
ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ 050: ソードコーストの危険 サマーアドベンチャーキャンプ

Adam Scott, MAT and RPG Club
この 5 回のセッションの初心者キャンプでは、生徒はフェイルーンの領域を冒険し、道中に登場する魔法とモンスターの謎を解き明かしながら協力します。開始キャラクター レベル 1 ~ 3 向け。


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
  • Students will get to experience all that a roleplaying game has too offer: teamwork, problem solving, social interaction, and basic statistical calculations. Through the process of playing, their characters will develop and evolve, leading to discussions with the instructor and other players about applying skills in a game setting.
The RPG Club has organized and taught groups of Dungeons and Dragons for over 5,000 students and community members, running games professionally for private clients between the ages of 8-70 years old. Our teachers and GMs train together on best practices, are almost all traditional classroom teachers, and work to ensure an excellent experience for each child, every class.

It's our mission that your child feels empowered and excited after this lesson, potentially sparking an interest in a wonderful activity.
頻度: 含まれる
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Students will have no assigned homework. However, when appropriate, they will need to level up their characters as the adventure progresses.
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Students are welcome to write a 150-300 word journaling debrief at the end of each session about what they learned for instructor review and feedback.
 クラス登録時に 6 の学習素材が提供されます
Students will need to come to the first session with a level one character. This character can be pregenerated or custom created. To keep things manageable, students are asked to limit their characters to races and classes found in the Player Handbook + One other resource. A link to pregenerated characters is included for student reference.
Role-playing games offer a creative "sandbox" in which participants can engage in imaginative problem solving. Fantasy violence will not be directly depicted, but the possibilities of this within the game will be discussed. Students may wish to explore ideas related to their characters that involve in-game "weapons" and "spells" for the use of "in-game" violence.
参加しました May, 2020
アリゾナ 教員免許 中等教育で
Mr. Wright
ジョージア 教員免許 科学で
Ms. Holly
ジョージア 教員免許 英語/国語で
Mr. Keith, M.A.
オハイオ州 教員免許 社会科・歴史で
Adam Scott, MAT
イリノイ州 教員免許
Mr. John
修士号 University of Phoenixから 教育 へ
Mr. Wright
修士号 Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Educationから 教育 へ
Adam Scott, MAT
修士号 Loyola Universityから 社会事業 へ
Mr. John
学士号 Oregon State Universityから
Adam Scott, MAT
学士号 Binghamton Universityから 心理学 へ
Mr. John
Hi there, I'm Adam Scott, RPG Club's head teacher and veteran classroom educator. RPG Club started as just me teaching kids on Outschool while I taught full time during the day. First it was D&D, then grew into Financial Literacy, Philosophy,... 




5 クラス分
週に5回、 1 週間
90 分

402 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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