1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分宿題:
週1時間. Homework is optional. I will send an online link after the Live Session, so your learner will continue and practice on their own. The more practice, the better!この文章は自動翻訳されています
✨Get $5 on any off our Classes as a gift this New Year 2025, with Coupon Code: SPANISKOOLOFF5✨ 🆕 BRAND NEW SESSIONS FOR TRUE BEGINNERS🆕 📢NOW OPEN SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS📢 📩 Please contact me if you need to know the Topic/Level of a particular Session, so your student fits right in. 📘All students get a Weekly downloadable PDF Packet with the Vocabulary/Grammar of the week prior to the class ➕ Printable Worksheets for them to write and practice ➕ Homework online link of an interactive game for them to keep practicing the lesson after the live session.❗📘 ✨This Curriculum has been carefully designed for the Beginner student to learn Spanish. The objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the basic elements of communication in Spanish. Every lesson, students will learn a different topic. (Please contact me if you need to see the Curriculum details). The new vocabulary will be supported with the basics of Spanish Grammar (articles/verbs/pronouns/adjectives/nouns) where students will be able to make complete sentences, utilizing them correctly through repetition and be able to speak little by little. ➡️I want to emphasize that this Curriculum doesn't just present new vocabulary with a weekly theme (with no advancement). This is a Curriculum that teaches new Vocabulary along with Grammar. Even though Grammar can be complex, it is important for the student to learn in it, order to be able to speak the language and be fluent. Being that these are Ongoing sessions, I would recommend you to contact me before to know the level and content of each session, so your learner will be able to jump along with other students. I will send you an introduction video and the material we will cover that week, so he/she prepares prior the session. This Curriculum has been designed for students ages 7-12. If your learner is younger or older but you think he/she would be a fit, please contact me directly and I'll be happy to assist you. ❗IMPORTANT STEPS❗ 🌟Camera and microphone should be on at all times in order to be able to participate throughout the live session. New learners need to verified through a video check for safety reasons. 🌟Make sure to display your child's name before you sign in the live session. 🌟It's important that your learner knows how to use ZOOM. Show them where the chat feature is and how to mute and unmute themselves. The chat is where a game link will be sent in order to be able to play online interactive educational games during the live session. Students may need help during class with accessing theses online games. (We will never ask you to sign in to any other game platform other than Outschool). 🌟Only enrolled students should be seen on camera. 🌟A homework link will be sent after every live session. It's very helpful to practice and continue to do so on their own in order to retain what they learned. 💰REFUND POLICY: ✅You can "Pause" your enrollment for that week -your learner's spot in the class may be taken, but you will not be charged for that week. If there is a space open when your pause ends you will automatically en re-enrolled. ✅Choose to un-enroll your learner from the class and re-enroll when your schedule allows. ✅Stay enrolled in the class, and you can view the live class recording from home, and guarantee your learner’s spot in the class. ✅We can transfer your learner to attend a different live session that same week of the missing class (of a similar level-not all classes are learning the same topic). ↘️Any Missed classes due to scheduling conflicts are non-refundable, as we aim to compensate our dedicated teachers fairly. ↘️ For any questions regarding our classes or refund policies, feel free to contact support@outschool.com. 💫Thank You!💫
Students will have a great Spanish foundation. In every class they will learn vocabulary, expressions, and sentence structure involving themes and topics. They will improve their language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
📘All students get a Weekly downloadable PDF Packet with the Vocabulary/Grammar of the week prior to the class ➕ Printable Worksheets for them to write and practice ➕ Homework online link of an interactive game for them to keep practicing the lesson after the live session.❗📘
クラス登録時に 2 の学習素材が提供されます
5 先生は教員免許を持っています
ニューヨーク州 教員免許 健康/体育で
ニュージャージー 教員免許 外国語で
ニュージャージー 教員免許 外国語で
テキサス州 教員免許 初等教育で
テキサス州 教員免許 外国語で
テネシー州 教員免許 外国語で
ニュージャージー 教員免許 外国語で
アリゾナ 教員免許 外国語で
4 先生は大学院の学位を持っています
修士号 Carnegie Mellon Universityから 情報技術 へ
修士号 Seton Hall Universityから 中等教育 へ
修士号 University of Texas at Arlington から 教育 へ
修士号 Unan leon universityから 教育 へ
修士号 Unanleon universityから 教育 へ
6 先生は学士号を取得しています
学士号 California State University of Long Beachから スペイン語と文学 へ
学士号 Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgadoから コミュニケーション へ
学士号 Seton Hall Universityから スペイン語と文学 へ
学士号 University of Arizonaから 幼児教育 へ
学士号 Dallas Baptist Universityから 初等教育 へ
学士号 California State University Long Beachから 外国語 へ
1 教師は準学士号を取得しています
準学士号 Arizona Western collegeから 経営管理学 へ
⭐New to Outschool? Use our Promo Code: SPANISK20 and receive $20 OFF!⭐
Welcome to the SPANISKOOL! www.Spaniskool.com
Where learning Spanish is more than an enjoyable learning experience, it's a FUN Adventure!
