
ドッグマン: 読み書きの要素を使って自分だけの漫画ストーリーを作ろう

Greater Gains: Reading, Math, Writing, Spelling


5 ライブミーティング
3 時間 45 分 授業時間


Students will discuss common elements within the popular DogMan book series and use that knowledge to create and design their own comic strip story.  We will discuss an important literary element each week and then spend class time brainstorming ideas for our own stories.   We will start brainstorming, creating, and designing in class.  10 minutes at the end of each class will be devoted to writing our comics so students have a presentation to share for the final class. Students may choose to write their comics by hand or work on drawing comics using a computer program.  We will briefly touch on computer software for those that desire to try that method for writing their comic.  If students want to finish up their projects, they may continue to write in their own time.  At the end of the sessions, we will present our comics to our class.

Week 1: Comic Book Introduction, Character Development with Adjectives
Week 2: Continue Plot discussion, talk about problem and solution, and create a story map
Week 3: Visualization and focus on comic drawings to tell the story
Week 4: Inferencing through comic strips using pictures
Week 5: Presentations of Comics (Note: this last class may be shorter than all the others depending on how many learners are enrolled how many learners choose to share their comics with the class)


access to a computer for using the Canva website
    参加しました April, 2020
    ミズーリ州 教員免許 初等教育で
    Sarah Collings
    ニュージャージー 教員免許 初等教育で
    オクラホマ 教員免許 初等教育で
    Lauren Haney
    Welcome! Greater Gains Tutoring was started by Julie Chamberlin when she embarked on her Outschool journey as a teacher about 2 years ago.  Since then, her classes have taken off, so much so that she became an organization and added on some other teachers to help more students learn and grow.  Teachers that work for Greater Gains Tutoring are highly skilled, most certified in Elementary Education with a background specializing in either reading or math.  Having helped many students have successes and gains in their education, we are confident in our classes and our abilities to help your learner make great strides.  While our group classes are tailored to meet individual students needs, private tutoring is also available upon request.  You can count on Greater Gains teachers to provide classes that both ensure growth and make learning fun.  Please reach out to us with any other questions you may have.  We look forward to meeting your learner and seeing the greater gains they can make when working with our exceptional team of teachers.
     About the Founder, Julie Chamberlin: I am currently a part time stay at home mom part time reading teacher that loves teaching. I have a background in Elementary Education specializing in grades K-6.  I am also working on my Masters degree in Curriculum Instruction with a Reading Endorsement.  In addition to Outschool, I currently tutor all ages and subjects in my spare time. I love teaching English to second language learners as well.  As a homeschooling mama of four, I am able to combine my passion of being with my children and teaching together so it's a win win for everyone! When I have free time, you can find me reading a book, listening to music, or playing the piano. As a family we also like watch sports, play games, and take walks together. Life is an adventure, and I love learning and exploring something new each day.  I hope I can help instill that love of learning in your learner as well.




    5 クラス分
    週に1回、 5 週間
    45 分

    48 人がクラスを受けました
    年齢: 8-12
    クラス人数: 3 人-8 人

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