
あらゆるフィットネスレベル向けのカーディオインターバルクラス「Get Moving Cardio」

このカーディオ クラスでは、さまざまなエクササイズ オプションが用意されており、あらゆるフィットネス レベルの人が参加できます。クラスごとにエクササイズ、タイミング、アクティビティ レベルが異なります。体を動かして楽しむことに重点を置いています。


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 55 分


This class will consist of cardio exercises for all fitness levels. I will actively lead all classes and demonstrate each exercise while participants follow along with me. Each class will start with a warm-up then move into more active no/high impact exercises and end with a short cool down. Different options will be given for most exercises so participants can choose which works best for them. Exercises will be performed for a set amount of time with short breaks between moves. Work and break times will vary from class to class.  I always encourage participants to have fun with the exercises, they do not need to be done perfectly. I also encourage them to put their on "flair" to exercises. The important thing to remember is to just move. I encourage some water to sip during breaks but other than that, no equipment is needed.
Participants will learn different ways to be active and proper form for exercises.
Participants will learn that exercises and being active can help relief stress, anxiety, improve focus, and moods.


Each class will start with a 3-5 minute warm up that will ease each participant into more active exercises. No movement or stretching is required before the start of a class, doing so is at the discretion of each participant and should be done on their own before the start of each class. While no equipment is required for this class it is recommended that participants have water within reach to sip on throughout the class. Some participants may prefer a sweat towel or cooling towel to use during class. Adequate space for up/back and side/side or diagonal movements is required. Spaces should have air flow, be cool and not hot, be dry and clutter free. If a participant chooses to perform any high impact moves this can create noise or vibrations that could possibly disturb others. To reduce noise during high impact moves a yoga mat or carpeted surface can be used to cushion and reduce impact. Please do not use other mats or surfaces that are slick or reduce grip, possibly leading to injury. Participants should wear clothing that is easy to move in and does not restrict movements. Please no short shorts and exercise bras must be covered and no bare chest allowed. Tennis shoes/sneakers or other shoes that can be secured on feet are appropriate. For injury prevention no flip flops, crocs, sandals, or other non-secured footwear is appropriate. Bare or sock/hosiery covered feet are also not considered safe for exercise. Engagement in exercise classes given by Katie's Sweat Shop is voluntary. Some activities may be strenuous, and may require body movements that participants may not be familiar with to improve overall fitness. Each participant and their parent/guardian is responsible for monitoring the participants condition throughout the workout and should cease participation if any unusual symptoms occur. Enrollment in this class affirms that this statement has been read, accepted and understood. Enrollment also indicates that understanding of the nature of the exercise class and acknowledgment that there may be risks associated with fitness classes and those possibilities are willingly accepted. Each participant and their parent/guardian is responsible of ensuring safety and taking responsibility for the health and safety of the participant in the fitness class. If there are any health or fitness concerns related to exercise it is the responsibility of the participants parent/guardian to consult a physician before allowing students to participate in any of the activities.
Wear clothing that is easy to move in. To prevent injury please wear tennis shoes and not sandles, flip flops, or crocs. Please have water to sip on.
参加しました June, 2024
修士号 Eastern Michigan Universityから 科学 へ
学士号 Kaplan Universityから 科学 へ
I have always been active from sports, group fitness, to running. I currently own and operate Katie's Sweat Shop a personal training and group fitness studio. I have a Master's in Exercise Physiology, a Bachelor's in Nutrition Sciences, and I am an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer.  




55 分

年齢: 6-11
クラス人数: 2 人-10 人

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