18 ライブミーティング
13 時間 30 分 授業時間宿題:
週1時間. There will be work each week for students to complete and turn in to be edited. All turned in work is optional and determined by the student and parent.テスト
I offer weekly assessments most weeks in the folder for your student to take on the topics we covered. Students who want to test their knowledge of the content can take these and submit to be added into their grade. Most of the time, answer pages are also linked in there as well, but in the case there is none, submit for grading.文章の成績
Grades will be provided via request but require students to submit weekly work to be graded and then averaged at the end for an overall grade. Please let me know the week you enter class if you wish to have a grade, and I will keep track of progress throughout the class.修了証書
I will offer a certificate of completion for this class if requested. Once class ends, send me a message to receive this.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - A2
米国の学年 6 - 9
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
General Info: This class is a full curriculum course meaning we will cover a full year of content topics in the given weeks listed. Please find all content and topics in the syllabus. Hop in, join in any week, and jump into the topic. Content does not necessarily build, but flows in an organizational manner that makes sense for covering topics. About the Teacher: I am a certified teacher in various topics, which I teach on Outschool, and I hold a Bachelor’s degree and two Master’s degrees. I strive to align my classes with state standards and GED topics. Each week, your student will see a topic they need to master. About this Class: This class is geared towards late Middle School to early High School (Grades 6-9 are ideal depending on the level of your student) but younger and older is welcome. Each week we cover a new topic using a variety of learning tools and methods for all styles of learners: discussion, lecture, trivia, videos, and more! Some weeks we practice the skills we learn in class, and others we cover more content. Following class each week, I will put a message in the Outschool classroom with a link to a Google folder where I provide my notes from class, resources, and plenty of activities for you to use on the topic. I also link videos in the message for further coverage of topics. I will also provide fill-in-the-blank notes for your student to have each week if they want to follow along and take notes during class. Grading: I do provide an overall grade for the class as a full semester/year class style, but I require at least 2 activities to be turned in weekly to me to grade. Some documents have answer pages, so you can go through the work before submitting and mark things wrong, but if there is not an answer page provided, I will grade the work. Remember, work is not required, but if you desire a grade, I have to see your student’s work. I will also provide fill-in-the-blank notes for your student to have each week if they want to follow along and take notes during class. Helpful Information 1. This class is structured for 6th-9th or higher. My goal is to have students enroll and stay in the class for the full listed count of weeks so they get all the topics they need. 2. Please let your student know that I love participation but it is not required. I do ask that they raise their hands to speak so everyone can feel heard and get to participate. 3. Since this class is a course, if there are skipped weeks in the schedule you will be billed for them, but you will only pay for the total amount of weeks that the course is that you are enrolled for. Refund Policy: 1. If a makeup class is set by me due to a change on my end, you will not receive a refund. You can access recordings and all resources. 2. If you must miss class, you must ask for a refund 48 hours before the class meeting. If you ask on the day of class or after, no refund will be given.
Students will leave class with a better understanding of English concepts, all of which are needed to graduate through standard topics.
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠標準
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) に準拠18 レッスン
18 週間以上レッスン 1:
Author's Purpose and Point of View
We will cover how and why an author will write something and the importance of that, as well as the points of view for writing. We will do some practice in class on these topics.
Students will choose a book to read through the class and we will refer to those books as the weeks continue.
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Genre and Theme
We will cover all the types of genre in books and some in movies as well with some fun references and examples, and we will cover theme in depth and how to find it. This is a tough topic for students and is highly tested on.
Students will determine themes from the novel they are reading.
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Plot Structure
We will go through the entire layout of a plot structure, with examples and practice. We will cover reading comprehension in the form of story layout.
Students will complete an activity on plot for the novel they are reading.
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Characterization and Exposition (Setting)
We cover characterization in depth and how to break down characters, ways they are described to us, and more.
Students will break down a character from the novel they are reading and do a complete character analysis.
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
I welcome any student with additional learning needs. The only requirement is that the student know how to remain on mute while I am teaching and raise their hands. If the parent needs to be nearby to help navigate that, they can be.
Students need various stuff throughout the class including a novel of their choice for their novel study. I will post a list at the start of each session for what will be needed certain weeks.
They will need a novel of their choice for the first 9 weeks. Once they finish one, they can choose another. I require them to be reading something through the first part of class.
オクラホマ州 教員免許 英語/国語で
2 学位
修士号 Kaplan Universityから 教育 へ
学士号 Ashford Universityから
I have been a certified English teacher for almost 9 years. I have two Master's degrees, one in Teaching, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and seeing students grow. I have taught in the classroom and for the largest charter in the US, and I have learned various methods of teaching. I have worked with all types of learning styles, so I am more than qualified to teach this class.
毎週週に1回、 18 週間
45 分
644 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-16
クラス人数: 10 人-18 人