
幼稚園のカリキュラムを全て網羅したクラス - すべての主要科目と科学実験

毎日開催される 1 時間の継続的な幼稚園クラスとサマー キャンプでは、スナイダー先生が生徒たちを指導し、音楽と美術を取り入れた英語、数学、社会科、科学のインタラクティブで実践的な学習を行います。


5 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 5


Complete Kindergarten Curriculum- ELA, Math, Science with Experiments & Social Studies, Art & Music!

There is no prior knowledge needed from previous classes, as classes don’t build on each other. We have a rolling enrollment and students are welcome to sign up at any time. 


Every day - Morning meeting with calendar and weather

Art & Music will be incorporated into various subjects throughout the week.

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays - English and Math
Tuesdays: Science with experiments!
Thursdays: Social Studies

Science projects:
Week of January 31st: Germs
Week of February 7th: 5 Senses
Week of February 14th: Rainbow Clouds
Week of February 21st: Magnets
Additional science experiments past February 22nd will be added in January 2021.

An overview of some of the concepts that will be covered through fun and interactive teaching methods include the following: 

Math (with a focus on number sense, and simple addition and subtraction, patterns):
Count to 100 by ones and by tens
Count forward from a given number (instead of beginning at 1)
Write numbers from 0 to 20
Recognize and name written numerals to 100
Understand that a number represents a quantity
Recognize and describe the concept of zero
Count objects in one-to-one correspondence saying number names in order
Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity one larger than the last
Count a number of objects from 0 to 20 and name the set with a written numeral
Understand that the last counting word tells “how many” in the set
Count to answer “How many?" about 0-20 items arranged in a line, rectangle, or circle
Compare numbers and quantities with the words
Without counting, give number of objects in a set (up to four objects)
Estimate the number of objects in a small set
Classify objects and count number of objects in a category
Compare objects in shape and size
Compare objects by length, weight, or capacity, using such words as longer, shorter, bigger, smaller, heavier, lighter, taller, and shorter
Put 3-10 objects in size order by some attribute
Know that units are used to measure (pounds, minutes, feet, quarts, meters, etc.)
Measure length with such units as toy blocks or similar objects safe for age range
Estimate simple measurements
Discuss such units of time as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years

Recognize own name and common words in print
Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters
Recite the alphabet
Recognize that letters have sounds
Pronounce the most common sound for each letter
Identify beginning, ending, and middle sounds in a word
Pronounce words, one sound at a time
Make new words from one-syllable words by changing a sound (cat from rat, mud from mad, lid from lip)
Match and produce words that rhyme
Hear and say separate syllables in words
Orally blend sounds and syllables into words
Read some common words by sight
Retell familiar stories, including key sequence and details
Identify events, characters, and settings in a story
Identify the main topic and key details in an informational text
Ask and answer questions about details in a text
Describe the relationships between pictures and text
Compare and contrast events or details in two stories or texts
Tell why an author wrote a text and how he or she accomplished the purpose
Tell or try to determine the meanings of simple words from texts
Read grade-level texts with understanding
Take part in group reading activities and discussions
Understand that writing is a way to communicate meaning
Print own first and last name
Write many uppercase and lowercase letters
Write letters to represent words
Express ideas from a text by drawing, dictating, or writing
Use pictures, designs, scribbles, and letters to represent events, objects, ideas, information, or stories
Create drawings, designs, written words, or made-up words to express opinions or preferences, or to give information
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a story or event
Use invented spelling to form words, phrases, or sentences

Social Studies: 
Identify personal family and community
Recognize similarities and differences in people and families
Discuss what it means to be a member of a family and a community
Describe features of communities and neighborhoods
Identify cultural traditions of one’s own family or community
Identify personal likes, dislikes, talents, and skills
Understand and describe self as a learner
Identify ways people learn from their families and communities
Recognize that maps and globes are representations of the Earth’s surface
Describe or draw maps of own home, school, community
Locate home, school, community on maps
Use directions to describe relative locations of familiar places
Describe topographical features of own neighborhood or state (province or territory)
Become familiar with maps of the United States (or home country) and world
Discuss ways that people are affected by and adapt to their physical environment
Discuss ways people can take care of their environment
Tell the difference between past, present, and future events
Show a basic awareness of personal and family history
Describe ways family histories are shared and passed down
Describe traditions and values of own family and other families
Identify some important events that happened in the distant or recent past
Describe how things change over time
Put events in sequential order

Please see the supplies list.

Cameras must be on and students must be on camera for the entirety of the classes. 

All learners must be enrolled students; if two learners are sharing a device, both learners must be enrolled per Outschool policies.

SEG does not do last minute transfers or refunds, after the limited cancellation period has expired.

Please see Mrs. Snyder's bio under the Teacher Expertise tab.
-Increase student knowledge in core subjects while having fun, while using methods of hands-on learning with art, music & science experiments to create the neural connection for retention.


Please monitor and help your child with scissor usage. Science projects can be messy - please be prepared!
General daily class supplies needed:
Glue sticks
Supply box (optional, keeps all supplies together and easy to access)
Printer (for printouts)

Additional supplies for science experiments: 

(January 4th - February 22nd)

Week of January 4th: 
Oobleck—Sensory activity for liquid and solids
	Mixing bowl
	Corn starch-1 ½ cup (may need more if it is runny)
	Water- 1 cup
	Food coloring 

Week of January 11th: 
Building structures with candy and toothpicks
       1 pack of gum drop type candy (with or without sugar). Can be holiday related if you prefer
       1 pack of toothpicks (quantity depends on how big or small you want your building, at least 10).

Week of January 18th: 
Making Sensory Bottles
	Empty bottle that has a lid that can be glued on.
	Clear glue
	Glitter, glue gun or crazy glue or gorilla glue
	Extras ( not necessity) googly eyes, paint or permanent markers, construction paper.

Week of January 25th: 
Counting Clouds
	Construction paper
	Cotton balls

Week of February 1st: 
	3 small bowls
	Dish soap

Week of February 8th: 
5 Senses
	Printouts provided that week

Week of February 15th: 
Rainbow clouds
	Shaving cream
	Food coloring clear container

Week of February 22nd: 
	2 magnets
	Paper clips (metal)
	Small plastic object
	Any other metal object to test out

Additional supplies for science experiments past February 22nd will be added in January 2021.
 クラス登録時に 2 の学習素材が提供されます
参加しました May, 2020
Tresea Snyder is a mom of three who recently relocated to beautiful North Carolina. She has been working as a teacher aide for kindergarten for the last four years in central New York. Prior to being a teacher aide, she was a substitute teacher.

Mrs. Snyder loves to help kids learn. She is always up for a challenge and feels that making a personal connection with each child is an important tool for successful learning and teaching. As a mom of an autistic child, she has learned and applied many different teaching methods to her work.

Mrs. Snyder has a bachelor’s in science degree in Criminal Justice that she received from SUNY Brockport. After graduating and having multiple jobs in various fields, Mrs. Snyder started working in the school system and realized that this was her true passion.




毎週 ( $12クラスごとに )
60 分

85 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 4-6
クラス人数: 4 人-12 人

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