
映画女優による演技クラスで演技を楽しみましょう! ハリウッドスキル。

この演技プログラムは、初心者がテクニックと演技を学ぶのに最適です。お子さんが俳優になることを夢見ているなら、これは彼らにとって最高の初心者プログラムです。私たちはベスト演技スクール賞を 5 回受賞しました。
Universal Talent Acting School by Vivian Woods


8 ライブミーティング
6 時間 40 分 授業時間
週1時間. Students will be encouraged to practice and memorize their pieces for performance. Students are expected to keep up with the homework each week. If a student misses a class they are expected to watch the recorded video and if they have any questions then to reach out to me. It is imperative that the student stays up-to-date with their work for successful completion of the program. in this beginners program will be short with up to 6 lines.


Class Experience
Students will learn what they need to become a successful actor and how to do it with this great beginners program.

Each week we will cover a new acting lesson working on short scenes which are geared for on camera acting, how to analyze the scene and determine how to deliver believable characters.  
Week 1:  Topics and Lesson
We will cover classroom expectations so we can all have a great time together:)
What does it really take to become an actor?
Basic Improv Games and scenes will be given out.  Today we will read through the scene.

*** Info will be posted for parents about what casting directors, agents and production companies are really looking for which will include headshots, proper portfolio, demo reels and more***

Week 2:  Students will actively work on their scenes in class. We do encourage students to memorize their lines. We will be teaching memorization skills today.

Week 3:  Introduction Acting Technique: Basic Character Development.  This is where students get to create a story about their character, bringing their character to life and share with the class!  And then, of course we’re gonna step into that character and performer scenes.

Week 4:  Emotional Choices
How changing emotions affects a line.  We work at doing this based on what happened to the character before jumping into their first line. We play around with us and give different options.

Week 5: Entrances and Exits:  our entrance is an exit. Have everything to do with our characters before and after, and where they’re headed to. We’re excited to jump into this and throw this into the scenes.

Week 6: Time for a new scene that we will work on for the next three weeks given the information we’ve already had.

Week 7:   Today we will discuss auditions and potentially there might be a new short scene that we will work with today. So that you can get used to having a little notice, which is common in the industry to produce a scene. Trust us it will be very short. You will do wonderful as you have so much training already with us.

Week 8: Students will have so much fun doing improvisation after they’ve built amazing friendships with other students. We will be presenting our scenes and just having so much fun as always.

Please ensure that you are checking the classroom every few days in case I post a new script. Also please be aware that all Scripts that you will need do you need to be printed, they are very short scenes. If you don’t have access to a printer them please have the scene written out prior to class.

Please send me a message to let me know what reading level ear learner is not so I can ensure I have a script to match their reading level.


Students will be sent material which may need to be reprinted.  Please also have a large enough quiet space to perform.  Bring a notepad and pencil with eraser, and water bottle.
It is highly recommended that you have a printer for this program to print out the short scenes and or monologues. However it is not necessary, as it is good practice to have the students write out their line so it helps them memorize.
参加しました June, 2020
I have been involved in acting, both as a performer, student and teacher.  Growing up in the industry taught me valuable skills which have transferred into all areas of my life.
I own an acting school and talent agency in Canada.  In my acting school, I have taught students ages 3 and up and also represent many of them in my agency, helping students to land auditions on major network shows, films and commercials.
So if acting is truly your passion, you have come to the right place as you will find some of the industries best training with me!  I’m here to help you succeed as an actor, preparing you for success in every aspect.
Check out my global talent agency and to learn more about me.




毎週または$165 8 クラス分
週に1回、 8 週間
50 分

30 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-9
クラス人数: 5 人-8 人

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