1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分宿題:
週あたり 1-2 時間. Homework: Approximately, 1 hour of self-grading homework is assigned each week. Homework completion is OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED for all learners.テスト
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
This full year course will explore the four major areas of middle school science: chemistry, physical science, earth science, and biology. Classes will have hands-on activity, laboratory, or active discussions. Learners will be able to participate in a live lessons, share ideas, and ask questions. Learners will be able to complete up to eight hands-on laboratory activities. Additionally the course will have useful and demonstrative videos, helpful practice problems, and live labs! Here is a brief schedule of each week for 2024 through the 2025 school year. Chemistry - Classes for Fall 2024 Week of Sep 9: What chemistry is & how if affects everything! (1) Week of Sep 16: Matter and Change Week of Sep 23: Scientific Measurement (3) Week of Sep 30: Atomic Structure (4) Week of Oct 7: Electrons in Atoms (5) Week of Oct 14: Periodic Table (6) Week of Oct 21: Ions and Bonds - Types and Forms (7& 8) Week of Oct 28: Acid Base Reaction Earth Science - Classes for Fall/Winter 2024/25 Week of Nov 4: Scope of and Introduction to Earth Science Week of Nov 11: Minerals (What makes up minerals) Week of Nov 18: Rocks (What makes up rocks?) Week of Dec 2: Structure of the Earth (What's inside?) Week of Dec 9: Weathering & Erosion (How the earth breaks up?) Week of Dec 16: Soil - (Is it alive?) Week of Jan 6: The Moving Earth (How does it move?) Week of Jan 13: Plate Tectonics Demonstration Week of Jan 20: Earthquakes (Why of the shaking?) Physical Science - Classes for Winter 2025 Week of Jan 27: Motion Week of Feb 3: Forces Week of Feb 10: Work and Energy Week of Feb 17: Waves Week of Feb 24: Waves Lab Week of Mar 3: Sound and Light Biology - Classes for Spring 2025 Week of Mar 10: : Scope of Biology Week of Mar 17: Science of Biology Week of Mar 24: Cell Week of Apr 31: Chemistry of Life Enzymes Week of Apr 7 : Enzymes Week oft Apr 14: Bacteria and Viruses Week of Apr 21: Human Body Organization Week of Apr 28: Respiratory System Week of May 5: Cardiovascular System Week of May 12: Nutrients and Digestion Learners have the option to use the master supply list if they wish to complete the experiments with me. One week prior to each class a detailed daily class supply list, based on master supply list, will be provided. Learners will be able to interact and collaborate ideas with classmates during the class. Each will be encouraged to fully participate in each day's experiment.
Will be provide in the classroom once learner is enrolled.
Optional Textbook: Chemistry- Prentice Hall ISBN-13: 978-0132512107 or ISBN-10: 0132512106
Optional Textbook: Biology Exploring Life ISBN-10: 0-13-250882-6; Biology ISBN-13: 9780132508827
Optional Textbook: Physical Science - ISBN-10:0030664691; ISBN-13: 978-0030664694
2 学位
修士号 University of Alabamaから 科学 へ
学士号 University of South Carolinaから 科学 へ
I am a middle school and high school math and science teacher with 12 years of experience. Additionally, I am a homeschooling dad of 16 years who has four kids that are four different types of learners.
I have the privilege to teach many subject areas, but chemistry is my favorite as it applies to all other areas of science. My opinion is that if a student understands major chemical concepts, other sciences become more clear.
I hold a MS and BS in the natural sciences.
45 分
361 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-14
クラス人数: 7 人-17 人