
IEW 高校コース 2 年生 - 2 学期、エッセイ、ライティング、ホームスクール対応

Regina A. Moffett, MA
IEW 高校 2 年生レベル C コースは、1 年間にわたるライティング クラスです。この高校 2 年生クラスは、2 学期 (秋学期と春学期) に分かれています。IEW の方法でライティング スキルの向上を続けましょう。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Intermediate レベル向け
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) カリキュラムに準拠
12 lessons//12 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Unit 1-2
Note Making & Outline, Writing from Notes
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Unit 1-2
Note Making & Outline, Writing from Notes
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Unit 3
Retelling Narrative Stories
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Unit 3
Retelling Narrative Stories
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Unit 4
Summarizing A Reference
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Unit 4
Summarizing A Reference
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Unit 5
Writing from Pictures
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Unit 5
Writing from Pictures
 Week 9
Lesson 9
Unit 5
Writing from Pictures
 Week 10
Lesson 10
Unit 6
Summarizing Multiple References
 Week 11
Lesson 11
Unit 6
Summarizing Multiple References
 Week 12
Lesson 12
Unit 6
Summarizing Multiple References
  •  To review IEW unit 1-9 structural models  To write a key word outline (KWO)  To write a composition from the KWO  to write a 1-5 paragraph composition  To add IEW stylistic techniques to assignments
IEW Registered Instructor 
MA in Communication and Training with a concentration in Instructional Design.
Former Homeschool Mom - 25 plus years teaching in the homeschool community. 
I have taught elementary, Jr. High, and High School students in various co-ops and in my home.
授業以外に週あたり 1 - 2 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 7 or more per week
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Students will be required to complete unfinished class assignments for homework. Multiple stories will be read, outlined, and rewritten with stylistic techniques. The final assignment must be typed double spaced time New Roman #12 font. Amount of time spent writing and rewriting a story will depend on the student. However, I estimate 1-2 hours a week working on a composition. Assignments are to be emailed to the teacher 2 days before class by 5pm CST. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE EVALUATED. **The student may require access to a printer.
頻度: 7 or more throughout the class
詳細: Assessment of students assignments will consist of randomly selected compositions which will be reviewed by the teacher. The IEW composition checklist and/or six trait assessment for compositions will be utilized to evaluate student selected compositions. Letter grades will be provided for compositions selected for evaluation. ** If the parents of high school students would like an end of semester grade, please state so in a private email to the teacher. Grades will be provided for each semester per parent request.
Letter Grade
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Parents can request a semester grade for their learner. Please state that you would like a letter grade for your learner in a private email to the teacher. Grades will be given for each semester. Grades consist of (A, B, C, D, & F)
In order to enroll in this class, students must have completed IEW Year 1 High School Level C or has completed a previous IEW course. 
Note book paper and pen
Structure and Style for Students: Year 2 Level C [Binder & Student Packet] ISBN: 978-1-62341-535-8; Cost $35 (Please verify price with IEW.com)
Structure and Style for Students: Year 2 Level C [Student Packet Only] ISBN: 978-1-62341-538-9; Cost $29 (Please verify price with IEW.com)
Students may require access to the internet for research on homework assignments.
IEW Structure and Style for Students: Year 2 Level C Student Packet
Websites for researching topics
参加しました September, 2020
修士号 Governors State Universityから

My name is Regina A. Moffett aka Mrs. Moffett and my homeschooling journey has ended with my two sons, however my passion for homeschooling is so enormous that I continue to teach in the homeschool community. My motto is “homeschooling is... 




毎週または¥396 12 クラス分
週に1回、 12 週間
50 分

年齢: 15-18
クラス人数: 4 人-8 人

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