AP 認定教師および全国 DBQ 評価者 - 生徒が DBQ をマスターして最大ポイントを獲得できるように支援する 5 つのクラス
5 ライブミーティング
3 時間 45 分 授業時間宿題:
Students will have assignments to help them understand the topics covered in class.テスト
Students will submit a complete DBQ and feedback will be provided on how and where they can improve.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
All AP History classes require a Document Based Essay Question (DBQ). AP US History (APUSH), AP World History (WHAP), and AP European History (APEH) require that students analyze documents and formulate an essay around a prompt. The DBQ is worth 25% of the AP exam. The DBQ requires students to master a specific set of skills and understand how to formulate an argument to gain as many points as possible. At times, this can be challenging for students. I have taught AP US History and AP European History as well as US History for a local college for many years. In addition, I have years of experience rating and grading DBQs. I understand how to break the DBQ down into a simple formula that is easy for students to understand and replicate when they sit down to take their own AP History exam. I teach students how to maximize their points. In each class we will address a different aspect of the DBQ. Eventually, students will be able to use these classes to formulate a complete DBQ essay using the step-by-step formula we cover in class. Topics that will be covered include: • Analyzing Documents • Introduction Paragraph o Context o Counter Argument o Thesis • Body Paragraphs o Document Analysis Describing Supporting Sourcing o Outside Information o Evidence o Complexity • Conclusion Below is a tentative schedule of what to expect in each class. We may move faster or slower depending on the needs of students, but we will cover all topics before the end of the course. Class 1: What is a DBQ and How the DBQ is Scored Class 2: Intro Paragraph and HIPPing Documents (Document Analysis) Class 3: HIPPing Documents and Earning Outside Evidence, Document Evidence, and Complexity Points Class 4: Earning Outside Evidence, Document Evidence, and Complexity Points Class 5: Writing a full DBQ
Students will understand how to formulate a complete DBQ essay with the maximum possible points.
All sources will come from College Board's released AP Exams. They can be found at CollegeBoard.org. Below is a direct link to the AP US History released questions.
テキサス州 教員免許 社会科・歴史で
修士号 Southern New Hampshire University から 歴史 へ
I am an AP-certified teacher for AP US History and AP European History. I hold a Masters Degree in History and teach US History at a local college. I also have years of experience rating and scoring AP writing, including the DBQ.
5 クラス分週に5回、 1 週間
45 分
3 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 14-18
クラス人数: 10 人-18 人