

Patricia Valdez Certified Teacher
この 16 週間のコースでは、学生は適切な栄養と運動、ソーシャル メディアが個人の健康管理に与える影響、病気から身を守る方法、アルコール、タバコ、医薬品の影響について学びます。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Beginner レベル向け
16 lessons//16 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introductions/ Class Routine/ Your Feelings and Actions
Students will familiarize how the teacher requires the class to run and how students will be graded. Students will learn how to effectively respond to peer pressure and build conflict resolution skills. Students will learn how lifestyle practices contribute to positive mental and emotional health. Students will learn skills for building a healthy family and peer relationships. Students will learn about mental health and how to maintain it.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Health and Wellness of the Body
Students will develop an exercise plan and compare how it affects them emotionally. Students will learn the importance of sleep for a growing teen. LAB: They will do an evaluation of their own everyday lifestyles by charting their feelings and physical activities for one week. Then, design a fitness program that they will attempt to complete before the next class.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Community and Goals
Students will learn the strategies to improve societal and environmental conditions that contribute to health.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Communication and Mental Health
Students will learn strategies for communication. Students will learn about mental health issues.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Mental Health cont./ Anxiety/ Sleep
Students learn what makes them anxious and how they can deal with their anxiety. Students learn the importance of sleep to the brain. Lab: Anxiety Worksheet-Students fill this out to pinpoint their anxiety and think of how to minimize it.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Sleep continued and Nutritional Diet
Students will learn the nutritional needs of a teen. Students will learn the food pyramid. Students will learn how food is important, how to make healthy choices and discuss how the media influences our food
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Sleeping Disorders and Eating Disorders
Students will learn the causes, symptoms, and harmful effects of eating disorders.
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Food Allergens
Students learn about food allergens and their effects on the body. The role of media and social influences on personal healthcare choices. LAB: They will do an evaluation of their own everyday lifestyles by charting their food intake for one week. Lab: Students will bring a healthy meal to class and share why they made those choices.
 Week 9
Lesson 9
Students will learn the physiological effects of alcohol use on the human body. Students will learn why people turn to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.
 Week 10
Lesson 10
Students will learn why people turn to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. Lab: Let's look at a rabbit's lung and a sheep's brain. Sketch slides of the lung, and liver.
 Week 11
Lesson 11
Growing and Changing
Students will briefly review the endocrine systems Students will learn about cell division and how growth hormones affect the body's growth. Lab: Students will research skeletal, muscular, and endocrine diseases.
 Week 12
Lesson 12
Students will learn the basics of skin, hair, teeth, and nail care. They will discuss the role of media and social influences on personal healthcare choices. Lab: Cosplay a shampoo or soap product they would see in the media. Point out why it is important to read the package.
 Week 13
Lesson 13
Medicines and Illegal Drugs
Students will learn the physiological effects of medicines and drug use on the human body. Students will learn what to do if their friends are suicidal and where they can find help. Lab: Students will read the labels of three OTC medicines and draw a chart that will tell when they are to be taken and when they expire. Students will research the laws of their state or country on the use of illegal drugs.
 Week 14
Lesson 14
Students will learn what household items are flammable and what to do in the event of an emergency. Students will learn how to be safe at home, on the road, in the pool, and in the workplace. Students will learn how to protect themselves against disease. Students will learn how to protect themselves against sexual abuse. Lab: Students will come up with a sketched safety plan for their families.
 Week 15
Lesson 15
Reproduction/Grieving and Suicide
Students will learn about the female and male reproductive systems. Students will learn the physical, mental, and social changes that occur in males and females during this phase in life. Students will understand what HIV and AIDS is. / Presentations
 Week 16
Lesson 16
Health Agencies /Presentations
Students will learn the vocabulary words: agency, health department, public clinic, vital records, hotlines, and volunteers. Students will learn the importance to help volunteers with different organizations such as the March of Dimes, the American Cancer Society, and the American Red Cross; just to name a few. Also, navigate the health care system such as: finding a physician, medical history, and health insurance.
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
  • Students will learn to take care of their health by reading about various health-related topics.
  • Studying proper nutrients and exercise using diagrams and charts will help us understand where a student may lack in some areas and improve.
  • Studying how social media influences our healthcare choices, and how they can make wise choices and not go with the fads being presented to them.
  • Students will learn to protect themselves against diseases that can easily be avoided with proper knowledge.
  • Students will learn about the effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by making observational comparisons of normal brains vs drug-addicted ones; and a normal lung vs a smoker's lung.
I am a Secondary Certified Teacher with a lifetime certification in Education. My major is Biology and my minor is Art. I've been teaching Health, General Science, Physical Science, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Biology for over thirty-five years to middle and high school students worldwide. I've taught in public, private, Montessori, and homeschool groups. I also am CPR certified.

I was a moderator of the annual Health Fair for several of these schools. With this expertise, I feel I am more than qualified to teach Health Today! I enjoy opening the students' awareness of taking care of themselves and being safe for themselves and their communities. 

I would like to state that I am not a therapist but rather an educator who is going to state FACTS on how alcohol affects the function of the brain, how tobacco can cause gum cancer, and how to use OTC drugs safely. Plus, explain how illegal drugs can harm the body physiologically and how nicotine can be addictive. There will be NO open discussions but rather factual material that is to be learned in order to complete the educational material required for the high school Heath course.

I also took Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us (from the University of Pennsylvania in 2018) and Drugs, drug use, drug policy, and health (from University of Geneva in 2020) on Coursera.org .
I recently received a certificate for attending KLRN Youth Mental Health Summit (Sept. 2023). virtual, 3-hour session led by special guest speakers who are mental health advocates. 

Further background information can be found on my LinkedIn:
授業以外に週あたり 1 - 2 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 含まれる
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Pre-class homework will be assigned each week. Students will view a video/s each week, write facts about them in a doc format, and submit them as homework. Discussions will take place during class time.
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Grades are optional; however, I would like to know if they are going to need one before the course begins. Grades are based on the following: Weekly videos and facts Discussions Projects/ Labs Coloring sheets or label diagrams Textbook homework
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Grades are provided upon request. This course is a homework based class so students who want a grade must turn in ALL assignments to maintain an A+.
Students will need access to a computer, computer paper, ink, a notebook, color pencils, scissors, and sewing measuring tape, a handweight and regular scotch tape. 
Bullying, drugs, smoking, grieving, suicide, and alcohol will be mentioned in this course. Endocrine and Reproductive systems will be studied in this course. Therefore anatomical terms such as vagina and penis will be noted.
All sources will be listed in the Outschool classroom per week prior to each class. Sources are specific websites students must read and respond to in the classroom. 
参加しました October, 2018
テキサス 教員免許 科学で
Hello, My name is Patricia Valdez. I love teaching! 

I am a wife. I have four sons (who were homeschooled all the way thru to high school) and eight grandchildren. I am bilingual. I speak both English and Spanish.
I enjoy gardening, upcycling and... 




毎週または¥265 16 クラス分
週に1回、 16 週間
50 分

75 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 14-17
クラス人数: 3 人-12 人

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