このシリーズでは、シェイクスピアの戯曲「テンペスト」と「ハムレット」の 2 つを読んで分析します。毎週、テキストに関する深い議論が行われ、生徒はテキストと自分、テキストと世界とのつながりを構築します。
16 ライブミーティング
16 授業時間課題
週あたり 1-2 時間. Students will write one paragraph each week utilizing their own vocabulary to express their understanding of the content covered each session.習熟度評価
Students will write a 5 paragraph essay about each play studied focusing on text to self and text to world connections.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - A1
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
In this ongoing series we will be reading, analyzing, and applying Shakespeare's classic plays to modern times. For weeks 1-5 of each play: 5 minutes of class time will be spent ensuring learners are ready to begin. 30 minutes of class time will be dedicated to reading. 15 minutes will be dedicated to discussion. 10 minutes will be guided discussions for text to self and/or text to world connections. For week 6 of each play: 15 minutes will be spent reviewing the portions of the text that have needed the most discussions to understand. 40 minutes will be spent finalizing the discussion. 5 minutes will be spent discussing the upcoming essay. For week 7 of each play: 30 minutes will be spent in silent work while the students write their drafts. 30 minutes will be available for instructor feedback to student questions about their outline. Weeks 1-6: "Hamlet" Week 1: Read the first act and begin discussions. Week 2: Read the second act and continue the discussion beginning to make text to self connections. Week 3: Read the third act and continue discussion furthering text to self connections. Week 4: Read the fourth act and deepen the discussion to start branching away from text to self and address text to world connections. Week 5: Read the fifth act and finalize text to self discussion while deepening the conversation surrounding text to world connections. Week 6: Discussion conclusion. Week 7: Students will outline their five paragraph essay Weeks 8-13: "The Tempest" Week 8: Read the first act and begin discussions. Week 9: Read the second act and continue the discussion beginning to make text to self connections. Week 10: Read the third act and continue discussion furthering text to self connections. Week 11: Read the fourth act and deepen the discussion to start branching away from text to self and address text to world connections. Week 12: Read the fifth act and finalize text to self discussion while deepening the conversation surrounding text to world connections. Week 13: Discussion conclusion of the entire play and final text to self and text to world connections. Week 14: Students will outline their five paragraph essay Week 15-16: Compare and contrast "Hamlet" and "The Tempest". Each week independently of group time students will be expected to write one paragraph in their own words to express their understanding of the weekly discussion. The final project is a 5 paragraph essay on each play studied. The essay will be due before the start of the next play.
Students will develop an understanding of Shakespearean works.
Students will be able to make text to world and text to self connections.
Some of the content in Shakespearean plays may not reflect current socially acceptable wording or beliefs. Precautions will be taken to ensure that conversations are not focusing on these elements but discussions will be a part of all classes.
We will be referring to Shakespeare's plays. Copies available at most libraries. Students are welcome to use easy to read Shakespeare versions but the class will be utilizing the standard format.
毎週または$320 16 クラス分週に1回、 16 週間
60 分
年齢: 12-16
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人