
地質学第1学期 - 火山、化石、恐竜、宝石、鉱物、テクトニクス MD

Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
Star Educator


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 6 - 9
15 lessons//15 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to Geology
In this class I give an overview of the course, covering the basics principles of Geology and the main topics we will cover. I also point out the many exciting careers that studying Geology can lead to.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Rock Types & Geological Principles
In this class we explore the 3 mian rock types and the rock cycle. Then we learn what scientific principles and techniques geologists use to work out the geological history of the earth and life on earth.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Minerals, Gems & Precious Metals
In this class we define what a Mineral is and what makes some minerals precious Gems. We then look at where and how precious metals are mined.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Plate Tectonics
In this class, at first, we study Alfred Wegner’s theory of Continental Drift and learn how it slowly became accepted by the scientific community as a good example of how science works. In the remainder of the class we learn about modern plate tectonics.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
The Formation of the Earth
In this class we go from the formation of the Sun and the Solar System, all the way through the formation of the Earth, the Moon and each supercontinent, including Pangea. And end up looking at what the Earth Might look like 250 million years in the future when Future Pangea forms.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Evolution of Life on Earth
In this class we go over what the fossil record tells us about the evolution of life on Earth. All the way from single celled cyanobacteria, through the Cambrian Explosion, covering Dinosaurs, right up to modern humans.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
The Structure of the Earth
In this class we focus on how we can use seismic waves to tell us the structure of the Earth. And how the Earth’s Magnetic field is generated and why it is important.
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Sedimentary Rocks - Faults & Folds
In this class we cover the basics of the different types of sedimentary rocks and how to identify them. We then learn about different types of faults and folds and learn how to become rock detectives.
 Week 9
Lesson 9
Fossils & Famous Fossil Sites: The Dinosaur Extinction
In this class we revisit sedimentary rocks but focus on fossils and the different ways they can form. We explore some famous fossil sites and then analyse the evidence for whether the dinosaurs were made extinct by a huge meteor strike or was it millions of years of volcanic activity instead.
 Week 10
Lesson 10
The Carbon Cycle, Renewable Energy & Climate Change
In this class we study the Carbon Cycle and focus on how fossil fuels are formed and how geologists and geophysicists are really good a finding them. We then discuss climate change and renewable energy.
 Week 11
Lesson 11
Igneous Rocks & Magma Chambers
In this class we study Intrusive Igneous Rocks that form from magma chambers that cool inside the ground. We look at how they get there and how they are different to volcanic rocks.
 Week 12
Lesson 12
Volcanoes & Lava Structures
In this class we cover Extrusive Igneous Rocks and the main lava and pyroclastic formations. We look inside volcanoes and explore the Ring of Fire that circles the Pacific Ocean.
 Week 13
Lesson 13
Cratons, Diamonds and Metamorphic Rocks
In this class we look at the 3rd main type of rocks that are created by heat and pressure: Metamorphic Rocks. We look at how old continents called Cratons have been heavily metamorphosed and why they are good places to find diamonds.
 Week 14
Lesson 14
The Last Hour of the Dinosaurs
In this class we analyse the end Cretaceous extinction event that wiped out the non-avian dinosaurs. We focus in on a famous palaeontology site called Tanis that purports to tell us about the last hour of the dinosaurs. We will also look at their first hour and their evolutionary history.
 Week 15
Lesson 15
The Geology of North America
In this class we piece together the geological history of North America by tracing how it was made by old cratonic crusts colliding together. We take virtual field trip in a plane so we can see these amazing rock features from the air and can cover more ground.
  • * Describe how the Rock Cyle works * Analyze different rocks and rock formations * Explain how science progressed to accept the Plate Tectonics Theory * Determine why some fossil sites are better than others * Use a model to explain how the continent of North America formed * Engage in arguments about how extracting fossil fuels is linked to climate change
I have a BSc in Geology and an MSc in Geophysics and have chosen the most interesting and exciting subjects to teach to get young minds fascinated by Geology.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: リクエストも承ります
フィードバック: リクエストも承ります
詳細: Homework is optional. From weeks 2 to 14 there will be 6 multi-choice questions to answer using Google Forms within a week of class.
頻度: リクエストも承ります
詳細: Assessment is optional. Students will get instant feedback on the multi-choice questions and their scores will be added up over the Semester to contribute ot a final grade with a certificate.
頻度: リクエストも承ります
詳細: Grades will be offered on request as long as the student answers enough of the optional weekly questions. A certificate of attendance with grade will be sent to the student at the end of the Semester.
Structured lecture classes, so participation optional, relieves anxiety
Mixed media slides appeal to different learning styles
Engaging topics keeps attention
Slides can be seen before class
Multi-choice questions avoids penalising spelling
Some classes talks about Global Warming and Climate Change causing more frequent natural disasters. It also talks about mass extinctions including the possibility of humans causing one now (including ourselves) and has some drawn images of animals dying to become fossils. It is delivered in a upbeat manner with positive solutions (eg: switching to renewable energy), but the more sensative students may find these topics distressing.
Earth Scinece - Global Edition (14th Edition: 2022) - Tarbuck and Lutgens - Published by Pearsons
Earth Science - Hardback Edition - Samuel  - Published by: Spaulding, Namowitz

参加しました December, 2021
Star Educator
米国以外 教員免許 中等教育で
米国以外 教員免許 中等教育で
修士号 Imperial College Londonから 科学 へ
博士号 University of Nottinghamから
学士号 University of Bristolから 科学 へ
I teach Earth Science and Philosophy on Outschool and am very passionate about the topics I teach. You can join any of my classes anytime. They do follow on from each other, but can also be taken as stand alone classes. 

I use the lecture-style... 


毎週または¥295 15 クラス分
週に1回、 15 週間
50 分

年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 3 人-18 人

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