

この 8 回のセッションからなる自主学習コースでは、生徒はさまざまな色の果物や野菜を食べることによる栄養価について学びます。
Lisa Ely


8 録画レッスン
4 週間
Assessments can be offered as requested and will be as take-home assignments. They are no required for all students.
Grading options are offered by request and will be based on summary of lessons and ability to hypothesize what a food will taste like before trying it.


Each days's lesson will focus on the benefits of eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Students will learn the
health benefits of different colored fruits and vegetables to better understand how they help them to grow strong and healthy.   There will be 2 classes posted a week for 4 weeks in this Flex scheduled summer camp.

For each class I will post a live-to-tape enthusiastic lesson that is packed with information all about the day's theme.  The topics range from health and nutrition benefits, how to actually plant certain fruits and vegetables of that color, tips about how to shop at the grocery store of farmer's markets for the fruits and vegetables and fun ways to cook or snack on the healthy choices.  In addition to the videos with hands-on demonstrations and videos and graphics to help encourage the learning, students will be encouraged to keep a video, sketch or written journal about their rainbow eating choices during the summer camp.  Students can use the classroom message board or flip grid (an outside application I will set up as a private page for the group) to show the rainbow colors they encounter on their plates during mealtimes.  Students will also get a "Chopped"-like challenge each week to incorporate the colors they are learning about into a healthy meal option.

Students will have the opportunity to prepare foods like a Carrot Slaw with Pineapple, Apples and Almonds,  Red Pepper Octopus dish and so much more.  Students will learn now only how to grow lettuce for a salad but how a salad made of fruits and vegetables can help them fight off certain diseases.  Students will gain a full understanding and appreciation of how the variety of fruits and vegetables are grown in agriculture and will be invited to take a virtual quick trips to see them growing on farms too.  

This class is a mix of culinary, health and garden science with a huge dollop of fun!

Students will also interact with each other and myself by posting in the discussion boards and sharing pictures and videos of their rainbow inspired foods.   Feedback (and if requested, grades) will be given for all submitted items.
Students will learn the science behind different colors of fruits and vegetables.
Students will learn creative ways to eat nutrionally.


8 レッスン
4 週間以上
レッスン 1:
 Discuss the value of growing and eating foods that match the colors of the rainbow and begin creating a dream garden plan. 
レッスン 2:
 Students learn about foods grown in a garden that help hearts stay healthy and other great attributes 
レッスン 3:
 Orange foods are full of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps us fight a cold and are also full of vitamin A and beta-carotene, which help us see in the dark and keep our skin healthy.  Students will learn which foods fit into this category. 
レッスン 4:
 Yellow foods are full of antioxidants and keep our hearts healthy and keep us from getting sick.  Bananas and yellow peppers will be featured with interesting garden facts and tips. 


Students will be encouraged to try to eat a number of servings of a certain color group each week and share their experiences in class.
Each week a list of optional items for the class will be provided so students can be ready.
参加しました March, 2020
修士号 Pepperdine Universityから
学士号 University of Southern California (USC)から
Enthusiastic mom of 2 kids, Lisa Ely first learned to garden from her dad in their backyard when she was 6.  Ever since there has not been a pile of dirt that she didn’t want to get her hands in.

Lisa is creator of Learn, Giggle & Grow Garden Curriculum and the co-author of three books under the Kinder Gardens umbrella. She is currently working on her next book series and a multi-media, adventure gardening experience for families to learn more and be inspired every day.

Prior to launching her children’s and family gardening enterprise, Lisa traveled the world over and over as an award-winning non-fiction TV producer and director.  Some of her credits, like CBSs The Amazing Race, Discovery’s Garden Police and a number of shows on HGTV (including the Rose Parade) have helped her learn more about her garden passion.
Lisa’s always been described as a big kid and it wasn’t until she had kids that people stopped looking at her a bit funny when she would start a mud ball fight or run through the sprinklers.  She admits that she’s good at playing because she’s had years of practice! She lives by her new family motto of “We’re washable!”

Lisa loves being in front of group sharing her love of everything fun in the garden.  Some of her favorite classes are focused on worm science, eating the rainbow, tomato talk, soil on the move and root, stems, oh my!
When she’s not gardening she’s often with her husband watching their kids play baseball, paddling a dragon boat or playing her own version of “Chopped” to get a nightly dinner on the table!




週ごとまたは$90 ですべてのコンテンツ
8 録画済みレッスン
4 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

5 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14

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