
法医学11: 実験と研究

この 10 週間のクラスでは、学生は法医学の分野で科学実験を設計および実行する方法を学びます。
Thomas Jones


10 ライブミーティング
10 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. For students who choose one of the two experiment tracks in this class, there will be at-home experiments to complete, as well as an experiment to design and execute late in the term.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 8 - 11
This class is a "lab" class for anyone interested in Forensic Science.  We will begin with a series of discussions about scientific experimentation, the unique rules about using new scientific testing methods or discoveries in criminal trials, and the ethics involved in experiment design and interpretation.  Students will have the option to complete this class as a discussion class, a lab class in which they complete experiments/write-ups using materials that can be obtained from common stores or online retailers, or as a lab class where they engage in slightly more involved research which requires the purchase of materials from a forensic science supplier (information is provided for interested families).  

The course schedule is as follows:

Week 1:  The first session is dedicated to a discussion of the "Gatekeeper Rule," the Scientific Method, Meta-analysis, Scientific Literacy, and Experiment Design.
Week 2:  We will continue to discuss Experiment Design, and examine issues such as limitations and applicability of research results, future areas of research following a completed experiment, and research ethics.  We will then examine and critique a sample experiment to identify areas where the experiment design was less than ideal.  We will also discuss the ongoing project of designing an experiment to be completed during the final two weeks of the class.
Weeks 3 and 4:  Fingerprint experiments.  We will begin with a discussion of research projects undertaken by professional forensic scientists and then discuss options for simple or more complex experiments that students can perform at home between the third and fourth sessions.  The fourth session will include a discussion of students' findings and thoughts on the experiments.
Weeks 5 and 6:  Blood experiments (no real blood).  We will discuss research projects in areas related to blood drop/spatter analysis and identification of blood using BlueStar.  We will then go over simple and complex experiments that students can perform at home.  For simple experiments, students can use a simple syrup-based liquid which acts similarly to blood (or they can use a stage blood type of product that can be purchased at many retailers before Halloween).  For complex experiments, students will need to obtain BlueStar and synthetic blood (training blood).  I will provide information on obtaining these items from an online forensic science supplier such as MedTech Forensics.  During the sixth session, we will discuss the students' findings and ideas about expanding these experiments.
Weeks 7 and 8:  Trace evidence.  We will begin with a discussion of research projects by professionals involving trace evidence.  We will then cover experiments which will examine detection of trace evidence, determination of natural vs. synthetic composition of fibers, and the efficacy of attempts to clean up trace evidence.  Both experiment options will involve items that are easy to obtain locally.  During the eighth session, we will discuss the students' findings and thoughts on the experiments.
Week 9:  Students will discuss their experiment design based on one of the ideas listed as possible areas of research, and we will all work together to tighten up each experiment idea to make sure that they can be completed in a week.
Week 10:  Students will share their results and discuss the ways in which each experiment might be used in real world investigative settings.

I will contact each family as they register to discuss their choice between the three tracks (discussion, simple experiments, more complex experiments) and to determine whether they would like to obtain a grade for this class.

It is not necessary to take the other classes in my Forensic Science series prior to this one.


Students will improve their understanding of scientific experiment design, as well as the issues that affect scientific research from beginning to end.


There will be no graphic or scary content in this class. While I do teach forensic science courses which include discussions of real cases, I make sure that all content is age appropriate and steer clear of any disturbing content.
A short list of items required for experiments will be provided to families after they register.
参加しました January, 2017
法学博士 University of Michiganから
I have taught forensic science for roughly 20 years.  My teaching has included courses on experiment design and ethics in scientific research.  I have organized and led inter-university colloquium series which involved vetting research by scientists in various fields.  




10 クラス分

週に1回、 10 週間
60 分
19 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 3 人-16 人

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