

「平和の戦士のための空手」 - 白・黄・オレンジ・紫帯コース(8~12歳)

Allen Hughes
8~12 歳のホワイト ベルト学習者 (初級レベル) は、ライフ ディフェンス (生活への応用) と自己防衛のスキルを習得します。イエロー、オレンジ、パープル ベルトの認定資格も取得できます。すべてのセッションは、動きと楽しさに満ちた環境で行われます。


このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
Learn the importance of: Upper Level Protection against strikes and grabs, Lower Level Protection against kicks, Push Protection, Tackle Protection, Mount Protection, Front Choke Protection, Rear Choke Protection, Front Grab Protection, Rear Grab Protection, Restraint Protection from grabs, Guard Protection from the ground, and Throw Protection. Note: Korean terminology is used to create a special learning environment. Learners will be using basic terminologies and counting and Korean on a regular basis. They love it!
I hold Master Instructor Certifications in WONJIN Hapkido and Taekwondo as well as an International Instructor Certification in Haidong Gumdo (a 1700 year old sword art). 
I am a certified Verbal Defense Instructor and have trained elementary, middle school, junior high and high school kids in public and charter school anti-bullying programs. I own a professional dojang (Korean for dojo) and train Master Instructors from other systems and schools in Life Defense. 
Comfortable, modest workout attire is all that is required for this session. If learners desire ongoing sessions, and certification, uniform tops and belts are encouraged to be worn and may be purchased from https://www.tigerclaw.com/home.php Purchase a student, karate, black, traditional uniform and their Yellow or Orange Belt (to be worn after testing). Belts should be 1 size larger than their uniform size.Having at least a 6' X 6' area clear of furniture is preferred. 
Although Life Defense is purely defensive, and no fighting or sparring is required, the subject matter is being safe, and reference will be made to attackers, and simple, age appropriate scenarios of defense. Safety and Life Defense is our goal. Also, make sure you have a practice space big enough, and remove obstacles that could cause a hazard. It's a good idea to hydrate before, and after and do some jumping jacks just before class to warm up.
Allen Hughes
I love teaching martial art/ self-defense classes called "Life Defense" that teach the application of confidence building PRINCIPLES found in self-defense to use in life! 

My teacher is the Heavy Weight Kickboxing Champion of Asia and I travel... 


毎週 ( ¥100クラスごとに )
40 分

63 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 8-12
クラス人数: 5 人-12 人

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