

この 4 週間のコースでは、学生は油絵の基礎、構成、色彩理論、光と影、その他の重要な芸術技法とノウハウを学びます。
Cela Janiec


4 ライブミーティング
4 授業時間


Week 1: We will be going over the basics of oil painting including; materials, safety, canvas prep techniques, the use of thinners in oils, and basics of color theory and composition. We will begin by thumbnailing our scene until we are satisfied with the composition before transferring that composition to canvas.

Week 2: We will go over some historical pieces using oil paints, how those artists worked, and how we can replicate them today in our works. Further in-depth analysis of color theory, light and shadow, and composition. Students will prepare their oils by creating color mixes using primary colors, black, and white. We will begin painting our scene sketched in the previous week while discussing techniques and experimenting with thick versus thin oils. 
We will also go over proper disposal techniques for materials that come in contact with oil paints.

Week 3: Continue working on our masterpieces! We will go into further analysis of historical oil paintings and I will exhibit tips and techniques including palette knife painting, watercolor mimicking, layering, and taking advantage of the natural thickness of oils to create 3-dimensional texture on the canvas.

Week 4: This class is full studio-style. We work side by side on our pieces and I will answer any questions students may have at this point. Towards the end we will show off our works and discuss how to keep going when we feel the dreaded 'I don't think I'm done, but I don't know what else to do'.

This class is studio-style so students will be working along with me to create their own works while listening and learning different tips, techniques, and basic art skills. Students will be able to ask questions at any time, and are encouraged to keep experimenting with their piece after class and certainly explore the world of art after this course!

No prior experience is needed though some knowledge about art, basic shape construction, values and color compliments are a boon.
Students will learn the basics of the following:
• Color theory
• Composition
• Shadow and light
• History of oil paintings
• Safety measures when working with oil
• Brush skills and other artistic tools


Oil paints require a level of safety just as well as when painting with other mediums. It is recommended that the student be in a well-ventilated or large space and has gloves (gardening gloves work fine) and an apron fine for painting. Clothes specifically used for painting work as well.
Canvas--canvas boards work just fine and some students may prefer them. These are wood flats with canvas on top as opposed to stretched canvas. An appropriate size can be between around standard letter size, 8 1/2" x 11". (A pack of five 8" x 10" boards goes for ~$8.49)

Linseed oil, this is for thinning the paints and cleaning our brushes, a non-toxic alternative to turpentine. ($11.99 for 4oz)
You can also purchase any of the following, but these other oils will increase drying time, and be wary of potential allergens.
    • Walnut oil.
    • Poppy seed oil
    • Safflower oil

Do not use the following, these will make it that your paint never dries.
    • Coconut oil
    • Olive oil

Oil paints, at minimum red, blue, yellow, black, and white. (A value pack for 24 colors goes for $10.99, please do not feel the need to buy expensive paints.) (Do not buy cobalt, cadmium, or lead-white, these are toxic when breathed in or ingested.)

Brushes. We want a variety of shapes and sizes. (A decent value pack can go for $10)
Gloves (Gardening gloves work fine)
Apron and/or paint clothes - Oils will stain any fabric they come in contact with so please be mindful of what students are wearing during class.
参加しました May, 2020
Hi everyone! I'm so happy to be starting out here, to offer my skills and knowledge to curious learners. I am a digital artist of 14+ years, traditional artist of 16+. I've studied 2D animation, have a bachelor's of science in Interior Design, and I am working on receiving my master's in library and information science. I'm also skilled in knitting, sewing, baking, and cooking, and would love to offer classes involving those topics in the future.

I love project-based classes, guiding students to create something from nothing, exploring the skills they learn as they work and discover something new. I currently work in a library makerspace where I interact with students of all ages and knowledge levels--yes, even parents too--to show them how to 3D model, use Cricut design, photoshop, glowforge, and so much more.
I believe creativity fuels curiosity, introspection, and learning. I'm excited to get started and to meet all these wonderful young learners!




4 クラス分
週に1回、 4 週間
60 分

2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-16
クラス人数: 2 人-7 人

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