

Mysti Chisholm, RPSGT, MBA-HM
Star Educator
1 週間に 3 回開催されるこの複数クラス キャンプでは、学生はザリガニ、スズキ、カエルの解剖を行います。初心者向け解剖サマー キャンプ (または以前の解剖経験) を受講していることが前提条件となります。


After this summer camp, students will successfully have passed the intermediate dissection techniques and be ready to move onto Advanced classes.
I was a middle school science teach for 10 years and in that time, have lead hundreds of students through many dissections including the hot dog, earthworms, clams, frogs, and sharks. In my college Zoology class, I was the only student to successfully extract the entire spinal nerve of a crayfish that the professor had ever had! I find dissections fascinating and a good stepping stone for any student interested in anatomy, physiology, zoology, or college sciences.
Must have taken Beginner Camp with me, done beginner dissection classes with me (earthworm, starfish, clam), or have previous dissection experience. If you have not taken a class with me but do have previous experience, please message me.
 クラス登録時に 6 の学習素材が提供されます
Home Science Tools (homesciencetools.com) is not the only place to purchase a dissection kit or the three specimens; however, they are who I personally use because they are very cost effective. They have a dissection kit for roughly $12, the crayfish cost is roughly $3, the perch is $5, and the frog is roughly $6. Amazon also has a dissection kit for roughly $15. You will need to purchase one crayfish, one perch, and one frog along with a dissection kit. Students will also need a clean place to work on their dissection (it can get messy!) so a paper plate, plate, paper towels, dissection tray....something that is easy to clean up. Crayfish https://www.homesciencetools.com/product/crayfish-4-6-inches-plain-specimen/ Perch https://www.homesciencetools.com/product/perch-medium-7-9-inches-plain-specimen/ Frog https://www.homesciencetools.com/product/frog-grass-3-4-inches-single-injected-specimen/
Dissection kits contain sharp tools. It is at the discretion of the parent to make sure your student is mature enough to independently operate them during a dissection. 
Star Educator
Hello students and parents!

I am a former Science teacher who now runs a hospital-based Sleep Lab. With a Bachelors degree in Biology, I taught middle-school science classes for 10 years before transitioning into the healthcare field. I have been... 


3 クラス分
週に3回、 1 週間
45 分

33 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 11-15
クラス人数: 2 人-8 人

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