必要に応じて会議をスケジュールする25 分
週あたり 2-4 時間. The student is expected to practice five days per week, for 25-30 minutes per practice session including . The student will also have weekly assignments to hear and see great performers on the student's instrument from a list of recommended videos on Youtube.com .テスト
The student will be assessed on responsiveness during the lesson and preparedness coming into the lesson demonstrated by week-to-week performance. Written or listening assignments will also be verified. A recommendation will be made at the conclusion of a semester to either remain with the current level of instruction or graduate to the next higher level of private lessons, Best in Class-Lessons for Brass.この文章は自動翻訳されています
Lessons generally follow this pattern: 1) concept review, 2) playing the assignment from the previous lesson, 3) demonstration of a new skill by the instructor, 4) guided development of new the new skill, and 5) assignment of personal practice to reinforce and acquire the new skill. Lessons are taught interactively with the teacher modeling skills, student mimicking the teacher's model, call-and-response, reinforcement of previous material. The student will play 60+% of the time. Some video clips and still pictures may be used to give aural/visual examples for the student to better understand the concepts. The student will advance through the first and second level band method book with the goal of confident individual performance. Each lesson will include elements of the Seven T's of Brass performance: 1) Tone (sound quality) 2) Tonguing (articulation) 3) Timing (rhythm) 4) Tuning (intonation) 5) Technique (coordinated facility/dexterity) 6) Trajectory (building of range, phrasing, and musicality) 7) Tenacity (staying with the task until it is learned) These lessons are designed to support school band instruction or to provide music lessons for homeschool students with the intention of playing with a performing ensemble.
The student will learn to
1) play the instrument with good tone production, focusing on posture, mouth shape and breath control
2) identify notes and count rhythms by sight, including sharps, naturals, flats and their relationship to key signatures
3) play notes in 1-2 octave range, including the learning of scales within 1st & 2nd-year skills
4) identify and perform music markings, including tempo, dynamics, note markings, and style markings
5) melodies that develop these skills and demonstrate a growing mastery of the instrument and musicianship
A list of videos from Youtube.com are provided as part of the learning process. These videos are prescreened by the instructor.
1) Instrument in good working order (valves/slide tuning slides move smoothly, water key corks do not leak) 2) Appropriate lubrication for the instrument (valve oil or slide oil/slide cream) 3) Beginner Band method book most recently used in class (Examples: Accent on Achievement, Essential Elements, Tradition of Excellence, Standard of Excellence, etc.) 4) Music stand 5) Rag for collecting moisture from the water key 6) Pencil and notebook with pockets or paper in binder (for writing down assignments and keeping printed materials) 7) PDF print materials provided by the instructor through Outschool email
The instructor provides a prescreened list of recordings on Youtube.com of professional instrumentalists that demonstrate the types of tone and technique required of the instrument. Students are assigned to listen to two 4-8 minute recordings per week as part of the weekly practice routine.
The instructor is a licensed music teacher in the state of Texas with over 30 years of teaching experience. He is bound by a professional code of ethics on the selection and instruction of class curricula. The instructor verifies the videos do not include rude, lewd, or morally unacceptable nor age inappropriate content.
25 分
25 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-13