
日本語: 流暢さへの道 初級クラス 6 複数日 (8 ~ 12 歳)

これは、学生が日本語を流暢に話せるようになるための長いシリーズの第 6 回目のクラスです。明るくインタラクティブな方法で学習し、すべての学生が快適に学習に参加できるようにします。
Samuel Brinkerhoff, M.A.Ed


5 ライブミーティング
5 授業時間


Have you ever wondered what classes are out there to help you become fluent in Japanese? I know I have. Well, I have designed this five-part beginner class (and more classes to come) to help you on your journey to becoming fluent. This class will not only help you learn grammar and vocabulary efficiently and effectively but will also help you learn about the culture and the people as well. 

I will put you in real-life situations where you will be encouraged to use Japanese to successfully communicate with others.

After this lesson, students will be able to 

Week 1:
1. Learn the Kanji for (North, South, East and West)
2. Learn the Kanji for (Mouth, Exit, Left and Right)
3. Learn the combination of these Kanji (Ex. North and mouth mean Northern exit) (East and North combined to make a prefecture name in Japanese)

Week 2: 
1. Learn the Kanji for (minute, ahead, birth, big)
2. Learn the kanji for (learning, outside and country)
3. Learn that combination of these Kanji (Ex. ahead and birth mean teacher)(big, learn, birth means college student)

Week 3:
1. The present continuous te-iru
-Ex. I am eating, I am sleeping
2. How that differs from the regular present tense

Week 4: 
1. Describing physical features of something
-The cat has cute ears
-Learn two different forms, one natural and the other not natural, but grammatically correct
2. Te form of Adjectives and Nouns

Week 5:
1. Learn the te form for going and doing something
-Ex. to go and eat, to go and sleep
2. Learn the counter for people
-Japan has a specific counter for people, so we will how to say 1 person, 2 people, 3 people

You will definitely enjoy this class. We will play games, have PowerPoint slides, group discussion and real life situations to solidify what to say in certain situations. I want you to feel comfortable and engaged while learning. 

There is a pre-requisite. You will need to know how to read, write and speak Hiragana and Katakana before this class (Hiragana and Katakana are the Japanese Alphabets You will also need to have taken Road to Fluency Beginner Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 or know all the material in this class.

Please bring an open mind and be ready to learn.


After this lesson, students will be able to 

Week 1:
1. Learn the Kanji for (North, South, East and West)
2. Learn the Kanji for (Mouth, Exit, Left and Right)
3. Learn the combination of these Kanji (Ex. North and mouth mean Northern exit) (East and North combined to make a prefecture name in Japanese)

Week 2: 
1. Learn the Kanji for (minute, ahead, birth, big)
2. Learn the kanji for (learning, outside and country)
3. Learn that combination of these Kanji (Ex. ahead and birth mean teacher)(big, learn, birth means college student)

Week 3:
1. The present continuous te-iru
-Ex. I am eating, I am sleeping
2. How that differs from the regular present tense

Week 4: 
1. Describing physical features of something
-The cat has cute ears
-Learn two different forms, one natural and the other not natural, but grammatically correct
2. Te form of Adjectives and Nouns

Week 5:
1. Learn the te form for going and doing something
-Ex. to go and eat, to go and sleep
2. Learn the counter for people
-Japan has a specific counter for people, so we will how to say 1 person, 2 people, 3 people


参加しました October, 2020
アラバマ 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
修士号 University of Birmingham at Alabamaから 教育 へ
I received my undergraduate degree in the Japanese language, culture, and history. I also earned my Master's degree in K-12 education. I studied abroad at Nihon University in Tokyo as well as worked as an English teacher in Niigata, Japan. I was able to see what I learned firsthand.




5 クラス分

週に1回、 5 週間
60 分
1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-12
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人

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