
刑法入門/模擬裁判: アラバマ物語 (統合小説研究)

この 8 週間のコースでは、学生は小説『アラバマ物語』を読み、それについて議論し、模擬裁判をしながら刑法の基礎を学びます。
Amy Lavin, J.D.


8 ライブミーティング
6 時間 40 分 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. It is expected that students will be prepared for class by reading the weekly assigned chapters. Each student will need a copy of the book. Additionally, there may be some preparation for the mock trial to be completed at home, if necessary.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 7 - 10
This class will focus on the basics of criminal law in the United States. Using the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, students will explore all aspects of the criminal justice system. The final class will be a mock trial where each student will role play as a character from To Kill a Mockingbird that is an important member of the criminal justice system (defendant, prosecutor, defense attorney, witnesses, victim, and jury).

Class #1 - What is the history of the criminal justice system?
  •	The purpose of the criminal justice system
  •	The history of the criminal justice system
  •	Setting - To Kill a Mockingbird
  •	HOMEWORK (before Class #2): Read Chapters 1-5
Class #2 - What is a crime?
  •	The key elements of a crime
  •	The purpose of prosecutorial discretion
  •	Point of View - To Kill a Mockingbird
  •	HOMEWORK (before Class #3): Read Chapters 6-10
Class #3 - Who is a defense attorney?
  •	The purpose of a defense attorney
  •	The rights of a defendant
  •	Characters - To Kill a Mockingbird
  •	HOMEWORK (before Class #4): Read Chapters 11-15
Class #4 - Who is a prosecutor?
  •	The purpose of a prosecutor
  •	The protection of victims
  •	Tone - To Kill a Mockingbird
  •	HOMEWORK (before Class #5): Read Chapters 16-20
Class #5 - What does a trial look like? 
  •	The key elements of a criminal trial 
  •	The purpose of a jury
  •	Conflict - To Kill a Mockingbird
  •	HOMEWORK (before Class #6): Read Chapters 21-25
Class #6 - What is the appellate process?
  •	The purpose of the appellate system
  •	The quest for justice
  •	Plot - To Kill a Mockingbird
  •	HOMEWORK (before Class #7): Read Chapters 26-31
Class #7 - How do I prepare for a Mock Trial?
  •	How to interview witnesses 
  •	The division of roles for the trial
  •	Theme - To Kill a Mockingbird
  •	HOMEWORK (before Class #8): Prepare for your role for the mock trial
Class #8 - Mock Trial

During the class, students will follow along with Google slide presentations to learn about the criminal justice system, followed by a series of discussions and evaluations from To Kill a Mockingbird. It is expected that students will be prepared for class by reading the assigned chapters. Each student will need a copy of the book. 

[Photo Credit: "Grimes County Courthouse, Anderson, Texas 1803091224" by Patrick Feller is licensed under CC BY 2.0]
Students will improve their understanding of the criminal justice system and will apply that knowledge to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Students will also learn about the elements of literature--setting, point of view, characters, tone, conflict, plot, and theme--and apply that knowledge to the novel.


Since this is a class about criminal law, it may deal with behaviors that are violent or socially unacceptable. The teacher will be sensitive to these subjects and will avoid overt details and/or descriptions that are not age-appropriate. Additionally, the novel To Kill a Mockingbird includes situations dealing with racism, violence, rape, and alcoholism. Please make sure you are familiar with the book's content and are comfortable with your student discussing these situations prior to enrolling in this class.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
参加しました May, 2020
Prior to attending law school, I was a high school English teacher. I have taught Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird for eight years to 10th grade language arts students. 




8 クラス分
週に1回、 8 週間
50 分

111 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-16
クラス人数: 4 人-10 人

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