3 ライブミーティング
2 時間 15 分 授業時間テスト
During student's presentation of their own Animals in Art, I will be using a rubric to assess their presentation in terms of the usage of descriptive adjectives.この文章は自動翻訳されています
This course is designed for bilingual students to continue learning Spanish through Art Content. This class is taught in Spanish. Activities will be held in Spanish and include the following: Art presentation through slides Student Project introduction with rubric: Animals in Art Animal Bingo game Spanish Adjectives Student Project presentation using the adjectives learned. ================================================================= Este curso está diseñado para que el estudiante bilingue continue aprendiendo español usando el contenido de obras de arte. La clase la enseño en español, pero cambio al inglés solo para asegurar comprensión. Las actividades se llevaran acabo incluyen: Presentacion de Arte por medio de diapositivas Introduccion del projecto de estudiante con rubrica: Animales en Arte Juego de Bingo de Animales Adjetivos en espanol Presentacion de estudiantes usando los adjetivos aprendidos.
Student will be able to:
a. Use descriptive adjectives while describing art in Spanish
b. Explain the different representations of animals in art in Spanish.
c. Express themselves in Spanish while describing art.
3 レッスン
3 週間以上レッスン 1:
Art Study
My lesson is about exploring art pieces that include animals, all in Spanish. The students will explore different art styles where animals are represented and begin a project of drawing/painting their own animal to the best of their abilities.
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Descriptive Adjectives
Students will be presented with adjectives in Spanish to describe pieces of art. The student will also play Animal Bingo to put into practice the adjectives.
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Presentation and Practice
Students will present their creation of an "Animal in Art" and use previously explored vocabulary. They will then play animal bingo and describe such animals through the game.
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
No sensitive content.
博士号 Walden Universityから 教育 へ
Being biliterate in Spanish-English, and having completed my Ph.D. dissertation on teachers' understanding of biliteracy, I know the importance of presenting emergent bilingual students with opportunities to develop their biliteracy skills.
This Exploring Animals in Art class is great for taking their bilingualism to the next level!
Al ser bilingüe en español-inglés, y habiendo terminado mi tesis de Ph.D enfocada en la comprensión y eficacia de los maestros de la alfabetización bilingüe, sé de la importancia de presentar a los estudiantes emergentes bilingües con oportunidades para desarrollar sus habilidades de alfabetización bilingüe.
3 クラス分週に1回、 3 週間
45 分
7 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-13
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人