
ドラゴン物語が解き放たれる: 『ヒックとドラゴン』リーダーズシアターを読んで舞い上がろう!



英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 7
Beginner レベル向け
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) に準拠
10 lessons//2 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to How to Train Your Dragon.
Discuss comprehension on the sentence level. Act out the “picture in your mind” Create a picture dictionary for vocabulary using a secure website. Learning to ask questions! Who, What, When, Where, How, Why? (worksheet)
Lesson 2
Create A DRAGON Day
Reread & Act out Chapters 1: Students read & act out a character part. Create an origami Dragon Expand the Vocabulary Dictionary Writing: Discuss and record the “likes” and “dislikes” of one character
Lesson 3
Background Set Creation!
Create a background set for the chapters read Readers Theatre reading including comprehension, vocabulary, & fluency Writing: Discuss and record one character's “likes” and “dislikes”. Use this list to write complete sentences
Lesson 4
Character Dress-Up Day!
Readers Theatre read including Comprehension, vocabulary, & fluency Writing: Expanding sentences of Likes & dislikes of one character Our Topic: Who were the Vikings? What’s real? What’s imaginary about the Vikings?
Lesson 5
First recording of Readers Theatre
Review: Of lessons Provide choices to build on student strengths using the following options: Create a cartoon of the Readers Theatre The Vikings…Who were they?
 Week 2
Lesson 6
Creating Your Dragon Day 2
Continue Reading Readers Theatre of How to Train Your Dragon Create your own dragon Read additional chapters in Readers Theatre Our Topic: Who were the Vikings? Expand the picture dictionary for Vocabulary Write: Expand sentences
Lesson 7
Background Set Creation Day 2
Continue Reading Readers Theatre of How to Train Your Dragon Create a Set for Day two Read additional chapters in Readers Theatre Expand the picture dictionary for Vocabulary Write: Expand sentences
Lesson 8
Character Dress-Up Day 2
Continue Reading Readers Theatre of How to Train Your Dragon Dress up as a Character Read additional chapters in Readers Theatre Expand the picture dictionary for Vocabulary Write: Expand sentences
Lesson 9
Pre-Record Readers Theatre
Practice Reading Readers Theatre of How to Train Your Dragon What can be added to this recording? Pictures Write: Expand sentences
Lesson 10
Record all Readers Theatre of How to Train Your Dragon
Send students an audio copy of the recording
  • Decoding: Students will identify, syllables, consonants & vowels, enabling them to decode words in context. Students will memorize and recall words from the text. Reading Fluency: Increase the student’s reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension. Reading Comprehension: Improve the student’s ability to comprehend and interpret text by answering inferential questions. Positive Reinforcement: Provide ongoing, positive, and constructive feedback as the student reads aloud to build confidence and motivation Supportive Techniques: Utilize supportive techniques such as choral reading, recorded material, and guided reading sessions to provide a scaffold for the student’s learning Vocabulary: Acquire new words and vocabulary Progress Monitoring: Continuously monitor and measure the student’s progress using real data to adjust goals and strategies as needed
I am new to Outschool and although I have been teaching students who struggle with literacy for thirty years. I had a dramatic entry into the world of literacy, when my seven-year-old son, Nicholas, failed in first grade. His prospects looked grim as assessments revealed he could read ten words, displayed no strengths, and had a discouraging "low IQ" diagnosis.

I opted to withdraw Nicholas from school, seizing the opportunity to tailor his education. This decision marked the onset of a transformative process, during which I adapted lessons to suit Nicholas's needs. Through relentless reflection and adaptation, I witnessed an astonishing metamorphosis in his learning journey.

Motivated by my personal experiences and Nicholas's remarkable progress, I became a qualified reading specialist. Drawing upon my unconventional background, enriched by diverse cultural encounters, and fueled by an unyielding passion, I assumed the role of District Reading Specialist in Lubbock, Texas.  I dedicated myself to guiding students, aged 7 to 17, who grappled with similar literacy challenges.

I perceive myself not merely as an educator but as a "literacy problem-solver," committed to pioneering innovative approaches to empower dyslexic or struggling learners. My teaching endeavors have spanned continents, from Australia to Texas and New York, where I have tirelessly worked with students lagging in literacy, guiding them toward triumphs in reading.

授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 含まれる
フィードバック: 含まれる
Designed for students needing a literacy lift, this class is a haven for learners at all levels, even those with IEPs. Here, all reading components merge seamlessly with fun and learning. Every student is embraced and encouraged to grow.
The prior class of ‘Aliens Ate My Homework’ theatre enriches, but isn’t required—suitable for most reading levels.
Blank Index cards
Different colored markers

This is a fictional story based on Viking life. I would like students to know that Vikings were real, lived and explored around the 10 century. 
参加しました April, 2024
米国以外 教員免許 特別教育で
米国以外 教員免許 健康/体育で
修士号 State University at Albanyから 科学 へ
My literacy journey began when my seven-year-old son, Nicholas, faced the daunting future after failing first grade. His prospects looked grim as assessments revealed he could read ten words, displayed no strengths, and a discouraging "low IQ"... 




毎週または¥220 10 クラス分
週に5回、 2 週間
50 分

年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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