1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分宿題:
週1時間. Some short readings may be assigned before a given class to facilitate discussion; some discussion questions may be posted in the classroom ahead of time as food for thought.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Students should come to this class with at least a basic understanding of ancient Greek mythology, the gods and goddesses, heroes, monsters, etc. All individual lessons are freestanding, but as a general prerequisite for this course, students should have a foundational understanding of some iconic Greek myths and their characters. We will discuss various themes of mythology that run throughout several story arcs and their significance. We will discuss characters on a more literary level - for example, what defines a hero from the ancient Greek perspective? And, most importantly, we will use these stories not just for our own education and entertainment, but as a window into the lives and minds of the ancient Greek people. These people lived thousands of years ago, but despite geographical and temporal distance, they were people just like you and I are today. Perhaps we are more alike than we often think. My teaching style is flexible, fluid, and fun. As long as we stay on track with our content, I'm delighted to encourage student engagement and allow their questions and observations to steer the direction of the course discussion. Mythology is a wonderful place to explore the complexities of human emotion and behavior, and with our discussions this class will certainly provide some intense and thought-provoking conversations. This course works best with interactive student engagement; though I am always able to spend the whole lesson telling stories and myths if needed! I post content and announcements in the Classroom regularly, so check there for any announcements or handouts. 2023 Summer Scheduling June 13: An Assortment of Mythical Monsters and the Heroes Who Killed Them June 20: Hades and Persephone, and Other Tales of Divine Abductions June 27: The Trojan War in 45 Minutes July 4: no class! USA Independence Day July 11: Don't Get On Apollo's Bad Side (aka stories of Cassandra, Niobe, and Agamemnon) July 18: Ancient Mystery Cults and Other Ancient Greek Festivals July 25: Transformations into Trees (Daphne, Syrinx, Baucis and Philemon)
Students will deepen their understanding and appreciation of ancient Greek mythology, and learn more about ancient Greek history and culture through the myths as well.
Mythology has some grizzly topics that range from man-eating monsters to trips to the Underworld to suicides and murders, and loads in between. As this is a more advanced course, I won't be sugarcoating much in the presentation of the stories. Rather, we will dive deep into the WHY and HOW behind these stories, looking at the overall significance.
2 学位
修士号 Brandeis Universityから 歴史 へ
学士号 Gordon Collegeから 外国語 へ
Hello! I’m Larissa Laver and I’ve been teaching since 2008. I’ve worked with young children through young adults over the years: I have taught Pre-K through collegiate level courses and literally every grade in between at some point in my career. I mainly have taught Latin language from elementary through advanced levels, and occasionally teach Ancient Greek as well. I also teach Ancient Greek and Roman History courses, Classical Mythology, and the Homeric Epics. I have traveled extensively in Greece and Italy, and what I learned on those adventures often finds its way into my lessons.
I consider myself a lifelong learner and am always digging deeper to discover more about the world we live in, its history, peoples, languages, religions, cuisines, and more! I also love when my students challenge me with their amazing questions and observations. I spend much time reading and researching in the hopes of being a better citizen of the world and educator.
When I'm not engaged in academic pursuits, I spend my time with my amazing husband. Together we love to travel, play tennis, and hang out with our pet chickens! When I'm on my own, I love kickboxing, yoga (sometimes outside with the chickens!), and gardening (also with the chickens).
45 分
14 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 14-18
クラス人数: 3 人-5 人