
キッズスタート スズキ フルート 10 回の簡単なレッスン!

Hallie's Studio


10 ライブミーティング
6 時間 40 分 授業時間
週あたり 2-4 時間. Dr. Shinichi Suzuki's Nutured by Love (approximately 2-6 hours) Daily practicing between 5-20 minutes, depending on the age of the student. Hallie Chandola believes in a gentle approach to music education and will assist in helping establish a routine that works to gently encourage musicians to want to practice daily without coercion.


Welcome to this amazing online introductory course for beginning young flutists!

Hosted by flutist and teacher extraordinaire Hallie Chandola, in this introductory course designed for children ages 4-9 we'll have fun learning and playing beautiful music. Our activities range from bubble blowing, to spitting rice, to playing Hot Cross Buns! At the end of this 10 week course, we will be playing and caring for a real, fully assembled flute.

Week 1:
We will learn about the Suzuki triangle, and what makes the Suzuki approach work, as well as the best way to ensure the best success for each student. Students will be able to empower parents in their role to help practice, to be able to follow directions, understand right from left, and stand tall on the mat with feet in rest position and play position, while concentrating on balance and breathing for 10 or more seconds. Students will learn the importance of daily practice and listening to the CD.

Week 2:
Student will learn to control air direction, stand up tall, stay focused on the mat, identify all fingers and both hand positions with a dowel, arrange in order A-G, basic rhythms such as pepperoni pizza. Explain briefly gentle flute care. Some students will be able to make a sound on the head joint. The importance of daily practice and listening to the CD will be further emphasized.

Week 3:
Students will learn how to spit rice and hold air, stay focused on the mat, identify left from right and hand positions on the dowel, maybe make a tone on the head joint. Flute care including wrapping the cleaning rod and taking apart the flute will be explained. The importance of daily practice and listening to the CD will be further emphasized.

Week 4:
Students will learn to make a tone on the head joint, to be able to put letter cards in order, swing step out with dowel and hand in the correct place, check up on consistent practicing and emphasize daily listening.

Week 5:
Students will learn how to fully assemble flute and store without damage, how to identify where the fingers go while holding the flute, and how to encourage daily listening and practice. Students will also learn to place ABC cards in order beginning with any card.

Week 6:
Students will learn the "flute sign language" for the left hand in order to play B, A, and G. Students will learn how to keep down the magic key, play a high Eb, play hot Cross buns on the head joint, and maintain good balance in their hands.

Week 7:
Student will work on memorizing Hot Cross Buns notes, put ABC cards in order for a scale, and get around G back to A. Students will watch and see how I finger notes B A G. Students will be able to play high and low tones on the head joint, balance flute well, play high Eb.

Week 8:
Students will learn to be able to spit rice effectively, to direct an air stream with P articulation for 3 seconds, memorize the notes for Hot Cross Buns, put ABC cards in order for a scale. Students will learn the "flute sign language" flute fingers for B A G, balance flute well, and play high Eb.

Week 9:
Flute "age" of sustaining an air stream up to 5 or 6 counts with the head joint. Students will learn to play Hot Cross Buns with head joint with assistance. Students will obtain good L and R hand positioning on the full flute. Students will learn to play short vs. long notes.

Week 10:
Students will learn to float the flute up into position while taking a big breath, swinging right foot back, and having all fingers on high Eb. Students will learn to play B A G in two octaves with short and long tones and make an attempt at trilling the notes among them. Students will maintain good articulation and consistent air stream. More advanced students can be playing Hot Cross Buns.

The Suzuki Flute method, developed by Shinichi Suzuki and Toshio Takahashi, is a lineage of classical flute playing from Marcel Moyse, a great French flutist, and upon whose playing the Suzuki Flute method is based. Suzuki Method is a world renowned method of music education which founding principals include beginning students very young, parental involvement and immersion, daily listening and practice, mixed-age group class training, spiral development including revision and review, and a strong emphasis on beautiful tone and posture.

Together we will learn to incorporate good learning habits conducive to rearing brilliant young musicians. Teacher Hallie Chandola believes in a gentle approach to music education and will assist in helping establish a routine that works to gently encourage musicians to want to practice daily without coercion. 

Hallie Chandola is a teacher trained in Suzuki approach to music education and is a profound believer in the benefits of Suzuki talent education and personality development, producing beautiful musicians in the Tampa Bay area since 2012.

Florida Residents using SUFS-UA (Gardiner's): Hallie's Studio IS an approved provider. Please contact Hallie Chandola through the message portal for proof of subject mastery for reimbursements.
By the end of this course, the goal will be to play Hot Cross Buns on a fully assembled flute with a flute embouchure.


A curved headjoint flute such as a Jupiter waveline, DiZhao Mini, Nuvo flute or Toot for the duration of the program
Foot mat
Suzuki Flute School Volume 1 with CD
Nurtured by Love book by Shinichi Suzuki
Stickers or nail polish to mark keys
ABC printable cards up through G.

For those who wish to purchase a beginner's Kidstart tote bag with all of the needed supplies, please follow the link as provided upon registration.
Nurtured by Love by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki Prodigies - https://prodigies.com Suzuki Method book 1 Music Theory.net- https://www.musictheory.net
参加しました May, 2021
Hallie Chandola is a passionate and joyful teacher who understands the importance of early exposure to the beauty of music. In high school, after taking inspiration from a neighbor friend (and seeing how fabulous the flute looks while she's playing it!) she joined the local high school band playing flute. Little did she know, it would be the start of a fabulous career. She graduated as a music performance major from Interlochen Arts Academy and afterwards went to Prague Conservatory and Czech Budweis Conservatory and performed with the Prague Film Orchestra under the direction of Jiri Korynta along with a solo career in the Czech Republic. She learned about the Suzuki Method in Europe, which led to becoming a teacher at Unison World School in Dehradun, India for the Flutes and Strings classes in grades 3-12. In 2012 she moved with her family to Tampa, FL, where she balances her performance career with her thriving private studio, as well as homeschooling and enjoying making music with her three young children. Since then, she has remained an active member of the Suzuki Association of the Americas and is constantly engaged in the Suzuki and Music Together communities and furthering education.

Hallie's Studio has nurtured many musicians to play music to a high standard from very young ages, all the way up through graduation. Many students have become accomplished musicians in All-State bands and orchestras, youth orchestras, and graduated to become majors in music at many acclaimed universities worldwide. However, the training of professionals is not the main aim: the emphasis throughout is on the development of the whole child, via education through music.

Hallie Chandola is an active member of the Suzuki Association of the Americas and is registered for Suzuki's Every Child Can and Suzuki Books 1-4, 7, 9, 10, and 11. She is also actively involved in the Suzuki teaching community and constantly furthering her education with workshops, training programs, and concert performances.

Florida Residents using SUFS-UA (Gardiner's): Hallie's Studio IS an approved provider. Please contact Hallie Chandola through the message portal for proof of subject mastery for reimbursements.




10 クラス分
週に1回、 10 週間
40 分

9 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 4-9
クラス人数: 4 人-6 人

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