
人物デッサン レベル 1 (フレックスコース): ジェスチャーと動きで人物を描く

Chris Chien
この 4 日間の FLEX コースでは、比率、形状、形態、動きを重視して人物を描く方法を学びます。


4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Male Front View
First we will learn about proportions and human anatomy. We will draw the male figure with basic shapes, giving us the foundation to draw people in various poses. Students will draw along during the video lesson, creating 2 male human figures.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Female Front View
Next we will draw the female figure in both in a front view, and a side view. We will learn about the concepts of form and overlap, allowing us to draw in a 3-dimensional space. Students will draw along during the video lesson, creating 2 female human figures.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Female Side View
We will draw the female figure in side view. We will learn a little bit more about how to draw the hands and feet. We will also introduce the concept of gesture and the "chainlink" principle. Students will draw along during the video lesson, creating 2 sideview human figures.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Gesture Drawing
Finally we will learn about the concept of pinch and stretch. We will combine everything together and learn how to draw people with a sense of movement and grace. Throughout this class, we will be doing timed figure drawing poses from models. Students will learn how to capture the sense of movement from a photograph, and translate that into their own drawing. Students will draw along during the video lesson, creating 5 gesture drawings.
  • The goal for the students is to learn human anatomy and draw the human figure with proper proportion, shape, form and movement.
Chris Chien is a professional theme park designer who has spent the last 10 years contributing to projects such as Universal Studios, Sesame Street Land, SeaWorld, Kennedy Space Center, Ferrari World and many more. As a professional concept designer and illustrator, he has created designs for many theme parks all around the world!

Chris primarily works in Photoshop, but his background in traditional mediums such as charcoal, watercolor and oil painting help gives his digital art an authentically “hand-painted” look. In addition, Chris often uses 3D software such as SketchUp, Unreal Engine and Planet Coaster to create immersive worlds.

In 2010, Chris graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a Bachelors in Industrial Design and a minor in Theater. During his time in college, Chris designed and built many award-winning Carnival Booths, which sparked his interest in themed entertainment. Afterward graduating from Carnegie Mellon, he moved to Los Angeles to study at the prestigious Concept Design Academy, studying under Hollywood’s finest professionals from Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, Lucasfilms, Marvel, and Blizzard.
Chris’ passion for themed entertainment and storytelling comes from exploring different countries. With his desire to learn and explore, he backpacked around the world, visiting the continents of Europe, Asia and South America - seeing castles, jungles, and temples in their natural context.  Chris’ mission in themed entertainment not just to entertain, but to also provide education and inspiration to people around the globe.
​• 10 years of concept art and design experience
​• 8 years of professional teaching experience (art classes for children, teens and adults)
• Experienced in theme park design, concept art for games and movies, showset design, fabrication, and scenic painting
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: Available upon request
フィードバック: Available upon request
詳細: Students will be assigned about 30-60 minutes worth of homework everyday to practice what they have learned in class. Students will be able to download the homework assignments by clicking on the classroom’s tab, located here.
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: Students can submit their homework. Teacher will give a combination of either written, image or video feedback to the student to help them improve their work.
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
The material list is as follows… 1) Sketchbook 2) Colored Pencils (Red/ Blue/ Teal/ Purple) 3) Black Colored Pencil
参加しました March, 2020
学士号 Carnegie Mellon Universityから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
Mr. Chris (Chris Chien) is a top art instructor on the Outschool Platform and a recognized expert in the Themed Entertainment Industry. In addition to teaching kids, he also teaches art to college students, as well as working professionals from... 


週ごとまたは¥75 ですべてのコンテンツ
4 録画済みレッスン
4 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

28 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15

Outschool International
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