
意思決定 - 10代の若者のためのコアスキルの習得

ティーン向けのコア スキルの習得では、コミュニケーション、意思決定、目標設定という、他のすべてのスキルの基礎となる 3 つのコア ライフ スキルを習得する道が開かれます。3 部構成のシリーズの第 2 弾です。
Adrienne Dillard Communication-Conversation Skills


4 ライブミーティング
3 授業時間


The Life Skills Place- Acquiring Core Skills for Teens addresses the fact that for many of the most important skills we need in life, we don’t always get sufficient practice before we’re expected to demonstrate them.  Often, these skills are learned by watching others, but studies and experience have shown that this is not the best way for our youth to learn.  In "Decision-Making" your child will learn valuable decision-making skills and practice using them in everyday life.  Your teen will discover the difference between problem-solving and decision-making, learn the decision-making process, and practice prioritizing.  Learners will discover ways to improve their listening skills and express opinions appropriately.  

By the end of this series, learners will have the tools they need to ensure they are able to apply the decision-making process in a way that will bring about the best result to fit their values and achieve their goals (which college/what type of job).

Week 1: Starting the Decision-Making Process
Week 2: Gathering Information 1
Week 3: Exploring Alternatives and Considering Consequences 1
Week 4: Making and Evaluating Decisions

During the class, we will use a variety of techniques (discussion, pair-sharing, games, and slides) and decision-making strategies to practice the different aspects of making a decision.  This course is a partnership between me and your child.  We will explore decision-making in general and also in specific areas relevant to your learner’s success as time permits.  This course is based on established and proven methods.
Week 1: Starting the Decision-Making Process – Learners will identify, illustrate, and put into practice the steps of the decision-making process.
Week 2: Gathering Information - Learners will recognize the importance of gathering relevant facts and ignoring irrelevant information when making a decision.
Week 3: Exploring Alternatives and Considering Consequences - Learners will practice weighing the consequences of various alternatives by investigating the positives and negatives of each.
Week 4: Making and Evaluating Decisions - Learners will explain, defend, and modify decisions using the decision-making process.


This course may be canceled if it does not have a minimum of two learners enrolled for the first class. If insufficient enrollment, parents will be given the option to transfer the learner to another section or receive a refund.
Learners will need access to a microphone (built-in computer mic is fine) and a camera to allow for interaction and practicing during class.  There will be weekly practice opportunities for the teen to use at home – a natural extension of what was learned in class that day. 
Basic supplies will be needed: writing implement /paper/computer with Internet access/a few art supplies, etc.  Materials will vary from week to week.  Some items that will be needed are a dictionary, magazines for cutting pictures, construction paper, markers, scissors, etc.  Ideally, you will have access to a printer to print the course handouts but if you don't have a printer the handouts will need to be viewed on the screen.
参加しました January, 2019
As a career coach, one of my main goals is to help my clients create goals and set a plan to create their best lives.  As a college instructor, I have developed and taught courses on goal setting and action planning.  I understand that the reason many of us are not achievers is that we are unable to set goals and make a plan to achieve those goals.  I have seen first-hand the differences that take place when someone has goals and implements a plan versus someone who does not.  Focusing on your goals helps you stay motivated and gives you a sense of direction and purpose. 




4 クラス分
週に1回、 4 週間
45 分

15 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 2 人-12 人

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