
創作文芸: ウォーリアーキャッツの物語を書く

Jackson Pearce Classes: Love Writing
Rising Star
楽しい社交的な環境で執筆したい初心者とベテランのクリエイティブライターの両方に最適です。Warrior Cats ファンは誰でも歓迎です!


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 2 - 5
6 lessons//6 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Story Structure
We'll go through quick introductions with one another and discuss our favorite 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳 𝘊𝘢𝘵𝘴 characters and books. We'll then discuss the basics of story structure and the process of writing a great story! Students will come up with their story characters and the basic structure for homework.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Detail and Description
The teacher will give brief feedback to each student on their homework. We'll discuss how to get the "movie in your head" out of your head and onto the paper. Students will continue working on their stories for homework, with the goal of finishing the beginning of their story.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
The teacher will give brief feedback to each student on their homework. We'll discuss the mechanics of writing gripping dialogue. Students will continue working on their stories for homework, with the goal of getting about halfway through the middle of their story.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Writer's Block
The teacher will give brief feedback to each student on their homework. We'll talk about ways to overcome writer's block without getting frustrated. Students will continue working on their stories for homework, with the goal of finishing the middle of their story.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Editing and Revising
The teacher will give brief feedback to each student on their homework. We'll then discuss editing, and how to approach editing a creative writing piece. Students will finish the climax and end of their stories for homework!
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Finished Story!
Final story review and discussion! The teacher will give everyone overall feedback on their story, and students will be asked to talk about their writing process over the course of the class.
  • Students will learn about writing fundamentals through the lens of Warrior Cats, and create their own Warrior Cats short story over the course of the six-week class.
Below are my general classroom rules and policies. These will also be explained to students when we begin class!
-For everyone's safety, and to ensure an engaging and social experience, students are required to have working microphones and video for the entirety of this class, positioned such that we can both hear and see them.
-Students are asked not to use filters or virtual backgrounds-- though if there is an important reason to use a virtual background, please just let me know ahead of time that your student will be using one (no questions asked!).
-Students will be asked to introduce themselves by sharing their name, pronoun, and a favorite book.
-The Zoom text chat is set to "host only", meaning students can chat with me, but not to one another or the entire classroom.
参加しました November, 2018
Rising Star
修士号 Lehigh Universityから 教育 へ
Tiffany Schmidt M.Ed.
学士号 Davidson Collegeから 英語言語と文学 へ
Tracy Banghart
学士号 The University of Georgiaから 英語 へ
Jackson Pearce
学士号 Agnes Scott Collegeから 英語 へ
Anna Dodds
Hello! My name is Jackson Pearce, and I'm the owner of Love Writing-- an organization dedicated to inspiring kids to love writing, reading, and all things language arts.

After teaching on Outschool by myself for three years, I decided to bring in... 


毎週または¥165 6 クラス分
週に1回、 6 週間
50 分

年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 4 人-10 人

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