
Jackbox: 毎週開催される夏のソーシャルゲームクラブ

Miss Tatiana's Daydream Academy: Gaming Clubs
Star Educator
人気のホームスクール & アフタースクール ソーシャル クラブに参加して、世界中の友達と交流しましょう。10 代前半と 10 代の子供たちは、楽しみながら遊び、交流し、世界中の友情を育みます。ミス タチアナの受賞歴のあるゲーム クラブに今すぐ参加しましょう。


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
  • Daydream Academy's Jackbox Club is designed to seamlessly amalgamate the worlds of education and play. Our learning goals leverage the interactive and engaging nature of Jackbox Games to foster a variety of skills among tweens and teens. Our learning goals include: 🔴 Enhanced Communication Skills: Learners will improve their verbal and non-verbal communication abilities by engaging in games that require explaining, debating, and storytelling within a limited timeframe. 🟢 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: The diverse range of games within Jackbox Games, from trivia to strategy and puzzle games, will challenge learners to think critically, solve problems under pressure, and make quick decisions. 🔵 Creativity and Innovation: Many Jackbox Games encourage creativity, whether through drawing, writing, or coming up with innovative solutions to game challenges. Learners will expand their creative thinking and learn to express ideas in unique ways. 🟡 Social Skills and Teamwork: The club aims to foster teamwork and social interaction by encouraging learners to work together to achieve game objectives, negotiate, and support one another in competitive and cooperative gameplay settings. 🟣Public Speaking and Performance: Games that involve presenting ideas to the group or performing in some capacity will help learners build confidence in public speaking and improve their ability to engage and entertain an audience. 🟠 Digital Literacy: Through participating in an online gaming environment, learners will become more proficient with digital tools and platforms, enhancing their digital literacy and navigating online spaces safely and effectively. 🔴 Adaptability and Flexibility: Jackbox Games often involve unpredictable elements and require players to adapt to new rules or scenarios quickly. Learners will learn to be flexible and adaptable in changing situations. 🟢 Cultural Awareness: By interacting with a global community of learners, participants will have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, perspectives, and ideas, fostering a sense of global awareness and empathy. 🔵 Emotional Intelligence: The social nature of Jackbox Games, combined with the need to read social cues and react to the dynamics of group play, will help learners develop greater emotional intelligence, including understanding and managing their own emotions and empathizing with others. 🟡 Joy of Learning: Ultimately, the club aims to instill a love of learning through play, demonstrating that education can be enjoyable and that fun activities like gaming can have meaningful educational value. These learning goals are designed to ensure that participation in our Jackbox Club is not only fun and engaging but also educational, providing learners with valuable skills and knowledge that will benefit them beyond the gaming environment.
🔴 Device to play on - phone, tablet, or computer to access website browser
🟢 Separate device for Zoom to ensure a stable game connection

For example, I use my computer for our Zoom meeting and I play on my iPad.
The game should be reviewed by parents prior to enrolling to assess suitability for their child. All Jackbox games are rated T For Teen. Many games have a family-friendly mode that can be turned on in the game’s settings menu, which brings the game closer to an E10+ rating!
参加しました July, 2020
Star Educator
学士号 California State Universityから 映画/映画/ビデオ研究 へ
Miss Tatiana
学士号 California State Universityから 政治学と政府 へ
Mr. P
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✨ Welcome to Daydream Academy ✨

🎉 We invite you to join our award-winning classes where fun, learning, and imagination come together to offer a unique gaming experience for children... 




45 分

21 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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