
高校英語2 2学期終了

公立学校で何度も教えた経験のある教師が教える高校英語 2 の 2 学期の完全版です。このクラスには宿題、エッセイ、シェークスピア劇、研究、成績が含まれます。このクラスは期間限定で半額で提供しています。
Mark Tyson B.A., M.A.
Star Educator


64 ライブミーティング
58 時間 40 分 授業時間


English 1 (MTWT) 
Note: some of this outline may change slightly as the class progresses. I may change a few things to accommodate certain learners and their learning styles. 

Part 1: Parts of Speech (Week 1)
Monday: Nouns, pronouns (2 assignments) 
Tuesday: Verbs (1 assignment) 
Wednesday: Adjectives and Adverbs (1 assignment) 
Thursday: Conjunctions and Prepositions (2 assignments) 

Part 2: Vocabulary (Week 2) 
Monday: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes (100 most common Latin and Greek root words handout) (1 assignment) (These are different root words than those included in the 1st semester Freshmen class.) 
Tuesday: First 25 words Memory game. 
Wednesday: Homonyms and Homophones (1 assignment) 
Thursday: Parts of Speech and first 25 Vocabulary words review. Parts of Speech and First 25 Vocabulary quiz. 

Part 3: Sentence Construction (Week 3) 
Monday: Subjects and Predicates, Phrases and Clauses (1 assignment) 
Tuesday: Objects and Compliments (predicate nominative and predicate adjective) (1 assignment) 
Wednesday: Modifiers and Verbals (Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives) (1 assignment) 
Thursday: Part 3 review and Sentence Construction Quiz

Part 4: Essay Writing (Weeks 4 and 5) 
Monday: Types of Essays Comparison and Persuasive. 
Assignment: Comparison Essay (Due the following Monday)
Tuesday: Persuasive Essay
Assignment: Persuasion techniques 
Wednesday: break, no class (student can use this time to write the comparison essay) 
Thursday: break, no class
Monday: The Persuasive Essay (lecture, instruction) 
Tuesday: Writing the opening lines of The Persuasive Essay (Thesis Statement) 
Wednesday: Tuesday class continued.
Thursday: Vocabulary second 25 words Jeopardy game review if time permits. 

Part 5: Novel Study: The Gothic Novel (Weeks 6, 7, 8) “Dracula” by Bram Stoker (essays are due this class period on Monday) 
This unit will contain class readings (mostly by the instructor or recordings) and assignments over the 3 weeks indicated. The timing of the assignments will vary with the progress of the class, so a day by day play of what we will be doing will vary depending on the reading progress of the class. Assignments are designed to focus on close reading. There may also be a planned writing assignment if time permits. (There will be breaks from live classes during this time for individual reading.)

Part 6: Poetry (Week 9) 
Monday: Poetry Introduction
Read: "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe
Read: “The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe
Supplemental: Explication and analysis of a poem   
Tuesday: Poetry Forms: the Ballad
Read: "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Wednesday: The Sonnet (Petrarchan, Shakespearean, Spenserian) 
Thursday:  Continue Petrarchan, Shakespearean, and Spenserian sonnet introduction and assignment
Discuss completed assignment for Sonnets
Supplemental writing: Explication and analysis of a poem (completed)  

Part 7: Drama (Weeks 10, 11, 12, 13) 
Reading and analysis of “A Midsummer Night's Dream” By William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s life “What we think we know.”  
This unit will contain class readings (mostly by the instructor or recordings) and assignments over the 4 weeks indicated. The timing of the assignments will vary with the progress of the class, so a day by day play of what we will be doing will vary depending on the reading progress of the class. Assignments are designed to focus on close reading. There may also be a writing assignment if time permits. 
Vocabulary third and fourth 25 words Jeopardy game review if time permits. 

Part 8: Research Paper (Weeks 14, 15, 16) 
In this unit learners will learn how to write a research paper. They will learn ethos, pathos, logos, bias, generalization, and gathering primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. They will learn how to take notes, organize their thoughts, make an outline, and form a thesis statement. 
Analyzing Bias and Propaganda: Learners will learn about methods for bias and propaganda by studying political ads for each. (In order to avoid current controversial bias, political ads and propaganda examples will be used from the past.)
Research Process: Choosing a topic: Learners will learn how to take a wide, general topic and focus it down to a coherent thesis. 
Evaluate Primary and Secondary Sources: Learners will learn where to find and test primary and secondary sources for their research.
Synthesize Information and Note Taking: Learners will learn to evaluate sources and arrange information on note cards. They will learn to filter out information unusable for their topic.
Outline and Citations: Learners will create an outline and write their first draft. They will learn how to support their thesis statement with supporting evidence. They will also learn how to cite sources using the MLA format for research papers.
Research Paper: Learners will use their first draft to write the final research paper. 
After the final research paper, a detailed grade will be assessed for the entire class.
I modeled this class after my English 2 public school syllabus. The course is approximately 60 hours of in class work and (60 hours outside of class), which is 1 credit homeschool or high school. This course contains built in breaks from "live" classes for writing and reading. In a brick and mortar classroom I would have reading days or writing days, but I found that online classes do not allow for this because we would just be logged on staring at each other silently. Therefore, I found it's better to have reading or writing days offline. I hope parents will help me to insure their student works on the required homework during this time.


Learners will need paper and something to write with for note-taking. They will also need note cards for the research paper unit. (unit 8) 
Many worksheets may have to be printed out for the learners (although I do try to present alternatives to printouts) so parents are encouraged to have black ink cartridges on hand for your printers. 
Students will need a copy of "Dracula" by Bram Stoker either rented from a library during unit 5 or a store bought copy. I will also have a PDF copy available for e-readers.
参加しました August, 2017
Star Educator
修士号 National Universityから 英語 へ
学士号 New York Institute of Technology から 英語 へ
 I have been teaching English in both public school (high school English 1-4) and online for over 15 years. I have also earned a B.A in English and Culture and a M.A. in English and Literature. 
For a limited time I am offering this class at a discount.




64 クラス分
週に4回、 16 週間
55 分

7 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 14-17
クラス人数: 2 人-12 人

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