4 ライブミーティング
3 時間 40 分 授業時間宿題:
週1時間. Homework: Each week there will be optional homework. This will be explain verbally to the students and posted on Outschool to the parents so that everyone knows what work should be completed. Students can put in as little or as much time as they choose. Their characters will benefit from their efforts. I encourage the students to send me their homework electronically but that is not required. They can do all their homework written on paper and either send me a picture OR just don't send it in at all. Either way is good.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 8
This is an Unofficial adventure inspired by Max H., written by Melissa and Cameron Robb and based on the sourcebook from Druidawn® 1.0. This is for students that have already completed the Druidawn® Sidekick Creation class. If your child has not done that please register for one of those sessions before registering for this adventure. Druidawn® is an interactive role playing game that uses creative writing and problem solving to overcome obstacles in a group setting. There is a land where nothing makes sense, the laws of physics change from day to day and the overlord is an insane Air Elemental. Perhaps this overlord's own taste in food is as fleeting as things making sense in his territory. Perhaps, as the biology of the animals in in this corner of Druidawn® changed, a chef stumbled upon a dish from the heavens, and presented it to the rich and famous of the land, who ate and had never felt so fulfilled. But - as things in unstable lands are wont to do - things began to change again, and the dish previously made was no longer possible as the beast only existed for a fleeting moment. Perhaps, in an effort to continue fulfilling himself and others with beautiful food, he tasked a team of elite chefs to experiment with day-to-day biology, combining flavors and attributes to create something that just fits together, like a jigsaw... until the nature of of the land itself overtakes that, too, and the chefs begin their task again. "Your cockatrice au flambé, sir." "For you: the crispy griffin hide garnished with grated manticore fang." An endless cycle: appease the flavor connoisseurs with mind-bending, impossible food. So, what better place to hold cooking competitions? Chefs from all around the globe come to try their hand at grasping the fundamentally ungraspable, taming the beast that is the absence of the laws of physics just to create the most mind-boggling dishes known. YOU have been invited to this elite cooking competition! Week 1 characters are introduced and the adventure begins Weeks 2 and 3 the action continues Week 4 the adventure concludes Legends of Druidawn® 1.0 and the AMAZING world of Druidawn 1.0 was created by Miriam Darnell and Cara Allen in 1990. www.druidawn.org
Beasts of Druidawn® will be hunted, killed and cooked in this adventure.
As in all Druidawn® adventures there is always a peaceful option that the characters may choose but quite frequently they choose a chaotic resolution. Blood, weapons, killing are usually part of a chaotic resolution. Natural disasters may be part of this adventure.
If your child prefers peaceful solutions for all scenarios I do offer a PEACEFUL adventures that may be better suited for that child.
Characters and pets may be in peril throughout the adventure.
The learner must have completed the beginner class (Legends of Druidawn® 1.0: Beginners)
You will need 1 20-sided die and 2 6-sided dice during each class. You will need your sidekick character sheets from the sidekick you created based on the guidelines in the Sidekick Creation class.
クラス登録時に 2 の学習素材が提供されます
I first experienced Druidawn® as a participant alongside my son. We quickly became enamored with the adventures and with leveling up our beloved characters. Soon I was having fun teaching Druidawn® myself, leading classes through mythical and magical lands. I have been been using Legends of Druidawn® to encourage students to write for many years. Words are currency in Druidawn®. Kids don't HAVE to write, they will WANT to write!
4 クラス分週に1回、 4 週間
55 分
15 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人