3 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 15 分宿題:
Small assignments that help with reading will be assigned outside of class.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4
Fourth Grade Reading while enhancing and/or maintaining your child's academic skills and strategies with fun-filled weekly themed units! Each week students will engage in a fun theme that includes essential components of reading instruction: *comprehension * vocabulary *fluency *phonological awareness *phonics and word analysis Other literacy topics include: *grammar, writing and visual discrimination Students will work with a small group and the teacher to complete the daily activity. Sample week: *Note: Skills and strategies change weekly to enrich or enhance student's learning Monday: Students will be introduced to their weekly story (Fluency) and comprehension activity Tuesday- Phonics/Phonemic Awareness Activities Wednesday: Vocabulary/writing/grammar *Weekly Theme Topics* This is a 8 week Summer Camp! :) Week of June 3rd: ( Week 1: This week starts Thur-Sat ONLY) The Lion and the Mouse- recalling details, relating personal experiences, sequencing, categorizing words that describe character traits, synonyms, onomatopoetic words, irregular verbs. Week of June 10th: An Oregon Trail Diary- recalling details, sequencing, drawing conclusions, interpreting graphic information, critical thinking, categorizing, compound words. Week of June 17th: The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Jug- making inferences, sequencing, recalling details, understanding word meaning, suffixes, reading with expression, alphabetical order Week of June 24th: The Three Sillies-recalling details, creative thinking, sequencing, using context, understanding word meaning, comparative & superlative words, reading with expression. Week of July 1st: Penguins, Pelicans, and Puffins- true or false, sequencing, recalling details, understanding word meaning, using words in context, reading with accuracy, writing sentences correctly, recognizing the correct spelling. No Class the Week of July 8th-14th Week of July 15th: Leprechauns- recalling details, identifying realism and fantasy, similes, interpreting graphic information, understanding word meaning, long vowel spelling, unscrambling words from a story. Week of July 22nd: The Legend of Blackbeard the Pirate- recalling details, making inferences, drawing on personal experie3nces, sequencing, critical thinking, interpreting graphic information, understanding word meaning, synonyms, homophones, alphabetical order Week of July 29th: Updated Shortly Small assignments after class will also be assigned.
Each week students will engage in a fun theme that includes essential components of reading instruction:
* vocabulary
*phonological awareness
*phonics and word analysis
Other literacy topics include:
*grammar, writing and visual discrimination
Students will work with a small group and the teacher to complete the daily activity.
Pencil, paper, colors Course works best if workbook is purchased. You can purchase on Amazon! Skill Sharpeners Reading: Connecting School and Home Skill Sharpeners Grade 4 Evan-Moor 4532
Skill Sharpeners Reading: Connecting School and Home
Skill Sharpeners Grade 4 Evan-Moor 4532
毎週 ( $10クラスごとに )週に3回
25 分
36 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-10
クラス人数: 2 人-10 人