



1 ライブミーティング
55 分 授業時間
週あたり 2-4 時間. Work on learned stretching exercises for follow up discussion in the next class.
Certificate of Completion


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 7
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
Join the fun in my "Intro to Stretching for Improved Flexibility" class! We'll explore why stretching is crucial, prepare for each session, and focus on the muscles we're targeting. Each class will begin with a warm-up routine to get our muscles ready. We’ll emphasize proper stretching techniques to enhance flexibility and incorporate breathing practices to calm the nervous system.

To ensure safety and minimize injury, learners should have some basic knowledge and body awareness. It’s important to communicate how your body feels and how far you can go with each exercise. An open, clutter-free space is essential for performing the activities effectively.

I’ll start with a brief overview of what we’ll cover and demonstrate each exercise first to ensure you understand before you try it yourself. Feel free to ask questions as we go along—interaction and discussion are key parts of the class.
Learners will improve their understanding on stretching & benefits.
Setting stretching goals. Example: the splits.


When preparing for the "Intro to Stretching for Improved Flexibility" class, it's important for parents to be aware of potential hazards and safety measures: 1. Open Workout Space: Ensure that your child has a spacious, clutter-free area to stretch and move safely. This helps prevent tripping or bumping into objects. 2. Proper Footwear: Encourage your child to wear appropriate footwear that provides good support and traction. Avoid slippery or overly worn-out shoes. I advice to wear "sticky" socks if possible. 3. Water Bottle: Have a water bottle on hand to stay hydrated throughout the session, as hydration is important for overall flexibility and muscle function. 4. Adequate Stretching: Make sure your child performs a proper warm-up and stretching routine before starting the exercises. This helps prepare the muscles and reduce the risk of strains. We will perform class at a steady pace. 5. Supervision: It's crucial that stretching exercises are supervised to avoid potential injuries. Without proper guidance, there is a risk of overstretching or performing exercises incorrectly, which can lead to muscle strains or joint injuries. Learners will have to make bodily adjustments according to correction as we move along. By addressing these points, you can help ensure a safe and effective experience for your child in the class.
Water bottle, elastic band or towel, yoga mat or carpet flooring.
参加しました August, 2024
I have been working on my flexibility since I began dancing at the age of four. While children generally possess greater natural flexibility, it can take more time to achieve specific goals as we grow older.

There were periods in my life when I had to pause my training twice due to life circumstances. Upon returning to training, I physically experienced the critical importance of proper technique to prevent injury and how to regain or even surpass previous levels of flexibility over time. Extended breaks from training can lead to increased stiffness, reduced pain tolerance, and diminished flexibility. However, I’ve also found that the body retains a memory of its flexibility, which has been encouraging.

I am dedicated to helping your child reach their flexibility goals, ultimately enhancing their dance performances. Together, learners and I will embark on this journey, growing and improving side by side.




55 分

年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 2 人-9 人

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