
環境市民権 6~9歳

13 週間の環境市民権強化コースは、子どもたちが地球の守護者になれるよう導きます。学習者は情報と行動を起こすためのインスピレーションを得ます。コースの最後には環境市民権バッジが授与されます。
Sylvette Frazier: Art & Nature Classes, M.A.Ed.


13 ライブミーティング
10 時間 50 分 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Worksheets provided upon registration to print out for various weekly activities. Leaners might need extra time after class session to complete and/or work on projects and activities started in class.
Certificate of Completion
Printable Environmental Citizenship Badge


英語レベル - A1
米国の学年 1 - 3
Beginner レベル向け
Environmental Citizenship is an enrichment course that dives deep into topics about environmentalism that is developmentally appropriate for young learners between ages of 6-9 years old. This enrichment course is a great opportunity for kids to learn more about how they can become agents of change and help protect our planet! They will become aware of their capacity to contribute their efforts and interests to make a positive impact on our world.  This course meets weekly and gently guides learners to become an active steward of our planet by means of taking personal agency for their learning and awareness.  

This 13-week semester course will foster children’s developing mindsets about environmental education, building upon awareness of our planet, leading to elements of compassion, empathy, and empowerment.
Children will be introduced to concepts of environmental education by means of developmentally age-appropriate topics of:

•	Environmental Literacy:   Mindfulness of earth’s resources, participating in individual & collaborative work with worksheets and posters.  Activities include learning about what a carbon footprint is and discovering your own!

•	Eco- Art Making:  Creating art in an eco-conscientious format using natural & recycled materials- make nature weaves, unique sculptures, reusable items from recycled materials.

•	Nature Conservancy: Learning about native plants & animals, make cardboard bird feeders, bug motels, mini worm bins and learn how to recognize poop from different animals while hiking on a trail.

•	Environmental Advocacy- Stewardship activities to foster empathy towards natural life and a love for our planet. Plant a tree seedling, pick up trash and recycle, recycle at home, become a change agent and advocate for planet Earth!

This course will include audio-visual integration of lessons by means of sound recordings and videos, worksheets and poster campaigns, creative artmaking with recycled materials, group & individual activities, and optional projects to continue at-home learning. All participants will receive a pdf badge at completion of course.

 Detailed weekly lesson topic and suggested materials available after registration.  

* Parental Guidance might be needed for use of scissors. 

 Course concludes with a special printable badge for each learner to wear proudly for their participation in this environmental citizenship course and a certificate of completion.
Learners will gain inspiration and interest to become active stewards of our planet.
Learners will take personal agency for learning and awareness of their roles of becoming an active steward of Planet Earth through this Environmental Citizenship course.


* Parental Guidance might be needed for use of scissors.
Simple art & craft supplies: markers/crayons, paper, cardboard, glue, scissors Various printable check-lists and worksheets provided for in class. Week #8-A few living worms for the mini worm bin project- maybe you have some in your soil outside...or you can purchase at a nursery store. More details at registration
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
英語 (レベル: A1)
参加しました June, 2020
カリフォルニア 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
カリフォルニア 教員免許
修士号 California State University Los Angelesから 教育 へ
学士号 California State University Los Angelesから 科学 へ
I am an Arts & Nature Pedagogist, utilizing nature as a tool for learning and discovery.   I have been in the field of Early Childhood Education for over 25 years, working with children ages 3- 11. Through my educational business, Connecting Children to Art in Nature, and my work with EcoKid International; I help all learners of all ages discover the wonders of nature, and to help cultivate a love for it that ultimately leads to the initiative to protect it.




毎週または¥325 13 クラス分
週に1回、 13 週間
50 分

年齢: 6-9
クラス人数: 2 人-10 人

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