
実践的な世界史 || 中学校

Janelle Hopkins, M.Ed - World & US History
Star Educator


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 50 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
Beginner レベル向け
This course offers an excellent supplementary addition to your homeschooling curriculum, enriching your child's educational experience and fostering connections to the past through engaging hands-on activities. 

Wondering why hands-on learning is crucial for middle schoolers? The answer is simple: middle schoolers primarily think in concrete terms. They haven't fully developed abstract thinking abilities yet, a process that typically begins in high school. As a result, if middle schoolers can't physically see and interact with something in its concrete form, they often struggle to relate to it and retain the information. This is where hands-on projects and activities become indispensable for middle schoolers. They need to witness concepts in action concretely before they can actively engage in discussions and truly grasp the ideas. 

-In this class, active participation plays a crucial role in fostering meaningful engagement and learning. Learners are strongly encouraged to actively contribute to discussions, share their perspectives, and ask questions. Additionally, to promote critical thinking and facilitate in-class interactions, it's important to use the chat feature sparingly. While the chat is suitable for quick questions or clarifications, lengthy answers or discussions are best reserved for our face-to-face interactions.

-It is crucial for learners to be punctual and arrive on time for this class. While late arrivals will be allowed to join and participate from the moment they arrive, it is important to note that due to time constraints, we will not be able to restart simulations or catch up on activities for latecomers. To ensure the smooth progression of the class and maximize the learning experience for all participants, punctuality is strongly encouraged.

This course embarks on a captivating time-traveling adventure, utilizing interactive simulations to bring the vibrant mosaic of human history to life. It sharpens learner critical thinking as they navigate from the budding settlements of prehistory to the complex societies of the ancient world, which set the stage for modern civilization.

Progressing into the classical age, learners will dive into the fascinating stories of great empires and the origin of ideas, art, and government that have lasted for ages. They'll explore the might and influence of the Roman Empire, the wisdom and ideas of Ancient Greece, and the diverse and rich cultures of the classical civilizations in Asia.

The journey proceeds to the medieval period, where learners will learn how to think critically as they study how society was organized in layers, from kings down to peasants, how different religions spread and influenced each other, and how cultures mixed as people traveled and traded all over the world. Engaging re-enactments will prompt learners to critically examine the societal structures of the time, from the lives of knights to the architectural wonders of cathedrals, and the transformative Crusades.

Entering the early modern period, learners will explore the Renaissance's explosion of artistic innovation and new ideas, the profound changes of the Reformation, and the daring sea voyages that not only connected distant lands but also had significant and lasting effects on global trade, cultures, and the spread of European influence. Learners will also examine the complex politics in Europe that sparked enduring wars and shaped modern nations, along with the establishment of European overseas empires, deepening their understanding of the often negative, long-term impacts these had on indigenous populations, cultures, and civilizations.

These simulations are more than just playing pretend with history; they're about digging deep into how the past shapes our world today. The objective is to spark an enduring interest in the history that has sculpted our legacy, grasp its lasting impact and boost critical thinking skills through enjoyable and engaging problem-solving.

Each week, learners will actively participate in hands-on activities or simulations, followed by debriefing sessions. A handout will be provided as a brief introduction and guide to the selected topic and activity. Materials and/or handouts will be posted in the virtual classroom each week, allowing students to access and bring them to class. While most materials can be utilized digitally, some may require traditional printing. In the absence of a printer, most handouts can be substituted with a blank sheet of paper.

No prior knowledge is required to join this class, as it caters to learners of all levels who are eager to learn more and virtually experience the past. Any relevant information learners may need will be addressed. This ongoing class offers stand-alone lessons, allowing learners to join at any time or take breaks and return later, ensuring flexibility and convenience.

