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週あたりの授業時間数 30 分この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - A0
米国の学年 Kindergarten
It’s Back to School! Kindergarten Circle Time! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 17-February 23, 2025 . Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Adding/subtracting and counting on a number bond 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: The Feelings book , by Nadine Bernard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 24-March 2, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: simple FRACTIONS WHOLE and HALF 1/2 (using pizza images) 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Puppet Show: The Three Little Pigs " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 2 -March 8, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Measuring the Height and Length of a Dinosaur (CHILDREN ARE INVITED TO BRING A TOY DINOSAUR CLASS TO SHOW) 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: " It's OK TO Be Different" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 10-March 16, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: 3D shapes (attributes (side/points/faces, cylinder, cube and sphere) 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: " It's Not Easy Being a Bunny" , by Marylyn Sadler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 17-March 23, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a TEN frame 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Brown Bear Brown Bear", ____________________________________________________________________ March 24-March 30, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding adding "machine" 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: " Love You Forever" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 31-April 6, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a NUMBER BOND 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Chicka Chicka BOOM BOOM" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 7-April 13, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a NUMBER BOND 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Chicka Chicka BOOM BOOM" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 14-April 20, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: 2D Shapes 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Goldilocks and The Three Bears" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 21-April 27, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a 10 frame 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: What A Wonderful World ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 28-May 4 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Fractions using pizza fractions 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Three Billy Goats Gruff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 5- May 11, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a ten frame 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 12-May 18, 2025 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.<<<<< NO CLASSES THIS WEEK>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 19-May 25, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a NUMBER BOND 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: " Papa Please Get Me The Moon" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 26-June 1, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a counting machine 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Llama Llama Red Pyjama" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 2-June 8, 2025. 1. Hello Song (children are encouraged to bring a favourite dinosaur toy to class) 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Sorting dinosaurs 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8. Story: "How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 9-June 15, 2025 . Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Adding/subtracting and counting on a number bond 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: The Feelings book , by Nadine Bernard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 16-June 22, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: simple FRACTIONS WHOLE and HALF 1/2 (using pizza images) 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Puppet Show: The Three Little Pigs " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 23 -June 29, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Measuring the Height and Length of a Dinosaur (CHILDREN ARE INVITED TO BRING A TOY DINOSAUR CLASS TO SHOW) 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: " It's OK TO Be Different" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 30- July 6, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: 3D shapes (attributes (side/points/faces, cylinder, cube and sphere) 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: " It's Not Easy Being a Bunny" , by Marylyn Sadler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 7-July 13, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a TEN frame 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Brown Bear Brown Bear", ____________________________________________________________________ July 14-July 20, 2025 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.<<<<< NO CLASSES THIS WEEK>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 21-July 27, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding adding "machine" 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: " Love You Forever" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 28-August 3, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a NUMBER BOND 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Chicka Chicka BOOM BOOM" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 4-August 10 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a NUMBER BOND 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Chicka Chicka BOOM BOOM" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 11-August 17, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: 2D Shapes 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Goldilocks and The Three Bears" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 18 -August 24, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a 10 frame 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: What A Wonderful World ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 25-August 31 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Fractions using pizza fractions 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Three Billy Goats Gruff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ September 1-September 7, 2025 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.<<<<< NO CLASSES THIS WEEK>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 8- September 14, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a ten frame 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 15 - September 21, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a NUMBER BOND 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: " Papa Please Get Me The Moon" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 22-September 28, 2025 1. Hello Song 2. Letter identification and corresponding sounds 3. Learners show me their writing (celebrating their names) Parent can help write their child's name. 4. We review the calendar 5. MATH: Counting and adding on a counting machine 6. Rhythm stick song (same song throughout the month: song changes monthly) 7. Reviewing a set of 10 sight words (same sight words throughout the month, sight words change monthly) 8 Story time: "Llama Llama Red Pyjama" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Students will learn the days of the week, colours, letters and their corresponding sounds, simple sight words, numeracy skills including counting, representing numbers to 20, simple addition and subtraction, shapes and their attributes. They will participate in a story and learn to retell that story and make inferences.
On occasion, you are welcome to print an activity I may send it out. Therefor a printer would be needed. This would be totally optional.
クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
I plan to teach the Kindergarten curriculum. It will be embedded with music throughout all of my classes.
I have been a certified elementary teacher for over 32 years! I am also TESOL certified ("Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).
I have a Bachelor of Science, University of Toronto (Canada)
I have an Bachelor of Education, University of Windsor (Canada)
I have my ZUMBINI® cerification.
This quote by Cheryl Lavender perfectly describes my approach to music education:
"The fact the children can make beautiful music is less significant than the fact that music can make beautiful children."
他のクラス by Miss Libby, 30 Year Veteran Teacher
他のクラス by Miss Libby, 30 Year Veteran Teacher
$2 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 8 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 45 分
3 歳-6 歳
Clarissa Beckstead
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 7:05 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-5 歳
Mrs. Moody
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sat 3/22 の1 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 45 分
3 歳-5 歳
Rose Oxendine
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/16 の1 PM です
5/週、 45 分
4 歳-6 歳
$42 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/10 の1:45 PM です
36 週間、 4/週、 3 時間
4 歳-7 歳
宇宙アドベンチャー サークルタイム 対象年齢 3~6歳
Mr. Kendrick
$5 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Saturday の3 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 20 分
3 歳-6 歳
Tracy Frye
$5 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 8/18 の8:30 PM です
5/週、 45 分
4 歳-6 歳
Sara Mehlhose
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の3 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 25 分
3 歳-8 歳
Molly Muse
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の3:30 PM です
3/週、 25 分
3 歳-6 歳
Mrs. Dee
$15 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 4 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-5 歳
恐竜発掘サークルタイム 対象年齢 3~6歳
Mr. Kendrick
$7 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sun 3/9 の2 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 25 分
3 歳-6 歳
Jocelyn Fullmer-- Sweet Honeybee Education
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の8 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-5 歳
Traci Powell
$13 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 3 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-6 歳
$6 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 7 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-7 歳
夏のサークルタイム - 1年生と2年生の楽しみ
Heather Bowers-Caring, Certified Teacher
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 6/24 の6 PM です
1/週、 30 分
6 歳-8 歳
プリンセス プリスクール - 本物のプリンセスと一緒に学ぶ - サークルタイムなど
Miss Emily
$12 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 6:45 PM です
1/週、 30 分
3 歳-6 歳