

4~5 年生 (9~11 歳) 向けの小学校音楽は、子供たちが歌ったり、踊ったり、音を探究したり、作曲家や楽器を学んだり、その他さまざまなことを学べる探究的なクラスです。
Seckman Music Studio


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 25 分
From time to time, we may ask adults to print off worksheets or other printables for the learner to work on either in class or between classes. We will provide these worksheets and let you know ahead of time so worksheets can be ready for class!


英語レベル - A1
米国の学年 4 - 5
Intermediate レベル向け
We're bringing music classes into your home for your kids! These general music classes are designed for your kiddos ages 9-11 (equivalent to Grade 4 and Grade 5). Students in our classes get to explore the fun of music through singing, dancing, and playing! 

👉 Opening and Closing each class with a fun song to get our voices singing!

👉 Singing new songs - we learn at least one new song per class including tunes kids are familiar with and new song kids may not be familiar with

👉 Learning dances and groove along to some of the songs we sing. 

👉 Reading and learning rhythms and note values like 16th Note and 8th Note Pattersn, and Rests

👉Playing with home-made instruments, and finding objects to use as instruments! 

👉 Learning to identify sounds, volumes, instruments and more!

🎼 Sound Identification through singing and mimicking sounds around us

🎼 Movement Exploration with Dances and Chroeography

🎼 Developing Listening Skills to identify patterns and construction of sound.

🎼 Recognition of note and rest values

🎼 Identification of instruments, composers, genres, and ensembles. 

(please note, this schedule is subject to change depending on teacher schedules and availabilities)  

🗓August 5-9: We will start off by introducing body percussion using quarter notes and 8ths notes. We’ll also listen to the song “It’s All Right” from “Soul”. This week will also feature a dynamics review with some games and activities. We will end the class with a game of “Poison Rhythm.” 

🗓August 12-16: We will review some body percussion, learn a dance to the song “It’s All Right”, and play a new game called “Poison Solfa” which will be a review or introduction to solfa if the kids need it. This week we will also introduce our SQUILT Activity where we will analyze a song together as a class. 

🗓August 19-23: This week we start off with our body percussion, and reviewing the choreography and dancing for “It’s All Right”. We will also introduce/review tempos. The class ends with a few games for us to play such as Trivia Wheel, Rhythm Racing, and Poison Rhythm. 

🗓August 26-30: This week starts off with a view of Note Values and Tempos. We will spend a good portion of our class discussing the Star Spangled Banner. We will also complete a SQUILT activity this week where we will analyze a song as a class.

🗓September 2-6:  We start this week’s class with a fun game called “This or “That to get to know our classmates. We will also dive into our first lesson on the Treble Clef Staff and review notes on the staff. To end the class, we will review rhythms. (This week will have some bucket drumming, so students should need some sort of sticks/pencils/wood spoons to drum along with. This week will also have a worksheet to go along with it, so students should be ready for that!)

🗓September 9-13: This week, we will review our “This or “That game  and some of our rhythms. We will also review the staff. We will also listen to and sing two songs called “Wake Me Shake Me”, and “Frére Jacques” and “This Little Light”. We will also take a look at Musical Spoons. If time allows, we will play a note name memory game.  (This week will use the same worksheet from the previous week, so students should be ready with the worksheet). 

🗓September 16-20: We will start the week by reviewing body percussion as well as our three songs from the previous week and reviewing/introducing Tempo as well as Meter. Continuing with our Staff Lesson, we introduce the notes in the lines and go over the different parts of the staff. If time allows, we will play a game of “Coconut Chaos”(This week will use the same worksheet from the previous week, so students should be ready with the worksheet). 

🗓September 23-27: This week starts by reviewing body percussion. We will also introduce composer Antonio Vivaldi and the Strings Family. This week also includes learning the song “When I Believe”, and we complete the week with a SQUILT listening activity.

🗓September 30 - October 4: Our classes this week will start by reviewing our dynamics as well as our note names with the song “Four White Horses” and we will review the song “When I Believe.”
Identification of sounds, instruments, ensembles, etc.
Develop Movement Skills through dances and Choreography


From time to time we may have a lesson that includes a worksheet with color, or even cutting with scissors. We will let you know when those lessons are coming up so you can prepare these items for your learners.
We rely on the MusicPlayOnline curriculum for this class which provides students to access materials we use at home as well! We will provide a link for you to access these materials should students wish to use the materials at home between classes.
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
参加しました November, 2018
学士号 Kansas State Universityから 音楽 へ
Zach Seckman
Zach Seckman, owner and lead instructor of Seckman Music School, is the teacher for the class. He wrote the book we use for the class, and 11 other books like it that covers all 12 months of the year with fun songs, games and activities for the beginning piano students. 

Seckman has over 10 years teaching experience in both public and private settings, and is an accomplished, self-published author having more than 30 books published in Piano, Composing, and Drum Set Percussion. 




25 分

年齢: 9-11
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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