Fall 2024 Tentative Schedule
**Thursdays: Prehistoric Societies & Ancient Civilizations
9/19: Early Humans , Paleolithic & Neolithic Era Societies
9/26: Villages to City-States
10/3: Mesopotamian Civilizations
10/10: Mesopotamian Civilizations
10/17: Ancient Egypt
10/24: Ancient Egypt
10/31: Ancient Egypt, Nubia & Kush
11/7: Indus Valley Civilizations
11/14: Indus Valley Civilizations
11/21: Ancient China
11/28: No Class
12/5: Ancient China
12/12: Ancient Minoans & Mycenaeans 
12/19: No Class
12/26: No Class

Summer 2025 Tentative Schedule
**Tuesdays: Prehistory & Ancient Civilizations
May 13: Early Humans , Paleolithic & Neolithic Era Societies
May 20: No Class
May 27: Villages to City-States
June 3: Mesopotamian Civilizations
June 10: Mesopotamian Civilizations
June 17: Ancient Egypt
July 1: Ancient Egypt
July 8: Indus Valley Civilizations
July 15: Ancient China
July 22: Ancient Minoans & Mycenaeans 

**Thursdays: Medieval World
May 15: Vikings
May 22: No Class
May 29: Medieval Life
June 5: Islamic Civilizations
June 11: West African Civilizations
June 18: Byzantine Empire 
July 3: Kievan Rus
July 10: Black Plague
July 17: Wars of the Roses


The study of world history encompasses a wide range of topics, including sensitive subjects such as war, slavery, racism, religion, and genocide. It is important to note that religion will only be discussed in a historical context, focusing on its impact and influence throughout different time periods. Throughout the course, learners will be exposed to various perspectives by utilizing peer-reviewed and scholarly sources. They will be actively encouraged to engage in critical and reflective thinking, particularly when it comes to topics related to classical conflicts, security issues, religion, and economics. These discussions will be carefully moderated, fostering an environment where all viewpoints are respected and ensuring that the discussions remain unbiased and secular. I am committed to presenting the content in an age-appropriate manner, considering the maturity and readiness of the learners. I understand the importance of providing historical information in a sensitive and responsible way, ensuring that the material is presented accurately and thoughtfully. By approaching these topics with care and providing a balanced perspective, learners will have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of world history while fostering critical thinking skills and a broader worldview.
To participate effectively in this course, students will need the following materials:

Paper: It is recommended to have both construction or colored paper for creative projects and regular paper for written assignments.
Pen/Pencil: Essential tools for note-taking, completing assignments, and engaging in activities.
Crayons/Markers/Colored Pencils: These coloring tools will be useful for visual projects and adding creativity to assignments.
Printer*: Access to a printer is required for printing out resources provided by the teacher or accessing digital documents.
*For digital worksheets, please refer to the 'Materials' section, which contains a list of third-party websites where they can be accessed.
Note: If using hard copy printouts, it is strongly suggested to have a folder or binder for organization.
Dice: A physical set of dice, an app that allows for dice rolls, or access to a virtual dice roller online will be used for specific activities and simulations.
For digital worksheets, please refer to the 'Materials' section, which contains a list of third-party websites where they can be accessed.

Make sure to have these supplies ready to fully participate in the course activities and projects.
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
参加しました June, 2020
Star Educator
アラバマ 教員免許 社会科・歴史で
修士号 University of Montevalloから 教育 へ
I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a concentration in Comparative Politics. My academic journey included a wide range of courses focusing on various political and historical aspects of civilizations from different time periods and regions around the world. This comprehensive study allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the complexities of past and present societies.

Furthermore, I pursued a Master of Education degree specializing in Secondary Social Sciences, which provided me with advanced knowledge in teaching history, political science, and related subjects. I obtained certification from the state of Alabama, qualifying me to teach social sciences to students in grades 7-12.

Over the course of my teaching career, I have gained extensive experience instructing students in US and World history; dedicated to delivering engaging and informative lessons in these subjects. Additionally, I have conducted extensive research in both history and politics for over 20+ years, allowing me to stay informed and up-to-date with the latest developments in these fields.

My educational background, teaching experience, and research expertise have equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide students with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. I am committed to fostering a deeper understanding of historical events and political dynamics while encouraging critical thinking and a passion for learning in my learners.




50 分

55 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-14
クラス人数: 3 人-8 人

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