1 ライブミーティング
55 分 授業時間宿題:
Unless students practice the techniques presented here they will not retain them. I, myself, have learned these techniques, but still find I have to refresh what I know and reinforce the skills.テスト
Ongoing to ensure each child masters the subject taught. These skills will require reinforcement to remember and use. Some like the multiplication of fives is easier to remember.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 6 - 8
This is a series of math tricks and the amazing ways we can go from the known to the unknown and do many problems much faster than even a calculator! Wait is that even possible? Yes. We will learn how to: Multiply squares of numbers ending in 5 in our head up to 95x95. Multiply numbers times 9 easily. Multiply numbers times 11 easily. Multiply single digit numbers easily. Multiply two digit numbers easily. Learn how to effectively eliminate wrong answers on mathematics questions of multiplying and division. Students will be able to calculate multiple squares of numbers ending in 5 faster than a calculator if their basic multiplication skills are good. Students will learn that we can have a mastery over mathematics and build our confidence. Students will learn a very important process I call going from the known to the unknown to be able to recall basic memory skills learned before. Students will gain test preparation experience using an actual 2019 Texas standardized mathematics test.
We will learn math tricks that help with estimation and problems that can be used for life to solve. If practiced this can help with future math classes and real life.
Calculator if possible. This will help and reinforce with them to have confidence in the mathematics we are doing. Interaction with the instructor is needed in this class. When your child watches a YouTube video they don’t need to interact with another person. However, in my classes it is very important to interact with the students. Please encourage your child to leave their Zoom videocamera on during class. It is not easy to connect to a black screen and the the lack of feedback does not enhance my instruction since I don’t get non-verbal or verbal feedback from the student. I want to ensure each student is getting the instruction and understanding of what I’m teaching. Verbal or visual feedback is essential for me to teach at my best. If your child has anxiety issues and does not do well with Zoom videocamera on, please let me know ahead of time. If I forget and ask them in class, please have them chat Directly with me, (Not to Everyone) and remind me it was cleared by you the parent. I don’t want to embarass them in any way. I want them to be comfortable in the class. I want all students to succeed.
Arthur Benjamin Mathmetrician on You Tube has many tricks for Math with formulas and will help students apply tricks to help them in various areas of math.
テキサス州 教員免許 初等教育で
4 学位
博士号 Pepperdine Universityから 教育 へ
修士号 Boston Universityから 教育 へ
学士号 Southern Illinois University at Carbondaleから 教育 へ
準学士号 Community College of the Air Forceから
I am a certified teacher in Texas and have taught basic math to my students during my 20 year teaching career. My joy is learning new math tricks or skills and passing it on to my students since I believe there is more than one ways often to find the right answer. If an answer is easier to come about through another way then it becomes a trick that is useful. It can also become a method of estimation and shows the magic of numbers. The magic or love of numbers will dispel a fear of mathematics for some and turn something they hate to something they love. That is my goal.
I have taken Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus, but just truly love the natural world of numbers.
55 分
140 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-14
クラス人数: 4 人-7 人