
モノローグの演技方法: オーディションとパフォーマンスのヒント

この 1 回限りの演技クラスでは、生徒は書かれたモノローグを見て、演技の準備としてそれを分解する方法を教わります。
Mrs. Kiley Logan | Acting and History Teacher
Star Educator


1 ライブミーティング
40 分 授業時間


🎭 A B O U T  T H E  C L A S S 🎭
- Have you or your child ever been handed a monologue or told to bring one for an audition? Sometimes it can be nerve-racking and challenging to know how to perform them. 
- This one-time class is all about how to break apart a monologue to understand how to perform it. 
- We will discuss getting into character, adding your own blocking, and memorizing it for the stage. 
- You do not need to have anything prepared for this class besides a desire to learn more about theatre and have fun! 

🎭 C L A S S  O U T L I N E 🎭
- I will have a monologue on a slideshow and will show the steps I would take to analyze it. 
- Learners will be able to practice one beat at a time before doing the entire monologue.
- At the end, we will have a chance to practice performing it! 

🎭 B O N U S 🎭
- Learners will get to ask questions at the end as well, in which I can provide audition tips, memorizing tips, etc. This is a hands-on class that will provide learners with a skill that will allow them to better succeed and perform in the future!

🎭 C R E D E N T I A L S 🎭
-Degree in Theatre Arts and Education
-Two years experience in a classroom setting
-Directed shows for different ages
-Performed in multiple shows with experience in singing, dancing, and technical design

We are going to have a blast learning about this fun part of acting. See you in class!
Students will learn how to feel confident for an audition or performance when being handed a monologue. They will learn how to get into character, what to highlight on their script, how to add blocking, and even how to slate before performing! They will walk away feeling confident and ready to perform!


We will be using a monologue from dramanotebook.com
参加しました April, 2022
Star Educator
学士号 Hastings Collegeから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
学士号 Hastings Collegeから 教育 へ
◾️ I N T R O ◾️
Hello! My name is Mrs. Logan and I am a lover of theatre and teaching a wide variety of topics within the art. I used to watch a movie when I was a kid and act out the entire thing from start to finish. The rest was history!

Growing up, I was so intrigued in my history classes and I have found the subject to be fun to teach! I love to dive into historical figures and historical places around the world. This is what inspired me to add history classes as well.  

I am excited for your learners to gain confidence and feel comfortable with self-expression in a variety of ways in my classes. 

◾️ P H I L O S O P H Y ◾️
I believe that each student is unique and therefore deserves a learning environment that flows with who they are. I focus heavily on engagement and finding new ways to make class an enjoyable place to be. I believe that praising students for what they are doing well allows them to feel like they succeed. I focus heavily on a positive learning environment in which we learn a lot and have fun doing it!
◾️ Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S ◾️
-Graduated from Hastings College with a degree in K-8 Elementary and Theatre Arts
-Years of experience in acting, costume design, set design, directing, dancing, and singing. 
-I have been working with kids my whole life- all ages.
-Served as a children's show and one act director.
-Performed in a variety of shows and have experience with the tech world.
-I was a fifth grade teacher for two years in a public charter school.
-I have spent hours researching historical topics and have taught history to all ages.

◾️ T H E A T R E   C L A S S E S ◾️
-Theatre Acting Lessons for Beginners- levels 1, 2 and 3
-Weekly 1:1 Private Acting Lessons
-One time 1:1 Private Acting Lesson
-Group Lessons for Teens
-Group Lessons for Kids
-How to Perform a Monologue (Self-Paced)
-Musical Theatre Fans Summer Camps
-Introductory Theatre Class (Self-Paced)
-Drama and Improv Club for Teens
-Drama and Improv Club for Kids
-Talent Acting Showcase 
-Intro to Improvisation 
-Online Play
-Beginning Acting Self-Paced Level 1

◾️ H I S T O R Y   C L A S S E S ◾️


◾️ F U N  F A C T S ◾️
-I have a Corgi and a Rottweiler!
-I am a huge Disney fan. I love traveling and trying out new places. 
-I love to watch movies, hang out with friends and family, and drink iced coffee.
-I am looking forward to having my first baby this fall!




40 分

22 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人

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