Hola, Soy Ms. Carol! I'm the creator of Spaniskool- Spanish Online School for Kids.
I have been a Language Teacher for more than Twenty-Six years.
I'm a Native Spanish Speaker, who has worked with various prestigious Language Academies around the World (Rosetta Stone, Academia Europea, EXAM to name a few) , before creating Spaniskool.
After many years of teaching, gathering what works and what doesn't, when teaching children a new language. I decided to create a Unique Curriculum, using the best method to teach children: Spaniskool.
This is an interactive and fun program, student centered, especially designed for kids to successfully retain and learn Spanish.
Spaniskool has expanded due to the demand, and we now have a team of expert Native Spanish Teachers, with strong and solid experience in teaching children from all ages, in both physical and online settings.
At Spaniskool, Our Mission is:
➢ To provide the best Spanish Online program for children in an authentic and fun way that focuses on fluency development.
➢ We are truly committed to providing the highest quality education to our students by ensuring that our Teachers are well-trained and equipped with the knowledge necessary to provide quality education in their online sessions.
Your child is invited to embark on the Best thrilling Spanish-Learning Adventure!
At Spaniskool, we’re not just teaching Spanish; we’re bringing our Wonderful Spanish culture to your child through games, music, play, and laughter!
Spaniskool -Spanish Online School for Kids は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
中級学習者向けの完全なプロフェッショナルスペイン語カリキュラム - Spaniskool
Spaniskool -Spanish Online School for Kids
$13 クラスごと
2/週、 30 分
8 歳-13 歳
他のクラス by Spaniskool -Spanish Online School for Kids
他のクラス by Spaniskool -Spanish Online School for Kids
Fabiola Woerner Bilingual Teacher
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/9 の3 PM です
1/週、 25 分
5 歳-8 歳
スペイン語を1週間で話せるようになるスペイン語ブートキャンプ - 楽しくて魅力的なスペイン語のライブレッスン
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$8 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4 PM です
1 週間、 7/週、 30 分
4 歳-7 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$48 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Monday の5 PM です
8 歳-18 歳
スペイン語クラス: スペイン語初級単語グループ
Teacher Jorge
$11 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 4:30 PM です
2/週、 25 分
4 歳-5 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 2 PM です
2/週、 30 分
6 歳-10 歳
Andrea Pranzatelli
$45 セッションごと
7 歳-18 歳
楽しいスペイン語: すべてのスペイン語レベルに対応した評価!
Maestra Jackie
$6 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 10:35 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 15 分
7 歳-12 歳
小さな学習者のためのスペイン語 | トラッカー・ザ・パップと一緒にスペイン語の冒険
Ms. Yenny
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 4:30 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-6 歳
スペイン語マンツーマン個別指導 スペイン語 45分
Fabiola Woerner Bilingual Teacher
$75 セッションごと
9 歳-18 歳
Neil Rojas
$35 セッションごと
6 歳-18 歳
初心者のためのスペイン語: 継続中のスペイン語語彙クラス
Paola Vazquez M.Ed
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 6 PM です
2/週、 25 分
8 歳-12 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 3/13 の3 PM です
1/週、 30 分
6 歳-10 歳
上級小学生向けスペイン語入門 | スペイン語 1
Skillabration Language School by Teacher Nikki
$18 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 11:30 PM です
1/週、 25 分
8 歳-10 歳
楽しいスペイン語:ネイティブのスペイン語話者による 1 対 1 のスペイン語個別指導!
Maestra Jackie
$30 セッションごと
6 歳-16 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$24 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Monday の1 PM です
3 歳-18 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の7:30 PM です
2/週、 30 分
10 歳-13 歳