per classキッズ格闘技 - カポエイラの旅
1 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 8 歳-13 歳
3 人-9 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
60 分
1 ライブミーティング
1 授業時間テスト
The learner's progress will be assessed in class with real time demonstrations of movement to teacher.この文章は自動翻訳されています
In this class learners will embark on a wonderful journey of movement and expression. Movement is life! Capoeira is all about movement. Students will be taught the five basic movements of Capoeira. Students will also be taught some basic popular songs used in Capoeira. The five movements are: 1. Ginga 2. Role 3. Esquiva 4. Au 5. Kick Each movement has basic ways of executing up to extremely advanced ways of using them. The class will be structured as follows: • Warmup - 15 minutes • Ginga Basics - 10 minutes • Esquiva (escapes) Basics - 10 minutes • Kicks - 10 minutes • Role - 10 minutes • Au - 5 minutes Times are subject to change* Because Capoeira is a true martial art, it evolves and shifts as is being learned and taught so some classes may just shift completely off schedule into the unpredictable. I will teach on camera with voice and bodily instructions. At a pace that everyone will be able to maintain through constant observations of the learner. To maintain safety and eliminate injury risk, please make sure learner has water and enough space at least 10ft x 10ft. Students will warm up and stretch before every workout with teacher to reduce injury.
Students will develop the tools that are necessary to "play" Capoeira as well as defend themselves if the situation were to arise. Students will gain confidence, strength, balance and freedom from consistent learning in this class.
To maintain safety and eliminate injury risk, please make sure learner has water and enough space, at least 10ft x 10ft. Students will warm up and stretch before every workout with teacher to eliminate potential injury.
Water and a space of about 10x10 sq ft. for the safest experience.