6 ライブミーティング
4 授業時間この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - A1
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
CLICK HERE FOR THE SUMMER CAMP VERSION OF THIS CLASS: https://outschool.com/classes/intro-to-improv-unlock-your-creativity-with-improvisation-acting-summer-camp-ZVvNMCro 🎭 A B O U T T H E C L A S S 🎭 -This class will allow for learners to learn the basics of improv and have fun doing it! - Students from my 1:1 acting lessons are welcome to join this class, however some information might be repetitive. 🎭 C O U R S E O U T L I N E 🎭 During each class, I will go over specific topics and allow for time for the learner to ask questions and perform. We start every class with a body, voice, and face warm up, fun game, and "get to know you" questions before diving into improv practice! 🎭 S C H E D U L E 🎭 -Week 1: We will discuss what improv is and go over the rules. We will practice performing with two opposite characters to help us practice "yes and." -Week 2: We will discuss how to build a long improv scene (2 person scenes) and practice to help improv become more effortless. -Week 3: You will get to create your own improv world! We will also discuss strategies for doing improv with a bigger group and how to be patient and silent in a scene. We will create objects and build deeper scenes. -Week 4: We will talk about the importance of using the space. This week is highly focused on building sustainable characters with depth while staying consistent. Students will get to make their own character and practice life as them in different scenes! -Week 5: We will expand on each character that was created last week. We will also practice long-form narrative improv shows with a beginning, middle, and end. -Week 6: We get to have some fun and use the skills we learned in different improv games and scenes! 🎭 C R E D E N T I A L S 🎭 -Degree in Theatre Arts and Education -Two years experience in a classroom setting -Directed shows for different ages -Performed in multiple shows with experience in singing, dancing, and technical design We are going to have a blast learning about the fundamentals of improv. See you in class!
Students will improve on their skills in creativity, getting into character, performing and taking up space as an actor!
英語 (レベル: A1)
毎週週に1回、 6 週間
40 分
1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 2 人-5 人