
クリエイティブライティング: ファンタジーの世界構築 101

この 1 回限りのクラスでは、学生はストーリー執筆における SF/ファンタジーの世界構築の基礎について学びます。設定/場所、魔法システムの構築方法などについて学び、ファンタジーの世界を作成するためのさまざまなアプローチを探ります。


1 ライブミーティング
1 時間 30 分 授業時間


‼️ 1/2 O F F of my class "Creative Writing: Fantasy Worldbuilding 101" with coupon code TERRELLFANTASY25 until Aug 21, 2024.‼️

In this class we will explore what it means for something to be weird, science fiction, fantasy, mythical, or magical.

Topics covered include: 

⭐️ Worldbuilding Approaches

⭐️ Magical Settings + Places 

⭐️ Creating a Magic System

⭐️ Creatures + Characters

We will do this by going through a series of fun world-building exercises and free-writing along with brief and engaging PowerPoint slides. 

Students will also leave with a packet of materials to continue their worldbuilding journey! 

🍎  C L A S S  P L A N  🍎

 (90 Minutes Total)

◉ Introductions (5-10mins) 

✓ Learners will connect by introducing themselves, their interests and discuss why they are taking the class. 

◉ Writing Warm-Up (15 mins) 

✓ Learners will spend 10 minutes free writing to a fun and engaging fantasy prompt provided by the teacher. 

✓ Learners will have the opportunity to share some of what they wrote with the other learners in the session. Not required and no pressure! 

◉ Knowledge Building (15 mins) 

✓ The teacher will go through a series of interactive and engaging slides on fantasy/sci-fi worldbuilding basics 

✓ Slides will include discussion portions and media (video clips) 

◉ Bio-Break (5 mins) 

✓ Learners will have a brief break to regulate, use the restroom, grab a snack, stim, etc. 

◉ Reading to Understand (15 mins) 

✓ Learners will read short excerpts engaging with key worldbuilding concepts and then discuss with teacher and other learner in lively discussion 

◉ Bio-Break (10 mins) 

✓ Learners will have a brief break to regulate, use the restroom, grab a snack, stim, etc. 

◉ Reading to Understand (15 mins) 

✓ Learners will read short excerpts engaging with key worldbuilding concepts and then discuss with teacher and other learner in lively discussion 

◉ Wrap Up + Send-off  (5 mins) 

✓ We will wrap up and say goodbye (until next time!)
⚡️Students will leave with a deeper understanding of how to worldbuild in fantasy/sci-fi fiction writing


All classes I design are created with neurodivergent students in mind. I will be sure to support students with unique learning needs by offering frequent breaks, check-ins, and low-stimulaton options throughout the course.
✨ CONTENT WARNINGS ✨ (this will always been tailored to specific age groups) 👻 Age appropriate depictions of scary situations 🩸 Some blood and gore with appropriate warning and alternative options for students to disengage if they are not comfortable
💻 Learner should have access to a computer. 

📓 Learner should have access to a notebook and writing utensil (or some other notetaking material. 

📄 I will provide a packet for learners to take home to continue their worldbuilding journey!
参加しました July, 2024
🤓 I have been teaching creative and academic writing for 8 years now to both college and high school students.  

🤓 I am an award-winning fiction writer. 

🤓 I have a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. 

🤓 I am a super nerd who is obsessed with sci-fi and fantasy literature from J.R.R. Tolkien to Octavia Butler. 




90 分

年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 1 人-10 人

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