic Book Day events, and been a guest artist at ImagiCon 2019.

Whether it's dancing, crafting, drawing or animating, it's all art. Art is something every child needs to experience at least once. My philosophy when teaching is to keep in 100% fun and creative, while teaching good technique at the same time. I believe that patience, positive energy and encouragement are the key components to make any child a better artist, no matter what type of art they are passionate about.


Elizabeth Schuiling
$23 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/2 の6 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 1.25 時間
13 歳-18 歳
編み物クラブ - 新しい編み方を探る
Lori Ferguson-Borton
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の12 AM です
1/週、 45 分
12 歳-16 歳
Donielle Showvay
$12 セッションごと
6 歳-18 歳
Lori Ferguson-Borton
$14 クラスごと
6 週間、 1/週、 45 分
10 歳-14 歳
1:1 編み物 - 編み方の基本を学ぶ
Ms. Tessa (She/Her)
$45 セッションごと
9 歳-18 歳
Samara Brown
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 4/7 の7 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 30 分
5 歳-7 歳
編み物教室。編み方、裏編み、その他の編み方を学ぶ、パート 2
Lori Ferguson-Borton
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 4/2 の12 AM です
6 週間、 1/週、 45 分
10 歳-14 歳
Gabbi - Art-In-Motion
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 8:30 PM です
1/週、 45 分
10 歳-14 歳
April Rogers
$40 セッションごと
6 歳-18 歳
ルームマジック: 子どものための編み物の楽しみ
Taylor Funk
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の10 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 30 分
6 歳-10 歳
プライベート編み物レッスン - 編み方を学ぼう!
Brittany Brooks
$22 セッションごと
10 歳-15 歳
Ms. Tessa (She/Her)
$5 月あたり
10 歳-15 歳
かぎ針編みと編み物のソーシャルクラブ: お子様向けの楽しい繊維アートとクリエイティブなクラフト
Wild Prairie Learning
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 3/13 の8 PM です
1/週、 25 分
10 歳-12 歳
英語フルカリキュラム - トップ文学、ライティング、文法の旅 B
Lemons-Aid Learning
$20 クラスごと
13 週間、 2/週、 45 分
11 歳-14 歳
エネルギーあふれるティーンの Roblox ゲームナイト
Artful Gaming with Maryam Awan, NBCC/Gamer/Artist
$15 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 1:30 AM です
1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
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